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Everything posted by Orien_Xel
[b]Name:[/b]James Forrest [b]Age:[/b]27 [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Race:[/b]Human [b]Location:[/b]England [b]Description:[/b]A young man of average hieght, around 5'10". He has long, raven black hair and icy blue eyes. His hair is tied back in a ponytail, and he usually wears a long black cloak, and a traveling outfit underneath. On his head is a large hat, a la Vampire Hunter D. He wears boots, and carrys a revolver and winchester rifle. [b]Background:[/b]James had a rather uneventful childhood, growing up on a small manor outside of London. He learned how to shoot from his father, who had been in the army for a while. Then, one fateful night, when James qas 19, and away from home, his mother was taken by a Vampyre. His father gathered a group of men and went after her. They never returned. Since then James has hunted vampires, ruthlessly. He shows no mercy to them, remembering what happened to his family. Some call him crazy for suggesting they exist. But he knows differently...
[color=blue]A streak of light mars the sky. It steadily grow larger,, heading for the city. It is Wing Gundam, in bird mode. Heero Yuy sits at the controls, a grim smile on his face. [i]"A tournament, huh?"[/i] Within a few minutes, the city is in sight, and Wing Gundam touches down in MS mode. He scans around, finding the gathering of mechs. He head over, finding Judge. [i]"You're the 'Judge', I assume." "That would be me."[/i] Heero looked at the Mechs assembled, recognizing Trowa's and Dou's.[/color]
Mech Pilot- [b]Name:[/b]Heero Yuy [b]Age:[/b]16 [b]Eye Color:[/b]Prussian Blue [b]Hair Color:[/b]Dark Brown [b]Anime or Manga From:[/b]Gundam Wing [b]Bio:[/b]This mysterious youth was sent from the L1 space colony cluster to fight against OZ. He goes by the alias Heero Yuy, after the martyred, peace-seeking leader of the space colonies; his real name, like almost everything else about him, is unknown. Heero has been trained since childhood for his role as pilot of the Wing Gundam, an upbringing that has made him cold and ruthless. But thanks to his years of training, Heero has become a perfect soldier equally skilled in personal combat, explosives, and computer hacking. [b]Picture:[/b][img]http://www.jenorama.org/cels/celthumbs2/heero1small.jpg[/img] Mech- [b]Name:[/b]Wing Gundam [b]Weapons:[/b]2 x machinecannon, 2 x vulcan gun, 2 x beam saber, Buster rifle [b]Anime or Manga From:[/b]Gundam WIng [b]Picture:[/b][img]http://www.aniworlds.com/images/gundamwing/xxxg-00w0.jpg[/img]
[color=blue]Well, I'd go but I have other stuff to do..such as be in a play, etc..[/color]
[color=blue]Sick. Just sick. How could someone do that to dogs? I mean, jeez...[/color]
[color=green][i]Suddenly there was an explosion and part of the wall blew in, dust and debrs flying everywhere. An armored figure strides through the dust, rifle held high. It is Jace Onet'Chat, reknowned bounty hunter. He looked around ingnoring the cries, and dust. He spotted Jericho and walked toward him.[/color][/i]
[b]Name:[/b]Jace Onet'Chat [b]Age:[/b]23 [b]Race:[/b]Var'Kan (pointy ears, little fangs, slit pupils) [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Weapons:[/b]two vibro-knives, a small laser cutter, a pistol, and TriPulse Mk.5 energy rifle [b]Bio/Description:[/b]A ex-marine, he works for himself. He is tall, standing at 6'0", with dark hair and bright blue eyes. He now pilots a customized, heavily upgraded assualt craft. He usually wears a suit of marine armor, mius the hemet, rank, and unit patches. He is usually quiet, but is incredibly deadly.
[color=blue]Orien walked out of the tres, and waved cordially at the group. Orien: Hi guys! Am I too late to fight? Orien then produces a wicked looking butter knife, which he twirls expertly between his fingers. DW: uh, hello...whoever you are. Orien: Oh, i'm sorry! 'm Orien. Orien Xel, master of the deadly art of butter-knife fighting! DM, DW, TH, Natan, Kenitic: :bluesweat Orien: What? Oh, i get it! You don't thinkk butter-knives are deadly! DM: Well.... [/color]
Do you know anything about Star Trek vicky? No offense, but we don't use swords...we use phasers! MWAHAHA! *cough* And to be in Starfleet you have to go to the Academy and...*goes off about Star Trek* Being a Trekkie I know these things...
