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Everything posted by Orien_Xel

  1. Read the manga, don't plan on seeing the anime. WHy? Because I've heard the show tends to drag. And drag. And drag. Then again, could just be stories. And ia have to agree with the clothing bit. Why aren't they wearing some stuff that's, y'know, more stealthy? Like a dark green or dark grey? Why are they wearing bright colorful clothing?
  2. Due to time restrictions I am withdrawing my application.
  3. Name: Stefan Fischer Age: 18 Gender: Male Character: The Acrobat Personality: Stefan is a cynic. He fully believes that most people are ignorant morons, simply living out their lives and dieing. Religion is a psychological crutch, nothing more.God is a lie, perpetrated by people in order to gain power and mainpulate the masses. He will not hesitate to use sarcasm and dry wit to make his point. He is, however, resigned to his fate to live amongst fools. He will suffer them, quietly. Evil Side's Personality: His darker side goes even further into his cyncism. People are ignorant fools who do not deserve to exist, let alone [i]live[/i]. As such it is his right to remove the most useless and moronic ones from the face of the earth through any means possible. His darker side will openly deface religious symbols whenever he can and will intentionally go out of of his way to insult and belittle virtually everyone. Appearance: Stefan stands at 5'10" with dark hair and hazel eyes. His build is slender and fit, much like a runner or a swimmer. He is cleanshaven, although after a few days stuble will begin to appear on his face. His cheeks are slightly hollowed and his face almost looks gaunt. He is wearing a pair of blue jeans, running shoes, a navy blue t-shirt, and a leather bomber jacket. Writing Sample: I'll have to add this later. It's almost 12 at night, so I need sleep... Other Notes: n/a
  4. [center][b]Section A[/b][/center] [u]Name[/u] Jorran Chel [i](Jo-rann Kel)[/i] [u]Code Name[/u] The Last [u]Age[/u] 574 Earth years 496 Kerelian years [u]Gender[/u] Male [center][b]Section B[/b][/center] [u]Species[/u] Kereli The Kereli were a relatively peaceful race that existed as a small, space-faring nation on the outer edge of the Galaxy Andromeda. Their species united under a one world governemnt over a thousand years ago to stretch into space. This event marks the beginning of the new calander, AU. They were, unfortunately, one of the early victims of the Immortals. The attack was sudden and violent. The surface of their homeworld was left a cracked and burning shell. Their colonies were wiped out totally and completely. Few, if any survived the assault. Kerelians typically stand around 1.8 meters tall. Their skin is a dark blue color. The hair on thier heads is jet black, their eyes vary from a light orange to a deep, intense red. Their ears are pointed and they posesse exaggeratted canines, which can be unerving when they grin (Grinning was in fact seen as a threat in their culture). As a general rule, they have slender but muscular builds, like those of runners or swimmers. They are agile and deceptively strong. However, their lack of considerable bulk makes them light. Kerelians have two fingers and a thumb. Their feet have three large toes, clawed at a revious time in their evolution. Their ancestors were carnivorus primates who wandered the surface of their world. The average lifespan of a Kereli was 90 to 100 Earth years. Exceptionally old was 120+. [u]Solar System[/u] Known to Kereli as simply "Home" the system was wrenched apart by the the Immortals. Many of the smaller planets are now clouds f debris, slowly circling inwards toward the now dim sun. The Kerelian homeworld is a ruined husk, orbiting the world again and again, year after year. [u]Planet[/u] Once a planet of lush forests and verdant grasslands, the planet is now a ruined husk. The fires set by the Immortal's weapons still burn and gutter in the planet's crust. Virtually nothing lives. [u]Century[/u] Were any Kereli aside from Jorran alive to note the year, they would see it as the year 1203 AU (After Unification). On the small blue and green planet known as Earth it is currently the year 2006 ACE. [center][b]Section C[/center][/b] [u]Weapons[/u] Jorran carries only a simple wooden staff, about his height. It is reinforced slightly withe several steel rings. Jorran's true weapons