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The OtakuBoards League of Not-So-Extrodinary Gentlemen And Stuff
The OtakuBoards League of Not-So-Extrodinary Gentlemen and Stuff was founded by Dragon Warrior during one of the early versions of OB (possibly Version 3) ; the “group” was one of the many signature cliques that invaded the forums at the time. The overly-long name and misspelling of the word “extraordinary” were both intentional.
Dragon Warrior’s “clique” defied most signature groups’ tendency to simply list the names of members by including group-specific signs of affiliation. Members of the group were allowed to choose an unusual callsign as their unique alias. The alias was assumed to be their position and job under the organization. A few examples of such names may have been “The Janitor,” “The Insane Fangirl,” or “The Really, Really Hairy Guy.” Of course, no one actually had to perform any sort of role within the clique.
Though The OtakuBoards League of Not-So-Extrodinary Gentlemen has not endured in the memories of OtakuBoards members as potently other cliques have, it bears the distinction of being one of the largest signature cliques to grace OB (containing well over fifty members in total). Dragon Warrior chose to keep a list of every member in his signature until the list grew too large for the signature requirements and thus a website was spawned for the organization. Though members were not known to commit any acts under the name of “The OtakuBoards League of Not-So-Extrodinary Gentlemen And Stuff,” they still enjoyed the benefit of being united with their OB friends under silly monickers.
Like most signature cliques, the group  gradually disappeared as the joke wore thin; interest waned as new versions of OtakuBoards emerged along with new trends. Members forgot about the group and the website that was once consistantly updated with new members was lost forever.
Categories: OB Cliques
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