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Jinzouningen17 (real name Willie) became a moderator of the Dragonball forum on November 28, 2002, after being a member for less than a month (he registered the first day of November). Prior to joining the OtakuBoards staff, the South Carolina native moderated the PPWWW forums (an e-wrestling forum). In the 2003 Otaku Awards, Jinzouningen17 was the runner-up for the Dragonball Guru award; he lost to Piromunkie by a half a vote. Although Voltron was the first anime he ever saw, Dragonball Z is what fostered his love for anime in general.  He began trying to open himself up to all types of anime, such as Sailor Moon, Akira and Ninja Scroll.
Jinzouningen17 was considered a good moderator, but he was one of several cuts from the staff in January 2004 when it was decided that the Dragonball forum would be archived when OtakuBoards V7 launched. Jinzo said he was glad to continue moderating his section until the changeover and that he would remain an active member of the boards. He planned to start an OtakuBoards-based wrestling roleplay called “The Otaku Wrestling Alliance.” However, several days later, he disappeared completely. His last post was made in February 2004 in the DragonBall forum; he had never broken 500 posts.
Jinzo’s Acting Credits:
Play: Hansel and Gretel
Role: Minor part
When: 3rd Grade(1990)
Play: Sweet Sunshine
Role: Big Bad Wolfman
When: 4th Grade(1991)
Play: Oliver
Role: An orphan.
When: 4th Grade(1991)
Play: It’s Beginning To Look Like Christmas
Role: Santa Clause
When: 5th Grade(1992)
Play: Caesar
Role: Brutus
When: 11th Grade(1998)
Categories: Former Staff, Members
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