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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/14 in all areas

  1. Hello, I've been on Otaku.com before, but it was years ago (probably close to 10) and under a different name. I'm a mother of two girls, a girlfriend, a gamer, body mod enthusiast, mild otaku who loves dark fantasy, action and monsters. Some of my faorites are Outlaw Star, Attack on Titan, Bleach, Darker than Black. I love gardening and flowers, making jewelry and painting projects. I like to talk so I'll probably be around a good bit.
    1 point
  2. chibi-master

    Otaku Doodles

    Okay, I did a re-do of Desbreko as an apology. His nose is now normal-ish. By normal-ish, I mean it's hardly there. Still, and improvement. Haven't decided if I want to color it. [attachment=14875:lilo.jpg]
    1 point
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