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Everything posted by Orien_Xel

  1. OK, basicallly, I want to run an RPG about a group of fighter pilots flying during the Battle of Endor. They are all part of a special squadron called Nova Squadron. Each pilot flies his own, indiviaual fighter(i.e. X-Wing, A-wing, Y-Wing, etc.) We fly around, shoot TIEs, Star Destroyers, and anything Imperial. Some Basic Rules: 1. No interfering with the movie story-line, i.e. landing on the Death Star and fighting your way through it. 2. Don't kill the Executor unless you happen to be that unfourtunate A-Wing pilot.(Or fortunate, all depends on your point of view...) Heres the Info you need: Name: Flight Number(Nova 2 through 12): Ship: Here's mine: Name: Orien Zel Flight #: Nova Lead/Nova 1 Ship: X-Wing I'll start once we have at least 4 people.
  2. Orein, who is already at Legendarismon's tower, is waiting Orien:*whistles**plays solitare*
  3. I'm in. Characters Name: Franz Van Heisel Age: 167 Nationality: German Race: Vampire Bio: He was made a vampire at age 26, and swore revenge. Over the years he has trained himself to resist the Thirst. Description: pale, tall(6'2") he wears a shirt, jeans and a leather jacket. Blond hair. Became a professional werewolf hunter. Affiliation: Paranormal INC Weapons: sawed of shotgun, 9mm, knives
  4. Tom crawled backwards, looking at the marder. A pulled out his last grenade. "Alright, let's do this..." He pulled the pin, stoode up and hurled it. The grendae arced through the air, and landed in the marder. One of the German's tried to kick it, but it exploded. One of the Panzers rotated it's cannon towards Tom and he ran dodging around a corner he found himself facing a German soldier, his gun raised. Soldier: "Auf Wiederschien, Amerikaner" Tom closed jis eyes as the German squeezed the trigger A dry click came from the gun. He and the German stared at each other for a split second. Tom dropped his gun, drew his knife, and jumped on the soldier. Bth of their helmets fell off, and they started wrestling for control of the knife.
  5. A strange boy walks up, wearing a leather jacket. "hey, I'm Orien Zel, and this is my digimon, Sorcermon. Nice job."
  6. Tom looked at John, then at the gaping hole where a room had once been. Tom:"Cover me!" John:"You're going to do something incredibly stupid, aren't you?" Tom:"You'll see..." Tom snuck through some ruined buildings as John started firing rounds at German soliders. A few minutes later he was at the side of the Tiger as it rumbled forward. Tom took careful aim and fired a shot at one of the two soldiers behind the tank. He fell to the ground, dieing. The second tried to bring his gun up, but Tom drew his pistol and shot him twice. He ran over to the tank and clambered up on it. He started banging on the hatch. Tom:"ACHTUNG! ACHTUNG!" As the hatch began to open, Tom pulled the pin out of one of his grenades and tossed it in. "See you in hell, boys!":devil: He jumped off. There was a muffled "boom" from inside the tank, and it slowly turned and crashed into a buillding. Tom looked around and realized he was alone in the middle of the street. Tom: "oh, shi-" Machine gun fire ripped up the ground around him, and he dove behind a pile of rubble.
  7. *shows up* :modrod:Orien: Hey, Henry. Hows it going?
  8. Name: Orien Zel Hybrid: Paladianmon A. Hybrid: DarkKnightmon
  9. OOC: Sorry...:( Tom glanced up as he heard a rumbling. He waited until Asuko finished bandaging his head. "Thanks, I gotta go." Running outside, he relieved a dead German of his rifle. he also grabbed some ammo. "OK..." he muttered to himself as he fiddled with the rifle. "hmmm...bolt action...It'll have to work for now." He looked round until he spotted John, who was laying down fire on some German infantry. Just as he ran up, he saw the Tiger come around the corner. Tom: "Holy S***!!" John: "No kidding..." Tom fired a shot at a over-zealous Kraut, who ducked back behind cover. Tom: "We need a bazooka, or something." John: "Yeah, might as well wish for a squadron of Sherman tanks..."
  10. OOC: I actually planned to have it deflect of my skull, and shoot out of my helmet..its happened...but then Abob interfred, sooo....I'm going to re-edit this so I'm NOT dead!
  11. "John, c'mon! lets get to cover!" John glanced at Tommy, then grabbed the MG and ran. Jut as they got back to cover, Tommy jerked, stumbled and collapsed. A small hole was in the side of his helmet. John turned to look. Tom groaned and rolled over. He felt his helmet. There was a hole in both sides. He slowly removed it. There was a scorched path around the top of the inside. "Oh my God, I'm lucky..." Apparently , the bullet had deflected of a ridge of bone, circled up around his head and gone out the other side.
  12. OOC: I just posted on your recruitment board. Can I join in?
  13. Name:Orein Zel Nickname (if any):Zel Age/Grade(No one over 16):14 Personality:humorus, and light-hearted but very protective of his family and friends. Mess with them and he will kick your a**! When he is mad, watch out. Phys. Description(only average humans!): blue-green hair(dyed) blue eyes, tall( 5'11) wears a leather jacket, jeans , and a t-shirt that says: se evil, hear evil, speak evil, and breathe evil. Family/Background(but I don't want all bleeding-heart stories!):Lives with your average family, with the 2.5 kids and yadda yadda yadda... Digimon Rookie(Name/Attacks):Sorcermon/fireball Digimon Champion(Name/Attacks): Dragon-Wizardmon/dragon orb, dragon shield Digimon Ultimate(Name/Attacks/): DragonSorcermon/ Dragon Staff, Fire Sield, Fire Beam Digimon Mega(Name/Attacks/): DragonKnightmon/ Dragon Sword, Shield of Justice, Fire River BTW, hes fire/dragon type! Romance(what you like in a person): anime, fencing, manga, magizines, books, computers, jokes, sarcasam, and the list goes on...
  14. Thomas looked around as he fed ammo into the .30 cal. A glint of metal caught his eye. Looking up, he saw the barrel of an MG 42 pointing out of a window. Following its line of aim, he saw Craig crouching by a culvert. "MG! MG!" He shouted and pointed towards it. John swung the gun around and fired a burst at the barrel of the MG. Thomas grabbed the kraut's sub-machine gun and was about to open upp too when he spotted a springfield withdraw into the window of house. He also saw a group of Germans about to enter a few of them got in, but the rest, he opened up on with MP. several bit the dust before the rest got into the house. He glanced around, and he saw Abob. "sir! Sir!" He waved him over. "What is it, Rayn?" "Sir, one of our snipers is in that house, and several krauts just went in there!"
  15. Friendly fire?*curls into a little ball and looks frightnened*:eek: Where will it be run? Here or on the main adventure board? PEACE OUT! I Pity da' foo!:mrt:
  16. grumblegrumblegrumble...Oh well...I changed it! Can I keep my stolen Luger? Tell me when we start!!!
  17. What? why can't I have a rifle as backup? If we run out of ammo, Duo and I are sitting ducks! I'm keeping the rifle...
  18. WOOO-HOOOO!! I dibs Malfoy...Now I can toy with his personality..MWAHAHAHA:demon:
  19. Name: Thomas Rayn Platoon: 1st Rank: Private weapon: pistol, MG tripod, stolen German Luger 9mm I'll be the machine gun carrier person! Lets rock...:devil: ...when do we start?
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