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Everything posted by july

  1. i don't know about you guys but i would really like super powers where i can stop things at will. like freeze people and things. i would also like anti-psychic abilities where i can block people from reading my mind or influencing my actions. here's another one that just came to me; i'd like to be able to move objects toward and away from me at will. like when i'm on the couch and lazy to get up to get the remote, i can just use my powers to bring it to me. that'd be cool. invisibility would rock too, but only the kind of invisibility i can control so i'm not permanently invisible! that would be junk because i have a nice habit of always looking in the mirror... anyways... hi.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pressure [/i] [B][color=purple]I can't stand it anymore, I always feel like I am living up to someone else's standards. And when I'm living up to mine, I can't because I set them too high. But more than not, I feel like I am never good enough. Last night, I spent half and hour on the phone with my friends Jimmy and Jeff, to see if they wanted to go to Rock N Bowl with us. He said he'd think about it, and my friend and I told him he had a half an hour to think about it. We ran across an interstate to get to my house at 9 oclock at night, ripped through all the rooms in my house, and counted out 17 dollars in quarters. At 9:45 we ran over to the Metro in 38-40 degree weather, and got the change turned into paper money. We ran up to the local bowling alley at 10 clock, and called them. Jeff, who I did this all for, I wasn't going to go unless he did, flat out refused to come. I was devestated. When I hung up the phone I went into the bowling alley and cried for 10 minutes straight. No matter what any of my friends told me, I couldn't, and still can't shake the feeling that it was because I wasn't good enough. That I'm not good enough to hang out with, or be friends with. I'm not pretty enough, I'm not skinny enough, I'm not smart enough. I don't know what it is, but I always feel like I'm just annoying everyone around me, like I am the pebble in everyone's shoe. I always feel like no one wants me around, but no one will tell me. I hate it.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] hate to tell you this, but why does it matter what anyone else thinks or cares or does to you for that matter? it shouldn't matter, and you should do things for yourself ([SIZE=1]as well as for others[/SIZE] but they shouldn't always come first. your friend is an @$$ho and i'm sorry but he should respect what you did for him. [SIZE=1](you should get revenge or something... hahaha)[/SIZE] also, don't feel that you aren't enough for anyone because the truth probably is that you're too much for them. just because they suck, you shouldn't feel bad. don't get mad either, get glad, this means that you're actually worth more than what you thought you were worth and then when you add the cost of inflation and the service fees, you come out to around several million. just keep your head up and **K* anyone who doesn't accept you for what's inside. because that's what counts. ;) besides, i like you... :D hahaha... wait, who are you again?
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lalaith Ril [/i] [B]I'm sure there is one thread about this. Prolly more. Is there anything that helps you in depression? Lately I've been sinking into depression more and more, even to the point where I tried to kill myself earlier today. I can't control it and sometimes wish it would end. What can I do to get rid of this? I've tried everything, but everything I do just seems to make everything worse..... Theres been a lot going on lately in my life. ANd I haven't been able to handel it too well. Is there anything you guys know that helps you get off of depression, so that you can concentrate on your own life? Not your misery in your life. [/B][/QUOTE] funny, i tried to kill myself earlier today but i ran out of tylenol. i know 14 isn't enough, when i have a headache i take 10. i'm depressed right now too, but i blame it all on a certain guy. when i'm usually depressed, i try not to stay home alone, i try to go out with friends or i talk to my cousin olivia, most people that i know are *very* entertaining and everything they do is funny. i bake cookies sometimes when nothing else works. sometimes i force myself to cry because i realize when i'm crying that it's not worth my time to worry about such stupid things and that nothing is really worth it. nothing is worth killing yourself over, if you feel really bad or something you should take revenge or something... no, wait, that's bad advice, isn't it? oh well, i don't know... i would tell you something i always tell my friends but i don't want to hear about another attention-starved/mentally-incompetent teen and their school on the news. if life were so bad, we all would be dead okay? but there's still idiots around here living and i'll be d@mned if the world is taken over by their ancestors... :drunk:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkness [/i] [B][color=blue]What are some of the things that you want to do before you check out? I want to write a fantasy novel, sell at least one of my songs, earn an award for one of the commercials I make, and see my children excel at something in which I have no talent.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] before i die, i'd like to get off of this little rock they have the nerve to call paradise, i'd like to have at least one child, i'd like to beat someone up for no reason (i've got someone in mind now), i'd like to complete at least one story that i've started, and i'd like to help direct a movie if i cannot do it by myself. :D
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I don't think he does care. I never said he did. And if he did, which he has no reason for, he would tell her. No one has a problem it's just I didn't expect that many people in one tiny church... esspecially the difference between my side and her side... I just said "200 people is alot" and it is... Don't get your panties in a twish because you interpreted what i said wrong. [/B][/QUOTE] i guess i should feel special that you replied just for me. 200 people is a lot, i agree with you on that, i don't even think there's twenty people i care about enough to invite to anyone's wedding, especially my own, but if that's not the point then why bother mentioning it? (and who said i wear panties?)
