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Name: Kaiba's Revenge Type:Magic Card Effect: If your opponent hs any Black Magicians in his/her deck, graveyard, or hand take them and either rip them p or, if you have a lighter handy, burn them. Name: Weevils Jellosy (cant spell that....) Type: Trap Effect: When this trap card is activated take the most HATED cards in your opponents deck(if not all of them) and throw them into a pond ocean or lake.
Id buy the Dungeon Dice Monsters game because DDM isnt that hard(no offense Domon)to learn. But the cards that come in the WWE are very good(Sinister Serpent, Magnet Warrior Valkrion, and Harpies Feather Sweep). DDM is a better game but WWE has the cards inside.
I play with a Japanese deck and there are a better variety of cards like Hyper said. Im always on this site [url]http://www.stormpages.com/edhrzic/Yugioh.htm[/url] it has all translations about every card. I actually printed out every booster pack that was there and put it in a binder. So if someone uses a card and i think its wrong id just bust out my binder. But yea you should just learn to trust the Japanese peeps. Everybody can make an honest mistake, even if its crucial to the match.
The god cards are tournament legal. They dont come in boosters but they came in special japanese games which had either Joey Wheeler, Yami Yugi, or Seto Kaiba on the front of the box. They do not sell anymore either. The only time a god card was released into a booster pack there was ONLY ONE,Oblesk the Tormenter. Ra and Slifir were only released in games or could be bought individually. You can pre order all three LEGAL god cards on qualitycollectibles.com.EDIT: yes they do have all the effects in the show. Its all printed on the card. God i mean Ra's print must have to be read with a telescope.
I have bought the Joey Structure deck for $97(with tax included). It is a fair price for what you get in the deck itself. (plus it came with a really cool looking die)Kaibas comes with a coin too. Starter decks are so cheap is because its actually a "starters" deck. Structure decks are well thought out decks that actually work.
Name: Your opponent will die! Type: blank Attribute: Nothing Effect: If your opponent has any cards in his/her graveyard,hand,deck,or on the field he/she loses immedietly
"THE SAIYAN PRINCE SHALL NOT FALL AGAIN!" Vegeta "Lets take it up to the next level" Goku "THE NIGHTMARES OVER CELL! DIE!!!!!!"Trunks
Did I ever say that Spike killed him?(Thanks for backin me up Sky) I dont think so. Ive read back through my posts and i couldnt find anything about me saying that. Im sorry but your mistaken. Sorry for talkin "smack" to you but read through the posts THOUROUGHLY before making a response.
No. I'm not thinking of anything else. Aparrently you didnt watch the whole show. Spike throws the knife into his knee and the big thing steps on him.
But...But...Where's the fun in that!? I'd rather taunt my enemy instead of just shooting them with a rocket launcher.lol. But yea good point. Pierott Le Fou would have a less chance of dying...again.hah. MOOOOOOMMMMY!! I understand that he has the mind of a child but thats just not right. I think it was a cruel but funny death. SQUISH!
Stay on the subject otaku. If you want to ask that may i suggest making your own thread? EDIT: Yes I am obsessed with that episode. It wasnt bullet proof skin though. He had psycic powers to stop the bullets. And 1 more thing I didnt know it was possible to shoot through a bullet proof window.
I am a big fan of that session. Nice episode, lots of action. It just amuses me how over 200 years old would look like. Did you see how big that pistol was though? geez!
i agree with all of you. they are all awsome episodes.
Hah... good choice. Well the session that got me hooked was Pierrot Le Fou (Session 20) It's crazy. "I heard there was a mummy on ship" Faye..
Like the subject says... What is your favorite episode?