is his mind and body. He has spent much of his time in meditation and training since the fateful day on which his species was wiped from existence. As such, he is master of a form of unarmed combat deveoped by his ancestors millenia ago. [u]Items[/u] Jorran's clothes, a picture of his mate and children, a set of traditional Kerelian pipes and his staff are all that he now possesses. [u]Secondary Powers[/u] As the years pass, Jorran has found that he has the power to use his mind to do extraordinary things. He has honed his skills and his mental abilities to the point where he has an eerie sixth sense about danger and deception This is helped by latent psychic talents, which have been increasing in power. He is also able to use telekenesis to move objects. However, things over two or three hundred pounds put a strain him and prolonged use of it will leave him drained. His power increases, though. And he will use it. [center][b]Section D[/b][/center] [u]Appearance[/u] Jorran stands at 1.8 meters, somewhat unassuming. His hair is the usual jet black of his species. His eyes a deep red. His face, except for eyebrows, is entirely devoid of hair. He is agile and fit, as his hundreds of years in existence and his immunity to death has allowed him to train and exercise. His clothing is simple. Loose fitting, billowy black trousers, bare feet, a white shirt, and a dark green vest are his usual attire. When he needs shoes he wears a pair of boots. [u]Personality[/u] Before the "Event" as he calls it, Jorran was an outgoing, laughing and friendly person. He enoyed parties, the simple pleasures of life, and playing the traditional pipes of his homeworld. However, that was all changed in less then a day. Upon the discovery that everything he loved and held dear was gone and destroyed, he retreated inside himself. Today one would be hard-pressed to see him laugh or show joy. He is grim now, his anger long since contained. However, his grief and agony over the destruction of his species and especially over the loss of his mate and children remain a fresh wound in him. As such, he remains withdrawn much of the time. He speaks to others, but never joins in the laughter or revelry of others. For him there can no longer be any. He simply seeks vengeance and to put his mind and heart at rest. [u]Biography[/u] Jorran grew up on the Kereli homeworld. however, as a young man he looked out to the stars. As such, he joined up with the Exploration Corps and spent much of his younger days exploring new worlds nad staking out colonies for his race. However, he met the love of his life, Kalle, during a visit to the capital. He courted her for several years and finally she consented to be his mate. They had two children, a boy and a few years later a girl. His family became his source of joy and his pride. He requested a transfer to a desk job o nthe Kereli homeworld so he could be with his family more often. His request was granted, providing he finish one last mission. He agreed. So it was that on the day of his species destruction, he was dozens of light years away, charting a new world for his government. When he recieved no transmissions from the outer colonies, he became concerned. Finding them destroyed, he rushed on, fearing the worst, wondering what had become of the Kereli Defense Force. His fears were confirmed when he returned to Home. The shattered debris of the Kereli Defense Force ships drifted in the vacum of space, their final sacrifice totally useless. He attempted suicide the next day and failed. For the next year his ship drifted aimlessly as he tried to make sense of everything. Then, he was picked up by a Cosmoian and recruited into the Persian Imperial Guard. Others of the Imperial Guard may sometimes find him playing sad, mournful tunes on his pipes, usually alone. However, he does attempt to bond with his team mates. He has honed himself constantly, swearing vengenace and finding some solace in meditation. However, even after over 400 years he has not been able to allow himself to rest. For him there will be no rest until the Immortals are destroyed.
  5. *dusts off username* Well, I pulled the name out of my butt when I first joined OB a long *** time ago. It as original and I rather liked it. Since then I've moved on and lately I go by Dragoon. It's a historical name for a historical type of soldier and I like it. That's about it.
