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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/14 in Posts

  1. Incoming transmission from Sector Six-Alpha.  .............Priority one.   Audio only..... Playing audio.....                        [Static]....Mayday..M[unkown]ay. Ship has been hit by as[noise level too loud to compensate].                      Lost con[static]ol over tartet pl...[alarms sound off]. Going for emergency landing. I repeat. We are going for..[Loud explosion followed by a distinct sound of decompression]                          Audio signal lost..... Transmission connection has been terminated...   Crew 606 mission....Search and Rescue, recover black boxes priority number one, destroy remains of crew and ship if recover isn't possible.   Planet details from two earlier probes.   Planet is earth-like. Atmosphere is viable for human presence. Planet has remains of cities and plant life seems to be reclaiming smaller less dense cities. Small power and heat sources have been detected across the planet. Original Crew 102 mission: Observation from low orbit, land and recover samples using robotic drones, test samples to insure flora is none hostile, set up an outpost before Crew 243 arrives to make a more permanent presence on planet for research. Terrain seems to be natural in most areas. Animal life has been detected mostly in the denser nature reclaimed cities and plains. Cities seem to be mega cities. More detail scans needed for accurate surface maps.   Ship complement: 6. One pilot, one co-pilot, Four volunteers drawn from any citizen with level 2 or higher rating. All crew must be well adapted to using weapons if planet's natural creatures are hostile, must be trained in survival techniques, military backgrounds are a benefit to the crew, and any science degree or background will also benefit the crew.   Ship requisitioned from Project Arura: One Mercury class frigate. Atmospheric landing capable. Two shuttles attached to outer haul connected via docking rings for self defense and emergency shelter, six escape pods with six month's worth of supplies each, lightly armed for self defense and asteroid protection. Size: 12000 feet in length, 900 feet in width, 600 feet tall. Hyper-fission reactor powers ship systems, weapons, shields, and eight ion engines as well as the lightspeed generator.   Order of the President of the Sol Union this mission not fail. Crew 102 is sixty-three members. Find and rescue or recover as many as possible. Emergency location beacons implanted into the skulls of all crews activate in case of emergency. Use the Frigate's probes as satellites to form a Global Positioning System for easier searching and communications.   Warning: One large heat source is known to exist on planet within and around the mega cities. Object is unknown and considered dangerous. Do not engage or make contact with it in any way till after primary mission is complete.   Side note: The First Lady requests that, as she says, "If at all possible. Please use holo-cameras to gather as much visual data as possible. Any imagery brought back is very important.".   End of letter.....       The year is 2305. Humanity has somewhat perfected lightspeed engines and has been exploring potential star systems within a 30 lightyear range of the Sol system. These missions are volunteer based and most of the time are met with just planets not capable of supporting humans without heavy terraforming or use of bio-doms. Sector Six-Alpha was considered to be where the "WOW" signal originated from but from probes sent there before Crew 102 where old and only was capable of gathering basic information. Crew 102 have been in orbit on what scientist call the planet, "Wasteland" due to it's abandoned mega cities that, even in current state of decay, would rival the most heavy populated cities on earth by a factor of twenty. It seems who ever created these cities had extensive knowledge of engineering, agricultural, and other areas of civilization far beyond earths as the mega cities are estimated to have less impact on the planet's eco system then earth's cities.   Crew 102's Venus class cruiser was hit by asteroids and had to crash land on the planet. Crew 606 is to be sent to recover survivors, black boxes, blue boxes which contain scientific data, and destroy the remains of the ship and/or crew if they could not be recovered. While avoiding the planet's unknown creatures and the mysterious heat source that dwells in the mega cities of the planet. Tech has advanced enough for many things we think is either a phantasy or science fiction could be real. Though it's only a physical change to the body. Though gender swapping from male to female is possible. Meaning a male could become a full fledge female with fully functional reproductive organs though offspring will be human. Like wise from female to male.   This planet is eerie as it seemed to be once occupied by humanoids that, from what the buildings look like on the inside, someone least have the same make up to humans. Meaning one head, two arms, and two feet. Though slightly taller then the tallest average human can get. Old pads contain words that seem familiar but have yet been sent back to earth to be decrypted. Tech responds to human presence kind of like auto-advertisements. Though the cities seem to have scars from battles and things are damaged. The air is actually very pleasing to breath even in the mega cities.  The frigate has vehicles to drive on terrain and two shuttles for aerial observation.   Danger lurks in the war scared cities on this planet, the local flora is mostly harmless and edible if barely, and it will rain... a strange color then on earth. It's an alien planet where the entire population once called this planet home all but vanished...or did  they? Can Crew 606 find the surviving members of Crew 102? What will happen after the primary mission is completed? Sadness and happiness await with action and drama. Surprises are everywhere and anywhere. Think you can make the cut of Crew 606?   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Sign ups: (Finally!)   Name: First, Last.   