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  1. Korey

    Anyone looking back?

    Holy moly, this place still exists! I was having a nostalgia trip on Facebook of when Boo randomly put song lyrics of an Original Song parody we did on the OB podcast back at its height. Looking back, the Podcast was one of the most creative things I'd ever done and it was so much fun to interact with so many of you guys in person. The show was just a giant hodge podge of user-generated, user-driven content and it truly embodied how amazing and talented so many of you were. I remember my early years of OB were just me with a very age-appropriate user name doing random RPs with total internet strangers. I remember being intimidated to interact in other forums because I felt so out of my depth there, but the regular posters there were so amazing welcoming and kind. A fond memory (and this really dates me here, lol) is when I got my first invite to a group AIM conversation with several of the staff/regular members. I felt so honored because at the time I was a brand new moderator. It was so cool to interact with people in real time versus on a forum. From there it was Skype and Facetime and even IRL meetups. So many of you are so rad. I hope everyone is doing well!
    2 points

    Anyone looking back?

    Always good to see this place still around in some way or the other. Did a random post a few years ago. Doing another random post almost 5 years later for a grand total of 20 years from the time I spent here. This place will always hold a place in my heart from my high school years back in the early 2000s. I will never forget the times spent here and the people I met. I am hoping all are doing well and still enjoying the things we all used to enjoy! Just felt I needed to do another random post!
    1 point
  3. Skye

    Anyone looking back?

    Someone in a group I'm in just messaged me and was like "you were on otakuboards too?!" So I had to come back. And now this soundbyte is going to live in my head for the rest of the week, dredged out of the dusty corners of my mind. 😂
    1 point
  4. Petie

    Merry Christmas 2023!

    For anyone who celebrates and happens to be checking in, merry Christmas and happy New Year!
    1 point
  5. James

    Merry Christmas 2023!

    I hope y'all had a great Christmas and New Year!
    1 point
  6. Gavin

    OtakuBoards Podcast

    Oh wow, that's a blast of nostalgia, thanks Petie.
    1 point
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