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Everything posted by Orien_Xel

  1. [b]Name:[/b] Orien Zel [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Occupation:[/b]NPD detective [b]Weapons:[/b]submachine gun, 9mm pirol
  2. [i]Orien caughed and groaned. He had been knocked uncouncius when the beam hit. He sat up. The door to the command center had been blocked. He was trapped. One glance at the instrument panel told him that it was beyond repair. He pulled out a small handheld radio.[/i] "Hello? Vincent? Are you there? Is anybody there? I'm trapped in the command center. Hello? Is anyone there?"
  3. [i]Orien was back in the command center, sipping his coffee. Something beeped. He did a double-take. The Deamon Gundam was bearing down on the base, its Beam Cannon swinging into position to fire.[/i] "HOLY S---!" [i]He slapped the alarm button, and once again a Alarm Klaxon started going off throughout the base. A few seconds later, the beam hit...[/i]
  4. Orien_Xel


    I think you need more of a plot. [b]Name:[/b]Dimitri Galinidoff [b]Nationality:[/b]Russian [b]Specialties:[/b]Piloting, pistols [b]Age:[/b]27 [b]Weight:[/b]180 [b]height:[/b]6'0" [b]Description:[/b]Tall, with dark brown hair and green eyes. He has a scar on his chest. [b]Bio:[/b]Born in Communist Russia in 1975, he was 16 when the USSR collapsed. Both of his parents were workeres in a factory, and his father was killed in an accident when he was 17. at 18 he joined the Russian military and became a jet pilot. After 4 years in the Airforce he transfered to an elite dividion before becoming a spy. He has been assigned [i]IEA[/i]. He does not agree with the terrorists methods, but he wonders what exactly they are fighting for....
  5. I watched that show and enjoyed it...alot. I only got to see a few eps though. :(
  6. [B]Name:[/B]Orien Zel [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Where you come from:[/b]The glorios Ver'Kan Imperium, subject of the High Emperor Ferean Vat'Kra (long may He riegn) [b]Luxury Item:[/b]A towel with blue and green designs on it. also on the towel: a picture of the High Emperor. [b]Brief Description:[/b]A dark-haired alien with plans for Galaxy takeover... [b]Any info you deam neccescarry:[/b] Stay out of me way!!! Soon you will all be our underlings any way!! MWAHAHAHAHA!
  7. [I]Orein walked the streets of Shanghai. He had heard that Neo-Japan's Gundam was here. He intended to defeat their Gundam and bring glory to Germany. After all, was he not the best fighter that Germany had produced? Soon, very soon, he would be victourious....[/i]
  8. [b]Name:[/b]Orien Zel [b]Age:[/b]18 [b]Country:[/b]Germany [b]Gundam:[/b]Dragon's Gaze [b]Finishing Moves:[/b]Flame Strike, Dragon Saber [b]Bio:[/b]Born in Germany, he was raised by his father who worked with the military. His mother died at age 3, and his father was killed in an accident when he was 14. He decided to work for his government and entered a test program for the Gundam fights. He passed the test with flying colors and became the pilot. [b]Crew:[/b]Stephan Poli
  9. OOC: Sorry abpout not posting, but with the holidays and all I've been busy! IC: [I]Orien was back in the command center, checking out the various instruments. Thanks to Vincent's fast response there had been little damage. He contacted Vincent.[/I] "Vincent, you can head back to base. You pretty much anhilatted everything on my sennsors." "Great..see you at the base" [I]Orien sat down in a chair, thought for a moment, then got up and went to make a pot of coffee..[/I]
  10. OOC: Sorry for not posting in awhile, but I've been busy with the holidays and all... IC:[I] Franz checked his weaponry and started mumbling something under his breath. He was ready to go and rescue Aiden. He was prepared.[/I]
  11. Looks like I get to be the evil spy...excellent....:devil: [B]Name:[/B] Orien Silvermoon [B]Species:[/B]Dark Elf [B]looks:[/B] 5'8" and fairly good looking. Has black hair and green eyes. HE has scar running across his face from a long forgotten duel. [B]Attacks:[/B] Dark Lightning, Ice Spear, Ice Shard, Rune of Desturction, Black Death. [B]Elements:[/B] Darkness, Ice. [B]Pet Pet:[/B] A wolf. [B]Bio:[/B] His family had served Zell loyally for years and had helped gain conrol over the Dragons. He has been sent by Zell to find and destroy any who resist and is fanitically loyal. He is willing to die for his master.