Age: No younger then 19. No older then 40. (unless your an AI construct then your limited to 130 years old.)   Gender: Male, Female, or anywhere in-between.   Race: Human or other. (Other includes furries, cyborgs, etc etc.)   Species: Applies only to furries, robots, or cyborgs. (Furries: class of animal. Robots/Cyborgs: Primary structure model.)    Birth Place: Colony, planet, station, etc. (Basically where did you originate from since humans aren't confined to earth anymore.)   Appearance: Picture would be more viable. If picture is provided but does not represent your character, describe what is different from the picture and your character. If no picture is provided, please describe your height, weight, body build, hair color, hair length, eye color, breast size if female, (yes...I know..), physical attributes like scars, tattoos, body modifications, etc etc.   Personality: Basically how you are around other people.   Bio: A short story about your character before you volunteered for Project Arura. Mainly what caused you to join. Be creative. A more in depth bio can really make or break your character. At least one or two paragraphs would be nice.   Primary skill: What you major in. Basically what is your specialty. Example: Bio-science, weapons expert, pilot, etc etc. Secondary skill: Things you do when not on duty or preoccupied. Example: A hobby.   All characters have basic survival and military training before being allowed to leave on missions. If your character has prior military training. Then it is based on your current deployment or previous deployments. All training is mandatory but for those who served will have a more easier time then those who don't have combat or military action.    Weapons are generation 3 electromagnetic and energy based. Meaning they are up to your imagination. Your allowed one primary, a secondary, and a hold out handgun along with a field survival knife. Primaries are assault rifles, shotguns, and sniper rifles. Secondaries are LMGs, smgs, explosives (that includes all explosive launching or explosive devices). Hold out handgun and knife are self explanatory. These weapons are the most advanced in the Sol Union, Sol Union is all colonies and planets in the Sol system functioning as one unified body though several wars have been fought recently to insure it's unification, and these are only given to explorers who are going up against unknowns on extra-terrestrial planets that have ammo regenerative abilities though at the cost of power. Which is provided by your suit's micro-fusion generator. All crew are given a suit that's designed to keep you safe from the elements and space though being extremely light and thin.   Have fun signing up and hope to see many people wanting to get in on this. If we get more then 6 crew. Then the crew roster will be increased. Or maybe they can be something else... Lets see where this ends up.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    Sign up   Name: Vector-Alpha   Age: Unknown (Will be revealed in the rp.)   Gender: Either. Avatar appears to be both male and female.    Race: AI Mech Construct. (If you ever seen any anime with gundams or human looking machines.)   Species: Unknown. (Will be revealed in the rp.))   Birth Place: Planet Wasteland, place of assembly unknown.   Appearance: Main Mech Body (Ground mode): [attachment=15451:mecha_zone__a_10_mech_screenshot_by_mecha_master-d4t4g3x.png] Main Mech Body (Aerial Mode): [attachment=15452:A-10SSuperThunderbolt.jpg] Avatar Mode (Main processing unit. Control unit of the mech body): [attachment=15453:alan-van-ryzin-8.jpg] (Note: My character does not come in as a playable character for a bit in the rp. I'll be more of an npc that's well you'll find out in the rp till we reach a point we are all are comfortable as our characters. Also, my character is worn. From battle and from age.)   Personality: Hostile towards aliens (You the crew), cold, emotionless  (or is it?), and though interested in the invaders of it's home. Not much is known but much is to be descovered.   Bio: Vector-Alpha existed when the intelligent beings of the planet existed unknown years ago. Vector has been active for a very long time. It's body is a patchwork of repairs of parts that did not match colors of it's original paint job which on it's main chest frame, very faded. Vector tends to gardens and the mega-cities left behind by it's creators. Though why is unknown and is done alone. Vector would be blamed for the crash landing of Crew 102's ship due to the evidence found in the black and blue boxes and the ship remains at first when Crew 606 find them and the sabotage of their own ship. Stranding them on the planet with a sabotaged ship. The survivors could repair the ship but would take a few months to complete due to injuries they sustained during crash landing and how delicate they need to work to avoid blowing them up in a fusion based nuclear explosion 900 times stronger then the largest nuclear bomb ever exploded on earth, the Tsar bomb. Soon Crew 606 and the survivors of Crew 102 realize the truth and try to befriend Vector. Only time will tell if Vector even understands these strange aliens and learns to communicate with them.   Primary Skill: Soldier Secondary Skill: Gardening (Yes I know weird but their is a reason for it.)   Weapons: While in ground mode, Vector has a weapon that is kind of like it's modern day counter-part A-10. A tri-barrel gauss gatling gun, a high energy pistol, and a rotary blade. While in aerial mode, Vector sports a wide range of air to ground weapons of unknown types. It's tri-barrel guass gatling gun is it's primary weapon and is suspected of carrying plasma based bombs of unknown designs. In avatar mode, Vector is unarmed save for a hold out pistol.   Vector can not switch between it's three modes constantly and engagements usually leaves Vector low on power. Resulting being stuck in that form for hours to recharge it's power source. While in avatar mode, it's mech body is inert. Meaning it won't move or activate without it's control unit. The mech body is six stories tall and is massive over earth prototypes. Vector doesn't engage unless it's provoked and watches the strange beings from afar. Learning all it can from remotes.    
