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Everything posted by Unknownmasterx2
There are female saiyans, they were shown in the series when King Kai explained about the saiyan homeworld (I think it was King Kai) and again in an episode I have on tape that basicly gives you a crash course in Dragonball up untill the Andriod saga. If there weren't female saiyans, Bulma and Chi-Chi wouldn't have been required to make Trunks and Gohan. Fireza is a guy that sounds like a girl (to me) He was refered to may times as a male. You must keep in mind that he is an alien and his culture is diffirent from ours, he might very well be very manly in his culture. (A culture of farries) Opps did I say that out loud? Anyway personaly I think that Frieza's race probably got wiped out by some other all powerful fighter. (Like Frieza did to the saiyans) I have no proof, that's just what would be ironic.
I have about $70 million it's no problem bulding a new house, but there is this nice one that me and my girlfriend are looking at on the river. Our daughter doesn't like it though it's to far away from where her best friend lives. (Three houses down from where we used to live) Anyway me and my girlfriend are perpetually engaged. Both of us know that we will never get married. her twin sister has been through three nasty divorces, my father has been through 7 and going thorugh his eighth. (He roams) I don't though if you saw my girlfriend you'd understand. The point of this is that we will probably never get married and money isn't an object for me. Oh yeah and it was the wiring in the stove not really my fault.
Big changes are coming my way, first of all my house burned down at least the kitchen did (my fault though) So this means I have to either rebuild my kitchen or get a new house. Screw it I?ll do both I?ll build a new house. My girlfriend is pregnant again!! Yay!!!!
Congradulations on the kid LM, good luck with that, and if you husband needs it I bet you could get a few guys from here to go pay him a visit and rough him up for you ;) ;) ;) seriously that beating you is seriously messed up, a man should never beat a woman, self defense is another story but I'll assume that you weren't beating him beforehand. Good luck with your kid, PM me when you put up a poll thread so we can all guess as to weather or not it's a boy or girl. Peace out!
A baby...my own best friend, only 14.
Unknownmasterx2 replied to Alexa's topic in General Discussion
I'll add my two cents worth in. First of all I feel sorry for you friend getting pregnant at such a young age, but it is important to remember that a child is a blessing not a curse. Second of all it seems that everybody is in agreement that abortion isn't the answer. Third of all adoption isn't the answer either I'll tell you why: My girlfriend's twin sister got pregnant at 14 too, she gave the child up for adoption, then she got pregnant again at 17, she kept this one only because she was so racked with guilt about giving the first one up. D*Star tell your friend this or have her read it herself: DO NOT I repeat DO NOT give the child up for adoption, she'll regret it for the rest of her life. I couldn't imagine life with out my daughter if my girlfreind had given her up. She wanted to but her sister talked her out of it. It will be hard for your friend but if her family really loves her they'll help her with the child. Also tell her to get after the childs father for childsupport, if he's too young to pay depending on the laws in your state you can go after his parents. I repeat DO NOT let her give the child up for adoption, I'm pretty sure there's a hotline you can call, she might also want to seek a professional, failing that a school counsler or teacher. This is all I can give for help. -
I did that once! I named Barret Mr. T:mrt: I still have that file saved. As for funny names I once named Edgar Kafka just to hear Kafka say "Kafka you pinhead why do you have to live out in the middle of nowhere!" Let's see I don't know exactly how the censor thingy will handle this but here are the names from the current file of 9 I have Zidane: TWALK (Inside joke) Steiner: Hardass Vivi: Bigpimp Freya: !@#$ Just some out of time got to go by!
Is it me or is 99% of the avatars Zelda ones?
