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About Tendai

  • Birthday 12/14/1982

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    Born in Alaska, live in Las Vegas, eventually going to teach in Japan =^-^=
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  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ben Holiday [/i] [B]I think if they're going to do it they should at least fill it in with something else. Like a big stick with a nail in the end or a bottle of Sobe. Just something threatning because it makes every bad guy that uses one look stupid. [/B][/QUOTE] I don't know..if I saw them bursting in on Kaiba with a bottle of green tea in either hand I would lose it ~snicker~ Though the product placement revenue would be good ne?
  2. I have no idea what the title is, but I saw a preview for a Yu-Gi-Oh movie on some fansubbed Weiss Kreuz tapes I recently got..it wasn't the cleaned-up looking American animation either. Has anyone seen this or heard anything about it? Would like to try to find it.
  3. A good (but not always accurate!) way to check is to look at the average card values on Ebay and compare them, or just figure out what the different levels of rarity go for..people will, unfortunately, try to take advantage of you without it. I saw one kid who traded away the ultimate rare from DL2 (The one with the hands and the cards being traded) for a nonholo toonworld..so predators are out there =P
  4. Okay..first off, my suggestion would be shave it down *a lot*. I counted 68 cards or so in your deck (though I may have miscounted) and that from what I've found is WAY too many..stay between 40 and 50 or you don't have nearly as good a chance as getting the cards you want. Get rid of more monsters, put in more magics and traps. Equip cars like Power of Teamwork and Power of Magicians are personal favourites. You've got waaaay too many monsters in relation to your magic/traps. It looks like you have way too many low level monsters. Go through them and take out the ones that aren't really doing much. I like to have twice as many low lvl monsters as high, like right now I've got eight with lvl 5+ and sixteen four or under. Strategize and pick for effects, defense etc. Good luck!
  5. Your best bet for good prices on structure decks is Ebay..for instance, they're selling the Kaiba structure deck here in Vegas for 40 or so, and on Ebay we've seen it for 20.
  6. Errr for one thing it's she not he I alternate between the names for them, just depends on which pops into my mind first. Oooh thank you Alexander..I even have him in my binder and completely overlooked him >.< Woohoo, another to add to the list!
  7. Anyhow, just figured I might as well ^^ this is the deck I've been using for the most part, been doing fairly well at tournaments Monsters 4 or under (16 total): Birdman (2) Compassionate Nun (2) Humanoid Slime (2) Magician of Faith Prevent Rat Big Bang Girl Eight Giant Crows Mystic Elf (2) Kaizer Seahorse Mask of Darkness Dancing Pixies (2) Monsters 5 or over (7-8 total): Dark Angel Mari Millenium Shield (3) Labyrinth Wall (2) Android Psycho Shocker Heavenly Knight Perseus (Sometimes) Magics (12 total): Monster Reborn Power of Magicians Pot of Greed Power of Teamwork Wormhole Dark Hole Heavy Storm Cursed Mask Giant Growth Change of Heart Raigeki Harpy's Feathersweep Traps (8 total): Mirror Force Trap Hole Sacrifice-Sealing Mask Tidal Wave Blessing of God Gravity Bind Sand Tornado Bottomless Pit Trap So usually around 44 cards, or less. Opinions, suggestions welcome Aaaand the help wanted is this...I put together theme decks just for fun, and my recent project is a Bishonen (beautiful boy) deck. Unfortunately ~guilty look~ I've been so focused on getting the rest of the Spell of Mask set collected (which I just have, yayyy) that I have no idea what to put into it other than cards I'm randomly finding. This isn't a deck for playability, just for looks mostly..any suggestions?
  8. Me..probably the Hysteric Angel from Spell of Mask just because of the look on his face, or my Millenium Shields just because I love them XD
  9. Current play decks.. Defense is the Best Offense - Revolves around 3 Millenium Shields and 3 Labyrinth Walls And for fun..Heaven & Hell - My angel/demon themed deck I put together at a tournament one day when I was bored
  10. First question: No. You can't place a monster in face-up defence or face down attack. Second question: I don't *believe* so, but I don't play with toons so don't quote me on it ne?
  11. Okay..going to try to post something that makes sense, but it's 4am soooo..! Anyhow, I've been playing in tournaments around Las Vegas for the past six months or so pretty successfully and have figured out a few things..mind you, I play in tournaments that allow Japanese cards to be used so these rules may not apply to you ne? 1. Dragons are things of the past. Sad but true, unfortunately. At this point in the tournaments I'm going to, the big thing is discarding. Get your opponent to run out of cards first. My friend Christian has a killer deck that's been beaten only once to my knowlege, and it's based on this principle. Dragons aren't good combat monsters in comparison to other creatures available in the Japanese sets, effect monsters come a lot more into play now. I haven't had a Dragon Capture Jar in my deck for the last four months and I haven't missed it. 2. Trap holes are nice, but..not necessary all the time. Keep one in your deck and two in your side deck for changing out between duels, but for the most part there are other ways to get rid of monsters coming onto the field. A card I'd recommend is from the Spell of Mask series, called Tidal Wave/Wall (depending on translations)..it's a trap card. When a monster is summoned or special summoned, flip it and there's a whole Dark Hole effect. Woohoo! 3. Ratios! Ratios! Don't overload! From what I've seen and from what I've figured out just playing, a good ratio of cards is to have twice as many no-sacrifice monsters as sacrifice monsters, and an equal number of magic and traps. Right now in my deck, I have around 8 monsters that need tributes, 16 that don't, and about 20 magic cards for a total of 44 cards. Which brings me to my next topic... 4. Siiiize! Although you can have from 40-60 cards, it's best not to go over 50. Try to get as close to 40 as you can, or else you have a lesser chance of drawing the cards you want. 45 is the max I'll play. My personal preference is the defensive deck, I play with 3 Millenium Shields and 3 Labyrinth Walls (all 0/3000)...Bait the other person into attacking me and then smack them around with a few good attackers and some killer magic cards. Personal set preference? Spell of Mask. Mind you, i've spent the last 6 months collecting that set almost exclusively, so I might be a bit biased. It's based mostly on doing major direct lifepoint damage to your opponent and healing yourself at the same time. I think I know everything about it now =P Annnnnnnnyhow..that's all ~sage nod~ Goodnight. -Tendai
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