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Everything posted by Orien_Xel

  1. [i]Orien runs over to the other lighthous, and runs up to stand by Fred, protecting him and the star from any incoming enemys[/i] "EAT THIS!!" [i]Starts throwing rocks[/i]
  2. [I]Orien kicks the star away, again....[/i] "DO SOMETHING!!!!! AGHH!" [i]He keeps fighting, then grabs a penguin carboard cutout from behind his back and shows it to Dou.[/i] "That's right...they're coming for your SOUL!!!"
  3. [i]Just as the star is dropped into place, Orien kicks it out of Dou's hands, sending it to the ground far below. Orien tosses his star to another one of his team members, and then engages Dou in a Matrix-like martial arts fight.[/i] "Someone put the star in place!! QUICK!!"
  4. [b]Name:[/b]Orien Zel [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Bio:[/b]He was born in theWestern islands, and made a living for himself fishing and helping out his family. Then he found out who he was, and a group of Dragon-Blooded came for him....He killled them all. He is coming to grips with his past and who he is. [b]Powers:[/b]Ox-Body technique. Really good with swords and any type of blade. Can ue spears too. He an channel his essence into a blade and turn it int a burning weapon of fire. He can also lead others into battle. He can run fast, jump high, pretty much do any numbr of amazing physical feats.
  5. Orien_Xel

    Noir city

    [i]Orien is wary and suspicous. He starts to slowly back away from Dou.[/i] "Who are you?"
  6. [i]Orien falls back out of the sky, bringing his foot down in a perfect kick to the back of Dou's head, then flips sround and lands on Siefer. He starts beating him. He stops after pinning Siefer to the ground with a rock, then yells:[/i] "Tina! Throw me the star!!" [i]He cathces it and takes off running. After a few seconds he spots the lighthouse and starts runnning even faster. He reaches the bottom and starts climbing the stairrs...[/i]
  7. [i] Orien grabs the star and tosses it to Tina. He starts throwing rocks at Siefer[/i] "Tina, you can fly! Take the star and head for the lighthouse!!! I'll try and stop them!!!" [i]Orien picks up a large stick and starts beating Dou with it.[/i] "DIE YOU STUPID CHOCAHOLIC!!!"
  8. I'll take dawn caste, but I'd like a form.
  9. "Can we push, shove, or in anyway interfere with the other team's efforts?" [i]Everyone looks at Orien[/i] "Just asking..."
  10. [i]Orien leveled his gun and prepared to fire. He squeezed the trigger sending several rounds into the ground in front of the Pred's feet.[/i] "BACK AWAY!"
  11. Orien_Xel

    Noir city

    [i]Orien screamed and started firing. He emptied a clip into Dou, before hitting his radio.[/i] "BACKUP!! SEND BACKUP!!!"
  12. [i]Orien and his squad slowly walked through the tunnels of the Hive thingy. Suddenly he signaled his squad to stop...[/i] "What is it, Sir?" "Something is following us. I can hear it..." [i]Two members of the squad turned and peered back into the darkness. Suddenly, he spotted a shimmering in the air...[/i] "Holy S---! Its a pred!"
  13. Orien_Xel

