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Everything posted by Orien_Xel
Franz, leaning against the wall. His eyes snap open. He shudders for a moment, then notices Cazion. He walks over to him. "Can I help you?"
[I] Orien's Gundam stoped about five yards from Vincent's, his beam saber out[/I] "This is Gaze of the Dragon, identify yourself!!!!" "This is the Pheonix. I'm Vincent...You are?" "This is Orien Zel, agent number 5. What is your id code?" "ID code? Why do you need that?" "To confirm your identity. If you are not who you claim to be, I will destroy you..." "OK, fine....alpha Pi 5639" "Identity Confirmed...lets go." [I] the two Gundams return to the camp site...[/I]
[I] Far above, in space, a gundam rockets toward earth. Inside is Orien Zel, a crack Gundam pilot even at age 16. He looks arund the cockpit going through some final checks before he hits the atmosphere[/I] "Alright..Here we go....." [I] He takes a breath, then lets it out and pulls a lever. The gundam turns into a fearsome looking effigy of a Dragon. The Beam Cannon ends up insde the "mouth" of the Dragon.[/I] (Hence the Term "Dragon Fire":devil:) [I] as he flys throught the atmosphere, the sensors go off.[/I] "Hmm..two scorpios...shouldn't be too much of a problem...." [I] His radio crackles[/I] "Attention unidentified Moble Suit! Surrender Imeadiatly!' "I don't think so..." [I]He punches a few more buttons andthere is a whine of energy as a blast from the beam cannon annihalates the two scorpios....Then his sensors hit something else[/I] "More Gundams...most be the other opretavies.." [I]He angles his gndam towards the camp site and hits the turbo Meanwhile on the Ground, Vincent spots the explosionand light of Orien's engines...[/I]
Name: Orien Zel Age: 16 Gender: male Colony: L4 Mentor: unkown Gundam Name: Dragon Eyes(can transform into Dragon flight mode) Ablity: Dragon Flame(fires one huge, big mega shot!) Gundam Weapon:Beam Cannon, 2xVulcan Cannons, one missle laucherand a double-bladed beam saber. Bio: Unknown. All he knows is that he is trained to kill and destroy and achieve his mission parameters. Despite this he still ahs a sense of humor. Plotted Landing area: Germany
The scene: A village layed waste. Its houses i flames, death and destruction are rampant The bodies of the villagers are burnt t ash. A lone figure surveys the scene..... ??:"Ecxellent......"
Orien lands on Courascant to refuel, and decides to go check out the lower levels on a....hunch(Isense a disturbance in th force!!)....After about a half hour of walking around the lower levels, he spots two robed figures....
Franz was aiting at Paranormal HQ. His eyes were closed, but he was not asleep.... [I] he was in a room, with his friends. They were laughing, drinking wine, talking. It was 1835, and they were all members of the German army.. Suddenly the door crashed in. One of his friends drew his pistol, but he was thrown against the wall, his skull making a sickening 'smack'. They tried to fight, but when it was all over, Ony he was left...."alive" He didn't know why the vampire had left him like this. All he wanted was revenge...[/I]
*Sings the little teapot song* I'm a little Hobbit, short and stout!
Orien_Xel replied to Yu Yu Hakusho!'s topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=seagreen]I LOVE LOTR!!!! YEAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!:D I reallly want to see it on opening day!!! (must....kill...people....in.....front.....of.....line.....O_o) I cn't wait! Oh, btw, I think Legolas is the coolest character....next to Gandalf and Aragorn....[/COLOR] -
Tom glances out the window and sees ome german fring down into a sewer."hey wing the gn aound!!" john swings it roun and puts it on the window sill. They fire.
Ready to rock! Name: Dranor Orthan Age: 24 Race: Human Weapon(s): longsword, bow, dagger, arrows other equipment/armor: shield, a shirt of chainmail(NOT mithril) canteen, flint, tinder, horse Bio: A young human warrior from Gondor, he is dtermined to free his land from the tyranny of the Urokoli. he is the son of a Knight of Gondor. His randfather fought in the War of the Ring. Description: tall(5'10"), and fai in appearance. dark hair, green eyes
[i]A burned out building stands amidst rubble...suddenly there is an explosion and sounds of footsteps. A squad of soldiers races past, and a tank follows them. One of the soldiers cries out and falls. The others scatter for cover and lok for the hiddden foe. Then, another explosion rocks the area, but this time it is from a falling object. The soldiers approach the odd pod...It is biological in nature, and suddenly splits open revealing a monstrsity. It moves so fast, and takes down two of the soldiers before they can blink. Then it is gunned down by a well placed burst of heavy bolter fire. The remaing soldoers approach it... "By the Emperor's guiding light! Its a tyranid! The Tyranids are coming here!"[i/] ************************************************* Several weeks later... [i] A bunker...Inside is a group of soldiers. They are troops of the Imperial Guard. "Sir, we're surronded! The Tyranids are out there, and are likely to attack soon. Most of the friendly forces on this planet have been anhilated." "Damn...Well, our only hope of escape is this spaceport, 50 kilometers away. We are going to have to go on foot, and grab a spacecraft..." The door to the bunker opens to reveal a group of aliens-the Eldar. All the troops go for their weapons, but the Eldar leader raises his hands. "Wait. We come here in peace. We neeed to work together to get og this planet!" "Well, alright then...LET'S MOVE OUT PEOPLE!"