Writing Cataalysm (Digimon fanfic)
Unknownmasterx2 replied to Unknownmasterx2's topic in Creative Works
Well what did you guys think of it? send what you thought to my Private message box, be honest don't sugar coat it. -
This is my digimon fanfic, it takes place in about the year 50,000, in the tamers world, sometime after the events of the show, a cataclysm ocurred, this is a story of the future. There is no more digital world, it was destroyed, and humans and digimon have to share a world, a third race emerged after awhile, the digi-humans, they are part human part digimon, they have some of the powers of their digimon parents, but do not digivolve like a pure blooded digimon, and on another note, digimon are made out of flesh and blood now, and not data so they don't live forever, tell me what you think about it. Prologue "Elder can we hear the story of the before times again?" A little child asked. "You young'uns sure like hearing that story," the Elder said. "Please Elder please," all the children pleaded. "Oh come on Elder please!" Kilis said in a mocking voice. "We never tire of hearing those fairy tales." Kilis was a young man of 17 years, he was a digi-human of some kind. "Oh please you were the same way when you were a kid," Lorel said giving him a jab in the ribs. "Besides I like hearing the stories." Lorel too was a digi-human, a feline of some kind, she was 16 and the beauty of the village. "These are not fairy tales I tell Kilis," the Elder said. "Every word of them is true." "Yeah sure get on with the story," Kilis said. "Long, long ago in ancient times," the Elder said. "Back before Humans and Digimon shared this world, back when they each had their own worlds. There was an evil, so powerful that it could destroy just by touching an object, nothing was safe from his power, then one day before his control over the two worlds was complete, four valiant humans became one with four Digimon, and with the help of the digital gods, sealed away the evil. But a few years later the evil broke out from his bonds, he attacked again and nothing in the digimon's world was spared, then he came to this world." The children all gasped, like they did whenever the Elder got to this part. "The four brave humans and digimon fought him again, but his power was much greater then it was before. They fought each other to a stand still, until one day a battle broke out on the top floor of the tallest building in the world. Something in the building reacted to the battle and a great cataclysm occurred, the ancient people were all but destroyed, their cities lay in ruin, their way of life gone from this world forever. Only humans who were under ground at the time of the cataclysm were spared, the few digimon who survived the evil were thrown into this world, forced to live with the humans. And that as they say is that." The Elder stood up and left the campfire. "Now it is time for all you young-uns to go to bed." Several hours later after the children were all asleep, Elder, Kilis, and Lorel were all still up talking. "I swear upon my parents graves that the story is true," Elder said. "I believe you," Lorel said. "I know because it's your father that told me this tale," Elder said. "Long ago, back when you two were just babies. Your two fathers went out to find a cure for the berry poison, as you remember Kilis you ingested the berries. Your two fathers left the island and never came back for weeks, we assumed that they were lost at sea. But one day, Izule returned with you Kilis, and he told me of their exploits. They entered the lost sea, and actually encountered the ancient evil and his minions." "You can't be serious," Kilis said. "I swear that it is true," Elder said. "After Izule returned and told me the tale, he left you Kilis, and returned to find your father." "Why do you tell us this now?" Lorel asked. "Because I feel that it is time for you two to go out and find your fathers," Elder said. "Izule left interactions for me to send you to find any kind of signs of them. I also feel it is time for you to have this Kilis." Elder took out an object wrapped in cloth and unwrapped it. "This sword was you fathers," Elder said. "It granted him the power to protect the village from danger. I hope that it will grant you the power to protect yourself and Lorel." "Why must we leave for this quest?" Kilis said. "Because it is your destiny," Elder said.
I'm having a problem, when I try to post a reply to a topic it tells me that I'm not logged in, I log in and type my reply, then click post, and it tells me that I'm still not logged in, I log in again and retype my post, and then it tells me that I'm still not logged in. I had this same problem with my old account, so I just started a new one, but twice isn't just a glich in the system or something, did I unknowingly break a rule or something? Anyway I await an explaination as this is one of my favorite message boards.
Maybe some way to search for a keyword in a topic, like going to the Dragon ball forum and wanting to discuss Goku, instead of looking through all the threeds, just punch in Goku and all the threeds with Goku in the title are brought up in front of you. I don't know if you guys can do this or not, or even if what I'm saying makes sense but that's my idea.