    Noir city

    [i]Orien grimaced as he drove through the streets. He was trying to hunt down the two fugitives, with the assistance of a heavily armed SWAT team. He waas in full flak armor and had a submachine gun reay to go. He also carried a 9mm pistol. He spotted Dou.[/i] "GO! GO! GO!" [i]The swat team piled out of the ven. People screamed and dived for cover as the SWAT team began firing on Dou. They stopped. The dust slowly began to clear as the SWAT team advanced...[/i]
  14. [i]Orien trekked through the desert, glancing around occasionally at the landscape, which was made up of dunes and interesting rock formations. He glanced at the map they had been given. He starterd talking to the rest of the team[/i] Orien: "OK the, way I see it, we're still several miles from camp..."
  15. [i]Orien led his squad through the deoths of the Xenomorph hive. He and his squad had to destroy the queen Alien.[/i] "God Damn aliens...Always making life miserable." "Stop griping Hernandez. You of all people should take it easy. You need to keep that blood pressure down, remember?" "Well, if I'm trying to keep it down why am I hunting bugs?" [i]Orien smiled grimly as his squad exchanged banter. He was no stranger to the Xenomorphs. They had wiped out his colony and he had lost an arm to one a few years back. He spotted something moving in the darkness ahead. He quickly signaled his squd to halt. They brought their weapons up, ready to fire at a moments notice. Suddenly a Alien burst from the darkness, charginf. Instantly several weapons were discharged into it. It slowly slumped into a heap on the ground. Hernandez stepped forward and vaporized the remians with a flamethrower. They moved on...[/i]
  16. [i]Franz grinned. He chambered a Holy Water round into his shot gun.[/i] "No tricks, or you're gonna get a face full of holy water..."
  17. [b]Name:[/b]Orien Zel [b]Race:[/b]Human [b]Genus:[/b]Cyborg [b]Wpns:[/b]Trigun, 9mm pistol, shotgun, grenades, body armor, built in submachine gun. [b]App:[/b]Young looking, with black hair and green eyes. He is well muscled, but one arm is synthetic. It is very strong and can crush a steel bar. It also has a submachine gun built into it. [b]Bio:[/b]A young Colonial Marine, he was born on a colony which was destroyed along with his family when Scavs attacked it. Later in life he joined the marines and lost an arm fighting Xenomorphs.
  18. [b]Name:[/b]Orien Gel-Hai [b]Age:[/b]24 [b]Rank:[/b]Lt. [b]Call Sign:[/b]unknown, for now... [b]Ship:[/b]X-Wing [b]Bio:[/b]Born on Commenor, he became a bounty hunter at age 18. Several years later his family was killed by the Empire. He joined the rebel alliance and has been flyinf for them ever since.
  19. Orien_Xel

    Noir city

    [i]Orien heard a report come in on his radio. Something about a gunfight. He came to a quick stop and did a 180 degree turn and flipped on the siren, then he sped off in the direction of the event.[/i] "This is ND Zel responding to a report of gunfire. Send backup." "Copy check Zel. Backup on route." [i]A few minutes later he got to the sight. There was a single man standing amidst the wreckage of several trucks. He was holding a sword and chuckling to himself. He brought his car to a quick stop and jumped out. He grabbed his assualt rifle and took cover behind the door.[/i] "FREEZE! DROP THE WEAPON AND PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD!!! DO IT! DO IT NOW!!"
  20. [i]Orien was in the cockpit of Dragon's Gaze, checking out the systems. It was in pretty good shape, considering the beating the hangar had taken. He glanced out to see Vincent, Rev adn Yorko on the hangar flor. He settled back into the chair, his eyes closed.[/i] "God I'm tired..."
  21. God point. I think we hould abolish the death penalty, nd make the murders it in a cell with dripping water, always dripping... drip...drip...drip....dip...For the rest of their lives.
  22. [i]Orien twhaps Dou upside the head, knocking him uncouncious. He takes out a needle and injects im with a tranqulizer, then tags him with a radio collar[/i] "There, thats much better...Hi, I'm Orien, your soon to be overlord.":demon:
  23. [i]Orien slides in. He is looking at a giant map, which has different planets all over it. He is talking to himself...[/i] "OK, so the 5th fleet will move here, then-" [i]He notices everybody, and quickly puts the map away.[/i] "Oh, uh...:bluesweat: Hi!"
  24. Orien_Xel


    [i]Dimitri leaned back in his chair and put his feet up. He was lost in thought over the mission.[b]"Why do I always get the boring ones?[/b][/i]
  25. [i]Orien and his team were heading for Japan.[/i] "I'll find him there...If not, I will search elsewhere."
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