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rhys Mayiessen [/i] [B]In grade seven I liked this guy and he was my friend. I don't know if I was being cautious or just being stupid but I never knew the signs that he liked me. On Valentine's Day he gave me a card and I didn't even get the point of it! Then he asked me to a movie and until he actually said the words "I like you" I didn't get it.:rolleyes: Well now I think I might look into the signs a bit more but I wanted to know if anyone has liked you did you know that they liked you before they actually said "I like you"? What signs did you see that actually lead you to this conculsion? [/B][/QUOTE] Okay, here are a lot of signs [u]eye contact[/u] [u]unnecessary communication[/u] [u]invalid excuses to "hang out with you"[/u] [u]unauthorized communication with friends[/u] [u]non-birthday/christmas gifts[/u] [u]unexpected appearances at your usual places[/u] i have gotten all of these things (or offers) and not from the person i wish i got them from, but a guy did sing to me in the hallway once... but he's an idiot so yeah... :cross:
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]This is just a curious topic for me. I was wondering if anyone here has, is, or would be willing to date someone, regardless of gender, who is outside their race. Or maybe someone who has a different cultural background. My brother is getting married in 7 months to a Puerto Rican girl, who I have nothing against (she gave birth to my beautiful neice, however not the only reason that I like her), and their values and culture is hugely differnet than mine or my families. It's not a abd thing, for I always love learning about new culture and people, but it's just weird. My brother plans on having like...25 people from our side of the family at his wedding... she plans on having 200... I was like... "say what now?" ::faint:: My boyfriend is from England and that culture is also somewhat different, although not so much. He may not be of a different race, but it's still a different culture and it's still having to deal with something different. So I was wondering if anyone here has had to deal with a culture shock or if you've dated/dating a person of different race, how does it differ from your own values and culture and how do you deal with it. [/B][/QUOTE] okay, look, maybe it's because i'm puerto-rican but i don't see anything worth arguing about here. if he has a problem with how many people she invites to a wedding, he should tell her. they have a child together and are planning on sharing the rest of their lives together and they should be honest with each other. culture should have nothing to do with marriage, the only factor in their wedding should be love. personally, i do not care if i have a big wedding or not, as long as i'm not getting married for financial or social issues. at my wedding, if i invite anyone, the only person i'd invite my cousin olivia. but that's off the subject. if it matters so much to you transtic nerve, maybe you should ask her why she's inviting all those people. maybe it's because she needs some sort of psychological approval or something... i don't know if what i said makes sense to anyone but what i'm trying to say is that it doesn't matter what you are, it matters why you are what you are. and i'd date anyone as long as they appeal to my perverse interests. :tasty:
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Red XIII [/i] [B][COLOR=TEAL]Hmm I was just wondering because when ever I wake up I seem to lose all memories of my dreams after the fist few seconds. The only dream I have ever been able to remember is that I am flying way above a city with a jet pack and a rocket launcher in my arm, blowing up cars and stuff.........weird huh[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] you must play too much video games, i only remember dreams if they begin to happen in my life... do you understand? has anyone ever slept for a really long time, (like twelve hours), and when they woke up, it was like a really long blink? i once had a dream that i was surrounded in darkness and voices where speaking to me from the darkness and they were moving around me but i was just lying on a bed in the featl position sleeping... well, maybe that actually happened, i was drunk at the time... it's funny really, (why i was drunk), my aunt took me to this guy's house and i was freaking out, that's why i got drunk...
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]It is kind of niave(not saying you are niave, july) to think think that you can dismember someone trying to kill you when all you have to go on is instincts.[/B][/QUOTE] hold on now, don't contradict yourself, don't say that you're not saying you're not saying i'm 'niave' because you are, that whole sentence is hypocrisy. look, it's different here in hawaii and don't even try to guess what my instincts are because all you know about me is the censored text you see on the forum, okay? *edit* oops, wait, that's said in the best of tones, no offense meant by it... move to hawaii for fifteen to twenty years and you'll understand... (i've chilled)
  10. hehe... i'd go straight for the crotch man...then a right hook to the face... don't mess with me punk! hehe...