  6. [color=blue]Orien piloted his X-Wing through the growing dogfight with desperation. His base had been ambushed by an Imperial Star Destroyer, and they were being wiped out. He had destroyed several TIE fighters, but more just kept coming. He listened to a scream as one of his comrades was destroyed as he twirled out of the way of an oncoming TIE fighter, and destroyed it. His HUD was almost constantly glowing green and giving him a lock tone. There were TIEs everywhere! He had to get away, had to find help...He typed in the coordinates of another rebel outpost and initiated the jump. Hyperspace. He watched as the lines flew past, and decided he was going to take a nap. He felt exhausted. "Arc," he said to his artoo unit, "Wake me up when we get there." Arc beeped an affirmitave, and soon he was in a deep sleep. He found himself in a room of white, stretching for as far as the eye could see. He was alone. He suddenly turned to see a young man, dressed in an old-style fighter pilot's uniform. "Who are you?" he asked. "Orien, I am your grandfather, Vinc Jaxxson. I was a fighter pilot, and a Jedi knight. You are needed, Orien. You need to go to Ossus and train to become a Jedi Knight, like I was." "Me? A Jedi Knight? Wow...How am I supposed to find Ossus?" "The Force will guide you, Orien...Trust yourself." Suddenly, everything started to fade. Orien awoke to the beeping of Arc. He had reached his destination. He couldn't find any evidence of a base. "Intel musta been wrong..." he muttered, "Oh well...Look's like I'm going to have to find this Ossus place..."[/color]
  7. Vincent clicked a clip into his M4A1 Carbine as he ran at the gate. In a few seconds he found himself surrounded by weapons fire. He dodged behind cover, finding himself next to the Tok'ra. He nodded at him as flicked of the safety. "Some welcoming commitee, huh?" The Tok'ra looked back at him blankly for a moment, before going back to it's weapon. "And he's humorless...great." he muttered as he fired a burst of automatic weapons fire at the nearest Jaffa warrior, somewhat gratified to see his target take cover. He looked around, trying to spot some other members of the team. He fired another burst to keep their heads down.
  8. Vincent stood, and shook hands with Scapefield. "Hello, Colonel. I'm Captain Vincent Thorne, formerly of the U.S. Navy SEALS. It'll be a pleasure serving with you. I'm looking forward to our first trip through the Stargate." He grinned, and sat back down. This was going to be a challenge alright. Meeting aliens, humans from other planets...
  9. [b]Name:[/b] Ulgruk [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Weapons and Armor:[/b] Ulgruk wears the typical armor of Uruk-Hai soldier, minus the helmet. He believes that they cut down on vision and head movement. He wields a huge battle-axe, with which he can fell a man in a single blow. [b]Master:[/b] Saruman [b]Personality:[/b] Ulgruk is a vicous, even for a Uruk-Hai. He thirsts for battle, but keeps it in check. Most of the time. He doesn't see the need for any other knowledge besides that of who he must kill, and his master, Saruman. He will willingly cut down those of his own side that stand in his way, and has a reputation for doing so. [b]Appearance:[/b] He stands at a huge 6'5, and his hair is always tied back in a large, long, black braid. There are small scars all over his dark face. He claims that they represent the enemies he has killed. No one knows for sure, however...He has the brand of the white hand on the left side of his face, and shows his contempt for those who slave under Sauron [b]Bio[/b] Later. I don't have time right now. Sorry. :(
  10. Hooray! Finally, a SG-1 RP! [b]Name:[/b] Vincent Thorne [b]Rank:[/b] Captain [b]Description:[/b] 5'10" He has short, dark brown hair with a hint off red highlights. His skin is slightly tanned, but he is obviously of Caucasian origin. He is fit, but not incredibly muscular. Still, his limbs hold a wiry strength. He usually wears the standard fautiges, along with a pair of black combat boots and a white t-shirt. [b]Short Bio:[/b] Vincent is a Navy SEAL, chosen from a volounteer group to be a part of the new Stargate Team. He was eager to become a part of this new chance to explore new worlds, and stop aliens from invading his home planet. He gets along fairly well with everyone. He isn't prejiduced(sp) towards friendly aliens; quite the contrary in fact. When he showed up at Stargate Command, he was a bit nervous about the entire thing. He wasn't sure how he'd get along with the other team members, and was a bit shocked to hear that a Russian would be part of the team. Aside from that, he's fit in pretty well and is ready to roll.