    1 point
  2.   OB Relaunch: Fistful of Credits - Guide to the 'Verse   Welcome all to the official OB Relaunch Discussion thread for Fistful of Credits - A Guide to the "Verse.   First, some helpful links: Sign-Up: This is for new players. Create a bounty hunter and establish your rep before heading out to explore the Big Black. Also check out the new posting rules for this RP. The Big Black: Our open-roleplay thread. This is the ever-expanding universe of Fistful of Credits, with a twist. It's designed for character development and world-building while in between hunts. The Bounty Board: This thread displays a list of bounties currently available at ICARUS Headquarters. It is part of the RPG and, as such, posts should remain in-character. Your hunters can blow off some steam (similar to options available in The Big Black); accept or cash-in on bounties; and request team members. Additionally, make sure to check out the Leader Board, where we'll be constantly updating the hunters' total earnings and reputations. Obviously, with this being the discussion thread, you're welcome--and invited--to ask anything that comes to mind, discuss plot, or prompt a specific Outlaw's player for details or hints. Whatever is on you mind that's related to Fistful of Credits is welcome on this thread.   With this being a new type of RPG, the creators are still establishing many of the rules, and delaying the implementation of other game aspects until they figure out how the RP will work to prevent complicating things unnecessarily. So consider the early stages of FOC as a kind of beta test. With that being said, we will always announce here any changes to the rules. And they will always be updated on the sign-up thread.   --------------------   Now for the literal guide to the 'Verse.   Although we think that imposing a structured map will limit creative freedom players have with this RP, we still believe that some idea of certain objects' locations within space will allow players to better understand and expand the 'Verse. It also creates a database of the planets' and species' descriptions.   I am working on a running list of planets and species that have already been introduced by players in the various FOC threads. Obviously, part of this discuss thread will involve proposed descriptions for new species/planets/etc. With that being said, I want to establish a cosmic scale for reference:     Small Objects Extra-Planetary Objects: These are the smallest points-of-interest in this RP. Common EPOs are asteroid rings, space ports, and satellites. These are usually manufactured or uninhabited points-of-interest, created by man or too small to generate any kind of affecting gravitational pull. EPOs always possess artificial life support systems to continue habitation. Planetary Objects: Along with EPOs, Planetary Objects constitute the smallest things in space. Ironically, All of our roleplaying will take part predominantly on planetary and extra-planetary objects. These points-of-interest can be moons, dwarf planets, planets, nebulae, etc. Most Planetary Objects have the distinction of possessing their own atmosphere. Some planets will have one or more sentient species. Large Objects Systems: Solar System. There are many types of systems. You invent and explore the many planets and gas giants of each system as the RP unfolds. Galaxies: Simple enough. The thing that holds stars (and solar systems) together. Cluster: A cluster of Galaxies. Supercluster: A cluster of Clusters. Filament: A long expanse of lightyears-long superclusters. They are called filaments because various cosmic forces push the superclusters into what appears to be lines. Superfilaments: You guessed it: A cluster of Filaments.   With the exception of Solar Systems, each of the large objects are divided into Quadrants. A quadrant is 1/4 the given relative space of an object. So, an example of a planetary object's location would look like this:   EARTH: (Ext:) Sun System/Andromedus1.2386/Central4.3218/Laniakea1.3892   In this case, The Sun System is extinct (our RPG takes place far in the future where Earth has long been destroyed by its dying star). It is within the Adromedus Galaxy (the newly formed galaxy after Adromeda absorbed the Milky Way Galaxy), which is within the Central Cluster of galaxies (composed of several hundred galaxies), within the larger Omega Supercluster.   The bolded numbers are just something I've added for detail and because it looks cool.  :tongue:   Essentially, you only need to pay attention to the first number before the decimal. They'll always be 1, 2, 3, or 4--Corresponding to one of the four quadrants of each large object listed on Earth's mapped location.   When a player introduces a new Planetary or Extra-Planetary Object, they DO NOT have to implement this mapping key in their post (that would be far too confusing). When creating a new object in space you can give as much or as little detail as you'd like, allowing others to flesh out the idea for themselves.   A Map of the Known Universe     I will update this section in the next few days, when I'm not so tired. I just wanted to create the discuss thread now since our first hunt has started. As I mentioned, I've been making a list of species and planets that have already been introduced, but players are more than welcome to provide additional details or introduce new objects as the RP progresses.   Discuss away and enjoy the RP.
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