  11. wow, i should really move... in hawaii, where i live, in nanakuli, my old high school, boys dress in t-shirts and surf shorts, or jeans and t-shirts, and sometimes they forget and wear the same t-shirt twice in one week... the boys who actually do dress nice to go to school usually deal drugs or are chronic-class-cutters. most girls dress nice although some over do it and are hoochies. those out of school dress well for work and some social events but most guys dress in t-shirts and surf shorts... but then again i do live on an island and the only place you can't see a beach is in wahiawa... :rolleyes: to hear that most guys actually care about their appearance makes me think i should go to a mainland school...
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]What if you're not given the choice? What if the only way to prevent your own death is to kill your attacker? I can provide a scenario: A man breaks into the home of a normal family. The husband is on a business trip, leaving his wife and children(we'll say 2) at home. The mother wakes up, and hears the intruder downstairs. Her children's room are downstairs, so she goes down, unaware that the intruder is an intruder and not just one of her children scrambling around. The intruder sees her before she sees him, and attacks her. He's got knife in his hand ready to kill her, and she picks up a sharp object(we'll say they're in the kitchen and she grabbed a knife out off of the cutting board or something) and as the intruder lunges with his knife to stab her, she stabs him. Is that wrong of her? I think not. -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] well did she kill him? you can dismember but you shouldn't kill. if the person deserves to die then the authorities should kill him. come on now!
  13. i don't think that any true self-defense can end in murder, if you are just protecting yourself, you should know when enough is enough and just dig... well, yeah...
  14. hey, you, in response to the first ever post, everyone is responsible for their own actions and what they do is entirely a choice they made by themselves, just because a person is aggravating you or anyone else, it does not give you or anyone else the right to murder. religious people say 'amen'. now the son chose to murder not only his father but his grandmother too and that's just wrong. there's no one to blame but himself, circumstance has nothing to do with making the right choice. you choose what's right because it is, not because you feel they deserve something... do you feel me?
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarkOrderKnight [/i] [B]Ok this has nothing whatsoever to do with widespread panic, I just though that it would get people to read this. I'm doing this little reasearch thing as prep for next year, sophmore year highschool. If you would answer these questions i would apreciate it. If your wondering this will be for a research/poll paper for english class. 1) Do you feel more comfortable... a) in the crowd b) in the outer edges of a crowd c) away from the crowd on the back wall 2) If you could be one of any of these three jobs, which and why? a) fireman b) policeman c) airplane pilot 3) What size shoe do you wear? 4) (Ah I can't think of anymore) What happens at the end of [u]Monty Python & The Holy Grail?[/u] (God Bless them all.) [/B][/QUOTE] b, b, 9half, and never watched it. your title really worked, it was the first thing that caught my attention and good luck on your research/poll paper for English... :flaming: grrr... my mom sucks!!!!! :flaming:
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]The bible says a million things that never eventuate. As for the whole currency thing...I think it's true that world currencies will merge together a lot more -- it's not exactly rocket science...it's pretty obvious that less currencies = higher efficiency. The world is becoming smaller every day...and currency is just another example of that. The world itself will end in a few hundred million years, when the sun expands to the point where the inhabitants on this planet die. The only other way the Earth could be destroyed before then would be a meteor/comet or something of that nature... But even in that circumstance, you and I are only here in less than the blink of an eye...relative to the Earth's age. So I don't think that you or I have much to worry about, when it comes to these grand premonitions of the end of the planet...you or I are more likely to be killed in a car accident or by a disease or something...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] must be nice to wake up everyday with that kind of confidence James... if the world does end any time soon, it'd be a shame because the people in it have yet to realize how foolish they really are... everyone sucks... :mad: it'd also be a shame because i didn't have my first kid yet, and i've never met James. he sounds interesting. i think it's kind of stupid to go looking for signs when all you should concern yourself with is living your life and making choices you believe is right. what's that cricket noise coming from my computer? it's freaking me out man... :worried: oh no, WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE! :toothy: YAY! :whoops:
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]If you're surprised TN just said that, raise your hand... [/B][/QUOTE] i'll raise my hand too... i fear spiders, they are creepy creatures with too many eyes and legs, i fear heights, i can picture myself plummeting to my death off a tall build so i like to stay away from that, and i fear deep ocean water. i've never seen a lake before, not one as you all know them, i live on an island, no lakes, but loads of ocean... when you don't know what's under you, that's the scary part... now, there's a line between fear and hatred, i hate any creature that can fly, i want to kill every bird i see, butterflies are no exception... i hate emotions, (kind of contradicting, isn't it?)... i hate loads of people... and i shall keep the last bit to myself... CORRECTION! I AM NOT AFRAID OF HEIGHTS, I'M AFRAID OF FALLING...