  11. Agreed. This is going to be awesome.
  12. [b]Name:[/b] Orien Jaxxson [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Homeworld:[/b] Corellia [b]Weapons:[/b] BlasTech DL-18 blaster pistol [b]Ship:[/b] X-Wing [b]Description:[/b] This black haired, blue-eyed young man stands at 5'10" with a youthful appearance. He is fit and fairly strong. He typically wears a dark blue jumpsuit with black boots. When flying his X-Wing he wears a dark blue flight suit, rather then the normal orange. [b]History:[/b] Orien Jaxxson was born, bred, and raised on Corellia. His father always had Rebel leanings, was outspoken against the Empire. His father dissepeared, mysteriously, when Orien was 16. When Orien was 17 years old, he had had enough of the Empire, and had heard a lot about the Rebellion. He managed to highjack an Imperial frieghter and get to a Rebel outpost. After demonstrating a penchance for flying fighters, he was transferred over to Fighter Command and given an X-Wing. He managed to make Liuteneant, and lead a fighter wing for awhile. He flew with Rouge Group on Hoth, and was recently shocked to discover that Commander Skywalker had joined the Empire. He is currently assisigned to a base on the Outer Rim, and he is assisting in raids on various Imperial bases. Something seems to be calling to him however, and he is trying to find out what... [b]Personality:[/b] Pleasant and genial to most, he has a deep-rooted suspiscion of Imperials. He's determined to make the Galaxy a better place for all peoples.
  13. [color=blue][i]"oh well,"[/i] thought Vincent, [i]"Might as well get this over with..."[/i] He stood up. "Hello everyone, I'm Midshipman Vincent Hope, I'll be in charge of boarding security and weapons. I kill people for a living. That's about it." He sat down, and sipped his coffe.[/color]
  14. You have a point there. Let me rephrase that: It has no motor skills, it cannot speak, it cannot see hear, touch, taste, or do anything. Until it actually resembles a child, and actually is a child is can be aborted.
  15. The way I see it, women have the right to chose. It's not even a child yet. It's a mass of uncoordinated cells, with no self-awareness.
  16. It never ceased to amaze Verdan. Bladefang could get in such foul moods at times...He watched him stomp over to the mast and begin climbing. "Ahoy, Cap'n! Mind your footing! Wouldn't want you to fall now, would we?" The only reply was a string of curses. Verdan laughed and went to find something to do.
  17. Hope was prattling around the [i]Blitz[/i], trying to at least make it look neat. If that was possible. He wondered what was going on, with all the captains being recalled to Zion. He slipped into his room and layed on the bed, staring up on the ceiling, thinking about the war. He had seen many things, some horrible, some wonderful. He had also learned how to do many things inside the Matrix. He could dodge bullets, jump incedible distances, and move so fast. Sometimes he wished his life could be normal again. Then again, it never would.
