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The Razr Incident
The Razr Incident refers to a thread titled “Motorola Razr” that was started in August of 2006 by DaSilva, who wanted to obtain an unblock code for his “aquired” Motorola Razr.
Things quickly backlashed against DaSilva when the suspiciousness of his acquisition was questioned by the other members, who feared that it had been stolen. DaSilva attempted to pour water on this fire by denying that he had stolen the phone… he had merely found it in a park and decided to keep it. Members were at pains to point out that keeping the phone just because you found it was still stealing by definition. However, DaSila had discovered that the phone belogned to the captain of the wrestling team, who was allegedly a jerk. It wasn then that he decided to take the moral high ground, and claim the aquired phone was an act of karma, punishing the original owner of the phone for his misdeeds. It was quickly pointed out to him that keeping the phone could only result in bad Karma in and of itself, a point that was apparently lost on him.
The thread took it’s best, and most amusing turn, when member John conducted an investigation into DaSilva that ended with him calling up DaSilva’s school and advising the vice principal. John was hailed as a hero by the member base, and a flurry of “DaSilva got pwned” replies ensued. Deathknight ran with the idea and casually suggested that they could form a taskforce that would go about “wtfpwning crime” on OtakuBoards, and thus, Super Otaku Force was born. A force consisting of, at it’s peak, 10 members. They were; John, Deathknight, White, Sangome, Illikon Retribution, Revelation, Aaryanna, SunfallE and Lunox. This includes Gavin, who claimed the spot of the disembodied master, existing inside a giant tube.
DaSilva remained defiant in the face of this new crime fighting elite, claiming that John was either lying about calling up the school, or got the wrong one. However, Retribution was quick to point out that, yes, they had the right school and that follow up calls would be made in the morning.
After one last-ditch attempt to convince the Otaku members that he was the good guy, painting himself as the modern-day equivalent of Robin Hood. James closed the thread on him. It was never known wether or not the school caught up with DaSilva, or what became of the phone.
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