[i/] ************************************************* OK, the deal is a group of human troops (The Imperial guard) have been fighting the Eldar for athe last few months on this planet. Then the Tyranids showed uo and started wiping out all life on hte planet. Thr Tyranids are : The bugs from starship troopers, and the Zerg rolled into one nasty package. You can be either Eldar or Imp Guard. Here are the various weapons and armor: Hand Weapons: Lasgun: Standard issue to Imp guard. can punch a hole in most unarmored beings. All imp guard have these. Laspistol: slightly less powerful version of Lasgun bolt pistol: think machine pistol with explosive rounds Officers carry these. knife: everybody has one. Shuriken Catapualt: An eldar weapon, more powerful then a las gun, but with a shorter range. Shuriken pistol: see above sword: you know, a sword! Officers have these Chain Sword: like a chain saw, only its a sword! Officers can have these Power Sword: A sword, like a lightsaber, only with a solid blade. cuts through pretty much anything Eldar officers carry these sniper rifle Heavy Weapons: All of these need two people to load and carry it Lascannon: A heavy weapon. Pretty much vaporizes or blows apart anything it hits. Requires two people. Missle launcher: self explanatory. also requires two people. Heavy bolter: Like a machine gun with explosive rounds Auto Cannon: Like a Heavy bolter, only more powerful, and doesn't fire as fast. Other: Krak Grenades: llike reguaer grenades. Most Imp Guard have these. binoculars: ya know... canteen: ammo melta bombs: anti-tank weapons smoke grenades. Armor: Flak armor: All imp Guard wear this Mesh Armor: The armor of Eldar, better then Flak OK, now he ranks...Please bear with me, this is a little long: Guardsmen: All normal Imp guard Sgt.: We have one or three of these Lt. One only Capt.: I'm him! guradian: Standard Eldar grunt Leader: the leader... You can be either Eldar or Imp Guard... Eldar are like elves, only in space... Name: Rank: Bio/Description: Armor: weapons: Race: (human/eldar) Name: Orien Zec Rank: Captain Description: Tall(5'11"), muscualar, green eyes, black hair. Armor: Flak Weapons: Bolter pistol, power sword, lasgun. Race: Human Lets rock n' roll!!!:mrt:
Diego thought for a moment, then teleported out, he reappeared next to Omi. "Hey, don't forget me!"
Franz heads back to the dig site and finds Aiedn and Alex. Aiedn is uncouncious, and Alex is trying to tend to him. "I think we need to take the tablet and get back to PAranormal INC HQ, Alex."
Sudddenly Franz sprints past Aiedn, and quickly catches up to the 'copter. He leaps, catching hold of one of the struts. He pulls himself up, so he can look in. He sees James and the other agents nursing various hurts and talking to each other. Then they notice him. Franz reaches inside his coat and pulls out a grenade. He pulls the pin and tooses it inside. "See you in hell!" Franz leaps away and lands safely.
Sign Up Quest for Glory: So You Wanna Be A Hero?
Orien_Xel replied to The Unholy Newt's topic in Theater
Name: Orien Zel Age: 21 Class: Paladin Bio/Description: A eager, young paladin. He wants to go out and fight evil, but he just got finnished training, so he is a rookie! Has blue hair, and green eyes. -
Franz continues running, he moves very fast, a blur to the human eye...as he slowly gains on Harper and the others....
Franz wrapped his arms around James, pinning his arms in place. James head butted Franz in the face, causing Franz to lose his grip, and now they began to circle each other....
Diego had turned up in the command center and was watching as his fellow students zipped around the room, disabling divices, etc.. "God, I wish I could be down there..."
Franz jerked when the bullet hit him. He stumbled backwardss, then striaghtened up. "You really think a bullet will stop me? Do you?" Franz reached into his coat and puled out a 9mm pistol. He leveled it at James. "You can give up now, or I can kill you..."
Name: Stefan Age:14 Looks: wild black/dark brown hair, about halfway down my neck and forehead. Haazel eyes. about 5'8" thin Like in person: usually quiet, obedient, but I like to have fun, hang out w/ my friends, etc. Talents: compies, fencing, sprinting. BOY!!
Orien heard about the mission to Myrkyr. He talked to Master Skywalker, and he set out for Myrkyr on his modified Skpiray blastboat....
Diego knelt next to Omi. "Woah...Got ahold of yourself, man. I know its sad, but would your family really want you on the floor in a sobbing heap? Come on, get up! YOu have a life to live! DOn't give up on your life!!"
Franz walked out into the street, heading for James and his two agents. He winced slightly from the sun. Luckily, he had a chemical of his own design that allowed him to survive in the open daylight. "Hello James...I see you're busy with your government cronies. I can't let you do anything that might hurt Paranormal INC or any of its members."
Name: Orien Zel Age: 34 Gender: Male Side: Multiverse Agency Bio: A veteran of the agency for 10 years, Orien has helped track down criminals and bring them to justice. He voulentereed to help bring in Yu Law. Weapons: semiautomatic shoutgun, 9mm pistol, knives, Kung-Fu Appearance: Blue hair, with tan skin. He is 5'11" and is fairly muscular. He wears a trenchcoat, which is black. He also wears a dark green turtleneck, a tank top and jeans. He wears a pair of army boots. Personaltiy: has an odd sense of humor, but enjoys life and will not stop until he gets Law...
Diego looked at Nick. "I wonder he's laughing about..."he muttered under his breath. He looked around at some of the other boys. "So" he said "What are your powers? I can teleport at will, but I'm not sure what the range is...yet."