[color=blue]I'm a Christian, and I personally support gay marrige. I don't think Jesus would have condemened them for it, or excluded them. Gays are fine. My brother is in fact bi, so...Well, anyway gay marrige would be a great thing.[/color]
[color=blue]*walks in*I'm here!*silence for a few moments*...so, now what?[/color]
[color=blue]*cracks knuckles*Let's give it a shot... [b]Name:[/b]Karl van Osterwald [b]Race:[/b]Human [b]"Class":[/b]Pladin/Templar [b]Bio:[/b]Karl was born a simple peasant in a small, out of the way village. He grew up leading a normal life, helping with chores, and so forth. Then, one day, a maruading band of bandits, thieves, and other cutthroats descended on his village. The villagers fought back as best they could, but were killed, almost to man. During the fighting, Karl was trapped in a ruined building when it collapsed. Karl was only 13 years old. A few days later he was dug out of the rubble, battered, bruised, uncouncious, but alive. His rescuer was one Jamek van Osterwald, a Paladin of the Order of the Sacred Dragon. He nursed Karl back to health, and took him as his own son. Karl was left with a scar that ran acroos his otherwise handsome features. They traveled to one of the Order's many monasteries and he was taught the Order's teachings. The teachings are as follows: 1)Dragons are Holy Creatures, the ones made by the Gods in the beginning. Do not harm them. 2)Help the weak, for they are precious. 3)Hunt out evil and destroy it for they threaten the Sancticty of life. These are the three beasic teachings. Karl was trained as Templar by his own father, and learned how to use a sword, shield, and other weapons, as welll as the powers that were granted to those of the Order, among which are healng spells, as well as shield spells. Karl trained for 6 years to become a Templar, finally departing the monastery at age 19. His adoptive father, Jamek, left him at a crosraods, after a tearful farewell, both knowing this might be the last time either would look upon the other's face. Karl traveled the land, helping the weak, and hunting down evil where he could find it. after two years, he is an expert swordsman, and relies on his own inner strength to get through hard times. He is a wanderer. [b]Description:[/b]He is tall, dark haired, and blue-eyed. He has a vicous scar running across the left side of his head, marring his face. He has a calm demeanor about him, and if one were to look in his eyes, they would see a calm soul, but there is pain bneeath the surface. One would also see the determination he has to continues on his never ending quest. He is typically dressed in armor, helmet, gauntlets, and riding boots. He rides a horse, a longsword at his side, his shield on his back. The shield bears the mark of the ORder, a silver Dragon on a black field. [b]Other:[/b]He has a deep and a biding hate for bullys, and one of his dreams is too meet, or see, one of the Dragons of Legend. His powers include several healing spells, a shield spell, a small bless spell. [/color]
Your welcome. Glad I could help, in some way.
OK, justin. Considering that god cannot come in contact with sin, or whatever no one would ever get into heaven because everyone sins. Everyone. And if God can't come into contact with sin, that's pretty sad. What happened to the kind and loving God I know? The one who will forgive you of your sins no matter what! The one who loves the entire world? Apparently, he's gone. Apparently he no longer loves sinners. Jesus said that God loved sinners when he came to Earth. If God could never come into contact with sinners, never be in their prescence, then Jesus never could have been with those sinners he consorted with...OK, sorry for the rant....
Yugi desperately tries to stave off the oncoming horde of fangirls!
[color=blue]I don't want to sound callous or anything but..It's life. THings die. You can't stop it 100% of the tme. If it dies, it dies. It's sad, yes, bu there's really nothing you can do about it...[/color]
My coming out party and you're all invited!
Orien_Xel replied to Sui Generis's topic in General Discussion
[color=blue]Hey, good job! COngrats, and all that! It's good that people can do this and be accepted by society today! Hooray! Note, that I don't partucuarly care and I find myself perfectly comftorbale around gay people. Anyqay, live life to the fullest, etc.[/color] -
Um...are we goin to start this anytime soon?
[b]Name:[/b]Kyle Orteer [b]Party Name:[/b]Kyle [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Class:[/b]Ninja ( I remember this class from watching a friend play, if it's wrong, tell me) [b]Level:[/b]25 [b]Front-Line Attack:[/b]Shuriken Barrage PWR=1 [b]Description:[/b]He hurls a barrage of shuriken, or throwing stars at his oponent [b]Back Line atck:[/b]Lightning Bow (or some such)PWR=2 Description:[/b]A bow of lighting appears in his hand, and bolt of electrcity shoots forth. [b]Held Item:[/b]Katana(not too sure on this...) [b]Description:[/b]Gives a +10 atck, and does +10 dmg. [b]Breif History:[/b]A ninja, trained scince birth, he has gone to make his way o=in the world.
[color=blue]While Seth was talking to Ren, Kyle had slowly started to clamver out of the hole. He was wary, and moving slowly, checking for traps, and other such things. He reached the top, and rolled over the edge. He turned around, and extended his hand to the nearest student, who happened to be Ren. "Hey! Ren! Give me your hand!" Ren extended his hand, and rabbed on to Kyle's. Together, they manged to get Ren out. Kyle started helping other students out ,as the exercise wore on.[/color]
Hieghts...*shudder* I hate hieghts....Oh, and train platforms. I'm always terrified I'm going to fall off and be crushed by an oncoming train. I'm always freaked out by those...And being alone in a dark room. Those things freak me out....
Spiderman! Defintly Spider man! HE has strength, agility, spide sense, and he can webswing. He sticks to walls. And he kicks aerious a**! No, really..He's cool.
Hey, hey , hey! You people are all saying things like:"ignore him!""MAke fun of him" etc. That's not cool! YOu have to be reasonable about it. Tell the kid in 7th grade, that you enjoy talking to him, and you share interests with him, but that calling you 10 times a day is not appropriate, and that you have other things to do besides talk on the phone all day. Don't just push him away!
As a Christian-type person, thing, I ahve to say this:God, no matter what religion, no matter what you think, will love you, you will still get to heaven. God does not say "You're not following my teachings to the exact! Go to Hell!" He loves everyone, no matter what, along with Jesus Christ, our Savior.