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G/S/B Master [/i] [B]HAHAHA. the midget dragon is a shoryu. and my pet is almost dead. but i'm going to send him to the adoption center and let somebody adopt a dead pet. and i know where you get funny neopets quotes. [/B][/QUOTE] neopets cannot die and although i agree with you all on how it is pointless, i still am addicted and i go there often, at least the neopets don't act stupid like some other people i know... my username is july375 if you care and neopets isn't my only addiction, i find harry potter most amusing...
  19. i live in hawaii and i'm like 17... HI EVERYONE!!
  20. july

    so sad

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Gah I can't stand children. If I had a choice, I'd all hit them with bricks to knock some sense into them... f-ing morons... [/B][/QUOTE] i'm shocked and amused at you... lemme get this straight, a girl was bullying a guy and made him do all types of sick and twisted things, not sexually oriented and he got fed up and killed himself. i agree with Transtic Nerve about suicide not being right and all, why did he do that? where did this happen? what state? if it was in Hawaii, well, Nanakuli anyway, she'd get her bleepin' bleep kicked by an older female relative of his and she'd probably be Samoan, and him, some type of Filipino boy... enough with the inter-racial comparisions, i hope you guys are dealing well with it and that it opens your eyes and makes you realize how precious life is and how it is senseless to take it away so needlessly for a problem that can be resolved simplier than you'd think... my aunt died a little more than three months ago, and i have the vaguest idea of what you and your boyfriend might be going through but i hope you both realize that pain is only temporary and while that loss may hurt, everything happens for a reason and is justifiable in some way or another... i cried for days when my auntie died and it hurts still to even think about what life would be like with her here, but life goes on, and time passes, just because you lose someone you love, you cannot simply not want to go on, you HAVE to, it's life, death is a part of life and although i know as little about death as anyone, you have to focus on what's ahead of you. i don't really know if that applies to you, i was just rambling on, and talking to myself, but i graduate on, well, the date in my sig, and after my aunt died, i couldn't see the point, she had made so many plans with me on my graduation, describing to me in detail my graduation present that she wanted to give me, she wanted to help me get ready for prom but she died not even a month before her 34th birthday and it hurt me to know that there is a GOD so merciless to take someone who had loved life so much away from those that she loved and loved her... it all seems so stupid, but you have to move on, time stops for no one, and i hope you never get over your friend
  21. i'm tempted to comment on the sarah michelle gellar thing but she's not worth my time. i agree on the scooby doo thing and that they do play it too often. all the episodes are ancient and the plot is always the same. i liked the scooby doo and zombie island because it actually had twists to the plot. scooby doo sucks and i don't (actually i do) want to offend any scooby doo fans but face reality, it's an old washed up cartoon that hasn't had any new cartoons since GOD knows when. :demon:
  22. now elmyra is another story and that is really REALLY scary... did you notice that on her hair bow there's a little skull? i bet freakazoid would have been scared of her too...
  23. okay now, i agree with the person who said they could watch the show and not know why, it's like that with most cartoons for me but anyway, i like freakzoid and pinky and the brain, i like the brain because if i was trapped in a mouse cage with pinky, well... i would be trapped inside of a mouse cage with a LIVE pinky for long, but he is entertaining... in a weird sort of way that lightens my mood
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkness [/i] [B]The other day I reading my university's paper, and I saw the story on the recent book burning. For those who don't know; a church (the name I don't remember) held a public book burning of Harry Potter and Star Wars books. This kinda thing sickens me, and all amendments aside, I can't condone this in any way. In my eyes, the preacher and his members were no better than tyrants in this act, regardless of their purpose. I usually don't knock how other people practice their religion or what not, and I don't collect HP or SW books, but this can't be right. Only goes to show: There is no good or evil, only ideals. What do you think? [/B][/QUOTE] where did this happen? you'd think with all the changes in the world today there wouldn't been as much ignorant folks but it goes to show that change takes a LOT of time and there are some who are stuck in there ways even though they fight the times.
  25. this is for a project that i'm doing that is due tomorrow. the project is about gun control and i'd like your participation in this survey is no admin/god objects. i'll ask a few questions, but i need your age and sex too. spanx in advance... 1. do you understand the issue of gun control in the united states? 2. do you think that there should be more laws to prevent minors from obtaining and/or using weapons? 3. do you think that guns should be outlawed all together? 4. if there were no guns in this world, do you think that it would be more peaceful? 5. what do you think we should have: a. stronger laws that require you to have a permit to buy and a lincense to use guns, only if you are of age, (18) b. no change c. more caution when it come to storing guns so that minors cannot get a hold of them or d. **make up your own** i don't know if those questions are good enough but i'm going to average out everything so as few or as much of you can answer if you like... thank you, very much.
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