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Transtic Nerve
Let’s get this straight–the DBZ dubs suck!
Transtic Nerve had been a regular visitor of OtakuBoards from the early days of V1 to the early days of V7. He originally signed up to the boards in order to teach “dubbies” a thing or two about the true, orignal Dragonball Series. His knowledge of the Dragoball universe was impressive, and this led quickly to Transtic’s first position with OtakuBoards as a Dragonball forum moderator. During his time as moderator of the Dragonball forum, he made clear his preference for the original Japanese version of the show and his comtept for the Funimation english translation dubs, which he frequently complained were watered-down significantly from the orignial cuts. Transtic Nerve’s primary pet peeve was the frequently reoccuring rumour of a Dragonball AF series to follow on from GT and he made a sticky thread specifically designed to tackle this issue before any more threads based on the rumour were given time to develop.
Transtic Nerve was declared the winner of OtakuBoards’ first ever banner design competition, taking top honours following a banner-a-day rotation consisitng of the entires posted for the competition.
Transtic Nerve kept the Dragonball forum in tip-top shape, cracking down on the slightest hint of spam or unworthy topics. He was eventually moved to Otaku Lounge to moderate the general discussion on the boards when he had got sick of moderating Dragonball. He saw out the rest of his time as a staff member moderating the Lounge.
Transtic Nerve was perhaps best-known as OtakuBoard’s first openly gay member, and for most of his active time on the boards, he had the message, “Let’s get this straight…I‘m not.” in his signature. Transtic Nerve was cited by other members, who later came out, as their inspiration. Some even went so far as to quote Transtic’s iconic “Let’s get this straight…” message into their signatures once they had come out.
Transtic nerve had a “take-no-nonsense” personality, and thus, he was often crude at times. He wasn’t afraid of being harsh and biting in his moderation decisions, which did alienate him from some members on the boards who felt he crossed the line. He did, however, remain a respected moderator owing to his refusal to back down in the face of his detractors.
Transtic left the boards shortly after V7 was implemented, following the loss of his mpoderating duties (owing more to a general refreshing of the staff than anything else), and a spat with PoisonTongue (he had objected to PT’s attempts to psycholanalyze him). Following this spat, Transtic removed himself from the forums and concetrated on his myOtaku, before disappearing almost entirely due to his busy schedule. He has not posted on the OtakuBoard’s since September, 2006.
Categories: Former Staff, Members, Oldies
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