  18. [color=blue]Vincent decided he liked the pilot. He was funny. Vincent decided to take a walk and find the armory. After a few minutes of wandering around and looking for the damn thing, he finally found it. He walked in and looked around. This was good. All of the weapons were new, and looked to be in excellent condition. He took a rifle off the wall, slapped a clip in, and chambered a round. e sighted down the barrel before removing the clip and the bullet. He replaced the rifle and headed for the mess, whistling cheerfully. He ran into Arthur along the way. "Hey, Arthur." "Yeah?" "How are you doing so far? Like the ship?" He gestured at the surronding bulkheads. "I guess..." "Alright. See you later." Vincent took off again, still trying to find the mess.[/color]
  19. [color=blue]Vincent clambered out of his pod, trying to ignore the cold, and the disgusting stuff clinging to his body. He snatched a pair of underwear and a towel from a nearby table, and headed for the showers. This was going to feel good. He walked into the showers, nodding a greeting to the other members of the crew. He quickly showred, wipingthe goop of off his skin, and watched it flow into the drain in the middle of the floor. After a few more minutes of soaping, and scrubbing his hair, he turned of the water and toweled himself dry, humming "From the Halls of Montezuma" under his breath. He quickly slipped his underwear on, and found himself some socks. He found his jump suit and slipped it on, and headed for his room. Once there he sat down on the bunk and looked around. Great. "My quarters in the Navy were bigger then this.." he muttered to himself as he tried to make the place look more organized and, well, homey.[/color]
  20. [b]Name:[/b] Vincent Hope [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Assignment:[/b] Weapons [b]Personality:[/b] A very talkative and charasmatic young man, he exudes cofidence and is very likable. He likes to talk, but can be very buisnesslike when he needs to be. A optimist. [b]Appearance:[/b] 5'10", with blue eyes and black hair. He commonly fresses in a pair of blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and a leather jacket. At other times he wears a dark blue, all purpose jumpsuit. He has a light tan. [b]Bio:[/b] Vincent grew up in California, and enjoyed doing hands on work. He especially liked watching the Navy ships in San Francisco harbor. He joined up and became a weapons officer for a frigate. After a few years in the military, he transferred out and voulounterred for the mission.
  21. Verdan St. Claire was pacing the deck of the [i]Bloodrayne[/i]. It felt good to have a deck beneath his paws again, and the sea breeze in his face. As was his custom, he climbed the mainmast every morning to get a scope of the area and for the sheer exhiliration he felt being up there. As he sat upon the uppermost cross-spar, he thought of his old ship, the [i]Sea Blade[/i]. She had been a good ship, until it ran aground near Slamandastron. The wreckage was probably still there... He took one last glance around, before grabbing a rope and sliding to the deck. He walked to the galley and swiped a loaf of bread from the stores. He walked back on deck, munching happily. He spotted Slopgob, who was unhappily fishing over the railing. "Ahoy, slopgub. Why the long face, mate?" "Oh, 'is mighteness, Bladefang, wants fish for brekisst. I 'ave to catch a bloody fish." "Oh, he's in one of his foul moods is he?" "Aye, that 'e is." [i]"Well,"[/i] thought Verdan, [i]"I might have some news that'll cheer him up..."[/i]
  22. [b]Name:[/b] Vincent Hope [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Guardian:[/b] Darkness [b]Weapon:[/b] A jet black longsword, with several runes carved into it. [b]Apperence:[/b]A tall, pale man with grey eyes. He stands at 5'10" and has black hair. He wears black trousers, a black tunic, and a swirling black cloak. To top it off he wears black leather armor over the tunic. [b]Personality:[/b] Most of the time he is very quiet, and very serious. He always seems to be off another world, but in reality is incredibly alert. [b]Bio:[/b]He grew up alone, an orphan on the streets. He taught himself to fight, and became a pit fighter. He evantually got outo f pit fighting and now roams the land as a mercinary. [b]Magic:[/b] Shadow Jump, Black Lightning
  23. Y'know what? I don't really care anymore. I've found debating anything over the internet is rather pointless. Neither side will give way, and they will simply call the other side's evidence biased. I'm sick and tired of it, and I'm not going to state an opinion on this one. G'night.
  24. Guess I'll sign onto Giest's ship as first officer... [b]Name:[/b] Vincent Hope [b]User Name:[/b] Hope [b]Rank:[/b]First Officer [b]Name of Ship:[/b] Blitz [b]Desciption:[/b] A tall, lanky young man, with blond hair and icy blue eyes. He moves with decceptive grace and has an easy smile, and likes to laugh. He stands at 6'0", and wieghs in at 160 pounds. [b]Matrix Description:[/b] Much the same as above, but he wears pure white slacks, a black collared shirt, and a white sports coat. [b]Weapon of choice:[/b] Hope carries a .50 Desert Eagle inside his coat, along with a MP-10. He prefers long ranged combat to hand-to-hand, but when it comes down to it, he'll fight with the best of them. He carries a knife as backup.
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