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Enter the Net
OtakuBoards: Enter the Net [PG] was one of the earliest OtakuBoards fan fictions, written by renowned furry Solo Tremaine. Sparked off as a tribute to James, it chronicled the trivial adventures of OB members in a virtual OB world as they went about a life filled with danger, intrigue, and Junior High-esque moments, exploring and battling n00bs or hackers. Needless to say, it was pretty awesome, and everyone wanted in on that. Cameos by members not related to the plot were in the high 30s, and being included in Enter the Net in even a cameo role was (and still is, among some) a badge of honour. Having two entire chapters revolving around yourself – an honour held by DeadSeraphim, amongst others – was like ascending to Godhood. Enter the Net was that influential.
Unfortunately, influence is a double edged sword, and it soon spawned dozens of half-baked OB fan fictions by people who either liked the original concept enough to emulate it, or wanted to one up it. These ranged from serious and gritty, to silly and forgettable. To date, few OB fan fictions have been as good as the original.
Enter the Net remains unfinished to this day.
Categories: Fanfiction, Notable Threads
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