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Tical / 21st Century Digital Boy
Tical first joined the OB several days before his 12th birthday on August 1st, 2003. He had first found the site in a search for anime forums with his cousin, who also signed up as Otaku_Samurai88. Almost immediately after joining he first began talking to Ryoko T.D.C., who shared his birthday, and Double B. Daigo (currently The Boss) who invited him to join his Trigun RP. Despite not signing up, he entered the RP and days later ended up ending it with the help of a member named Lone Bebop. After only a month on the boards and 500 posts, Tical made the mistake of unearthing several old threads without realizing that he wasn’t supposed to. This, combined with his tendency to use abundant caps while posting, got him banned.
Tical fell back on his cousin’s profile, Otaku_Samurai88, while simultaneously controlling an account he created for his brother named MetalSonic700. Tical dreamed of becoming one of the respected members of the OB and so decided to try and up his post quality and try to concentrate on spelling things correctly in hopes of becoming part of Drix D’Zanth’s club for smart people. For reasons still unknown, the MS700 profile was abandoned (probably lack of password remembrance) and Tical took on his next account, Kyo No Ryu.
Under the name Kyo No Ryu, Tical had quite a few friends, such as Annie and Chichiri’s Girl. He participated in a few RPs, one of said experiences gained him the eternal hatred of popular member KKC. Due to some logout problems, and having lost both the password and email address used to create the account, he abandoned it and created another account. For being a bad boy, Tical earned himself an IP ban.
Tical took a break from OB for a few months afterward, then eventually reappeared as ThatOneOddDude (after having moved, which apparently does things to one’s IP). The new profile was much more mature than the previous one, and for the most part all of his posts were concentrated in the Hardwired forum. Over time his name evolved into ThoraxtheImpaler.  At some point, during a strange transitional period in his life, Tical started becoming more a member of the debate threads that often raged in the Otaku Lounge and was known for being fairly uneducated in his reasoning. His name became Hug_Monster due to said strange obsession, then to †Nomad Tical †after said obsession passed. During this time his posts became concentrated almost solely in the OB Anthology.
Later his name would change back to Tical and then to Tical Blue. During this time his posts crossed all over the place, though they were mostly focused in the Music, Movies, and TV forum. Tical generally was viewed as one of the less-liked members and often yelled at for his violence toward Christianity and obsession with lesbianism.
After another brake and transitional period, Tical decided to abandon his name because of the negative connotations attached both inside and outside of OB. He started anew as F.O.Y (Fluorescent Optic Yellow) in late 2006 (soon changing his name to 2006DigitalBoy and 2007 with the new year.) DB’s posting quality saw dramatic improvement as did his overall maturity level. In recent times he has had a lot of trouble with the moderators over his tendency to ‘play mod’ and has been threatened with being banned again.
Categories: Backseat Moderators, Members
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