  12. [B]Name:[/B]Orien Jaxxson [B]Gender:[/B]Male [B]Age:[/B]26 [B]Country of Origin:[/B] Russia (raised in America) [B]Occupation:[/B]US Navy Seals(currently AWOL), NALA operative [B]Fighting Style:[/B]A mixture of Akido and Kung Fu. [B]Group Affilation:[/B]North American Liberation Army(NALA). NALA is a group dedicated to exposing the curroption in America's government, freeing any oppressed people, and liberating political prioners. They also wish to take down American puppet regimes. They have been labled terriorists by the US and conduct strikes against the US. They never hurt civilians intentionally. Orien is the leader of one of the NALA cells. [B]Description:[/B] Tall, about 6'2" and muscular. Has several scars from various wounds on his body, the most noticable being a scar from a knife cut that runs across his face. He has dark brown hair and blue eyes. Has avery thin stubble on his face (Like Indiana Jones) [B]Personality:[/B] Very quiet to strangers, but when he is with his friends he is fairly friendly. He hardly ever trusts anyone at first until they prove themselves. When he has made a friend he remains loyal for the rest of his life. [B]Bio:[/B]He was born in 1981 in the former USSSR. His parents moved to America where he was raised like an American kid. He speaks with a faint Russian accent and can speak English, Russian, German, French, and Arabic fluently. At age fourteen he began taking Akido lessons and learned quickly. Soon after he also enrolled in a Kung-Fu academy ad also progreesed there. He evantually developed his own style of fighting and graduated from both academies at age 18. He graduated from high school with a 3.0 GPA. He enrolled in the military and did well. He transferred to the SEALS and worked well. He made it through Hell Week and began operating with his unit. At age 22 when the war started he and his unti were deployed to Iraq, where he saw much action. In 2006 when he and his unti were ordered to kill civilians he refused and went AWOL. He made his way back to the US and joined NALA. Despite some distrust he soon earned his cell's respect. He is an expert in small unit tactics and most firearms. He can be very deadly when he needs to be. He is lso profecieent in explosives. Recently he and his cell have recieved instructions to take down these "Pirates" because they threaten inocennt citizens. They are currently combing their operating area.
  13. [I]Orien glanced out the window. It had been several hours scince the three had left. He was in the command center checking out the various controls. He had reconfigured the sensors to register Dark Ring MS as enemy and the other Gundams as friendlies. Suddenly there was a beeping noise. He glanced down a th the control panel. There was a huge wave of Scorpios and Leos coming in. He stared for a second, then hit the alarm button. He tapped a few more controls as the warning klaxons started sounding throughout the almost deserted base. The perimeter defenses came online, and several automated turrets swung towards the incoming enemy. He turned and sprinted for tha hangar bay. He reacehed the Gaze of the Dragon and clambered in. HE jetted out the door and began drawing a bead with his Beam Cannon on hte distant mobile suits...[/I]
  14. Time seemed to slow for Franz. All the agents seemed to be moving in slow motiion. Ot the human eye he was a blur, moving through them, hands, feet, and his knives lashingout. HE was beyond rational thought. His movements were impossible to track as he tossed agents aside like rag dolls, several of them were dead before they hit the ground.
  15. Franz twirled among the agents lashing out with his fists and legs, laying several flat. He grabbed one and brought his head down. He raised his mouth, dripping blood. He screamed in triumph into the air. Hten tossed the body aside as if it were a rag doll. He looked around at the other agents who had begun to back away from him. His eyes began to mist over with red...
  16. [I] Captian Orien Zek peered into the darkness. He and the last few survivors of hte Imperial guard had teamed up with the Eldar Aliens and were trying to get a spaceship of the planet before the Tyranids killed them all. He turned to the last few survivors.[I] "Ok. Mackray, take point. Alien, Boshank you're with me. OK, let's move out!!" [I] He signaled with his hand and the small group moved into the night....[/I]
  17. OK...I guess we'll starts this up now...If any body else wants to join, PM me.
  18. [I]Orien watched grimly as the Jannak declared himself leader of the dark ring. He was in one of the bases lounges helping himself to a drink after repairing his Gundam. He finished his drink and walked outside He peered up into the night, thinking...[/I]
  19. Franz whipped out his shotgun and chambered a round. He stood in the middle of the roof. Then, tow agents stood up from behind cover and started shooting at him. "YOU'RE ACTUALLY GOING TO SHOOT AT ME?" He leveled his gun ad fired two blasts. Both connected. The two agents fel to the ground dead.
  20. [COLOR=BLUE][I]Orien was in the hangar, scrounging up tools and other useful items. He Found a full, unused tool kit.[/I] "This will work perfectly!" [I]He returned to his Gundam and started reparing the slight battle damage he had goten. He glanced over to where Vincent was starting his own repairs. Orien sympathized. Having an arm blown off wasn't fun. He turned back to his own Gundam and continued repairs, thinking about his mission...[/I][/COLOR=BLUE]
  21. Franz turned to the newcomer. "Come on. I will let Alewxdecide..." He motioned for him to follow then walked into the meeting room.
  22. Name: Thomas "Tom" Heinkel Allegiance: Allies Country: Germany Description: Has black hair, and blue eyes. Tall(5 foot 11) Very muscualar, has a stubble on his face. Bio: Born in Germany at the beging of the first Soviet war. Both of his parents were killed when Soviet Tanks and troops invaded his hometown. He was adopted by an Allied Officer who found him. He grew up in germany, learning about various things, but was always interested in a military career. He has, however, Socialist leanings. HE believes that the common worker is oppressed. Despite this he joined the German military and excelled at his work. He wasdecorated several times and was evantually reassigned to an elite unit, in which he rose quickly. He currently holds the rank of Lt. and hopes to continue rising in rank. He and his unit wre recently transferred to America to help with the fight against the Soviets. He sympathises with the common Soviet Soldier, believing them to be brainwashed or drafted. He believes that the common laberor should be more important.
  23. Suddenly, from one side, The Gaze of the Dragon came out of nowhere, its double beam saber ignited. Orien grinned as he attacked. "GOOD! But...not...good...enough!!!" His saber slashed through the MSs´right arm, destroynig it... "RUN LITTLE MAN! RUN FAR, FAR AWAY!!!"
  24. OOC: Is there a reason my character is not at the Council? Am I not allowed in this RPG? IC: [I] A young man enters the chamber and bows before the various lords.[/I] "Greetings. I am Dranor, a soldier of Gondor. I would join you on this quest to rid Middle-Earth of all evil once and for all." [I]He stands awaiting a response...[/I]
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