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Everything posted by Orien_Xel

  1. [color=blue]Kyle listened, somewhat bored, but attentive. "might as well learn.." he thought to himself. He sighed, and kept listening as Clatk started going through various defensive manuvers they could use. It was going to be a long day...[/color]
  2. [color=blue]Orien watched, hoping that they wouldn't kill each other. He looked at Dango. "Well, Dimitri's alternate personality has taken over...so has Val's..not good.." He winces from pain. [i]I really need to learn more healing spells...[/i][/color]]
  3. [color=blue]Also in the class, was Kyle Dartan, another young student. He pateintlly waited for the class to start, somewhat bored. He didn't want to be here, but he realized that he might as well pick up some new skills while he was here...[/color]
  4. [color=blue]Orien walked over to a tree, and leaned against it for support, wincing at the pain. He looked at Deteria and Val. Something at the back of his mind told him this wouldn't turn out well, so he was keeping a sleeping spell ready..just in case..[/color]
  5. [color=blue]Orien's eyes narrow. "Fine then...I'll leave..." He waves his hand once, and the connection is severed. He wakes up, his physical body on the ground, he sits up, rubbing his head, and wincing at the pain in his body.[/color]
  6. [color=blue]Orien managed to just dodge out of the way, recieving a cut across his chest. He winced in pain. He murmured another spell, and a cloud of smoke erupted from the ground, seperating him from Deteria. When the smoke cleared, Orien was gone, going deeper into the maze of corridors and thoughts in Dimitri's mind.[/color]
  7. [b]Name:[/b]Kyle Dartan [b]Age:[/b]26 [b]Appearance:[/b]About 5'10, with dark brown hair and green eyes. Very non-descript, but very fit. [b]Unit:[/b]Special Forces [b]Speacilty:[/b]Infiltration, Small Arms [b]Weapons:[/b] Silenced ZMG 9mm, knife [b]Bio:[/b]Born in New York, he had a somewhat troubled chilhood. He manged to get through high school, and went to West Pint. After serving in the military for a few years, he transferered to a Black Ops unit, where he is stil currently working.
  8. [color=blue]Orien smirked. "You think I've managed to come this far as Sorcerer without picking up a trick or two? Think again...Power of light gather to my hands, and send your holy energy to smite my Enemies! Dragon Slayer!" A beam of gol and white energy flashes from his hands, flashing towards Deteria, almost too fast to be seen.[/color]
  9. [color=blue]Orien raised his hands and shouted a word. A shimmering white shield appeared infront of him, deflecting the bolt of lightning. "My physical body may be in bad shape, but my mind is in perfect condition!" He muttered another spell, and a ball of shimmering white energy appeared in his hands. A second later, three arrows of light shot from his hands, and zeroed in on Deteria. "I will find out where Dimitri is in here!"[/color]
  10. [color=blue]Orien gasped as Dereria's hand closed around his neck. He raised his hands as if to ward off the blow. He scketched a small symbol in the air, and grabbed Seteria's arm. A strong jolt of electrcity ran through him, forcing Deteria to back off. Orien raised his hands, wary of a new attack.[/color]
  11. Orien_Xel


    Sounds fun... [b]Name:[/b]Himura Kenshin (Battosai) [b]Anime From:[/b]Rouroni Kenshin [b]Specail POwers/ Magic:[/b] Amazing sword skills, speed, agility, strength [b]Weapons:[/b] Reverse blade-sword (sakubato) [b]Description[/b][img]http://napalmcandy.net/sbl/images/kenshin.jpg[/img]
  12. [color=blue]Orien frowned...Dimitri was different, definitly not himself. He gathered some of his energy, and with a push, entered Dimitri's mind, while his physicall body, slowly fell to the ground, and lapsed back into uncounciousness. "Dimtri? Are you here?" Orien looked around. He was in Dimitri's mind.[/color]
  13. [color=blue]Orien's eyes flickered open, and he sat up, wincing. His broken bones had healed, but he still had some injuries. He glanced around, and pulled himself up. He looked at Dimitri and Val. He pulled himself up to a standing position. He looked at Dimitri. Something was wrong here... "Dimitri? Val, is he*wince* OK?"[/color]
  14. [color=blue]Orien's eyes flickered weakly, and they opened. His eyes focused on Dimitri. He smiles weakly. "Dimitri..."He coughs up some blood,"You came...." His eyelids flicker again, he lapses back into unconciousness. He is covered in small burns, cuts, and bruises, and has several more serious wounds, and some broken ribs.[/color]
  15. A Clancy fan, are we Dimitri? [b]Name:[/b]Kyle Darte [b]Age:[/b]17 [b]Bio/Personality:[/b]A happy-go-lucky kid, who only ended up int the military school after a misunderstanding involving the mayor's car, a few chery bombs, and a goat. He really doesn't want to be here, but will go with it for now. He has a habit of playing practical jokes, so it's anybodys guess as to what'll happen.
  16. [color=blue]Orien muttered a final spell, and leapt. He fell from the cliff, leaving his adversary behind him as he fell. He hurtled eratheards, his eyes closed. A few seconds before impact he stopped, hovering in midair. He then floated gently to the ground. He groaned. Even a simple levitation spell had taken alot out of him. He clawed himself to his feet, nad started staggering away, trying to put as much distance as possible between himself and the mysterious opponent...[/color] OOC:More background on this will be revealed later...
  17. [color=blue]Elsewhere, far to the north.... Orien gritted his teeth as another blast of magicak energy sped by him. He had used up most of his energy trying to deflect the attacks, and he was exhausted. Burns, and other small cuts and bruises cover his face. He finds himself on the edge of a cliff8 "Great..." He turns to face his opponent, a mmysterious figure in black. Orien raises his hands. "Spirits of light, come to me...." A ball of white energy gathers in his hand, and it begins to flicker, the energy weakening. Orien knows he has to hit with this attack, or it's going to hurt. Alot. "Holy Purge!!" The ball of light flickers for a moment, before reforming into a shimmering lance, that shoots at his opponent. The figure laughs.[/color] [color=red]"Do you really think that can defeat me?"[/color] [color=blue]The figure mutters a incantation, and the spell is dissapated. "Man, I'm too weak right now for this...." thinks Orien as the figure closes on him...[/color]
  18. OOC: I apologize for crap post..I'm really busy right now... Danren sauntered over to Sipper, munching on a piece of bread. "What's wrong Skip? You seem worried?"
  19. [color=blue]Suddenly, there's a small "pop" and a small image of Orien appears. It starts talking rapidly. "Dimitri, my friend, I don't have much time. When I left, I told you I ahd some personal buisnees to take care off. Well, it's gotten out of hand. I'm facing off agains a sorcerer..one I know from a very long time ago...He's very powerful..Im not sure I'll be able to beat him. I need your help. Please come with all possible speed!" His location suddenly appears as if it where on a map, then it fades away, leaving a burned out husk of leaves.[/color]
  20. [color=blue]Suddenly, there was a small flash, and a small glowing ball of energy appeared, the solodified into a pure white ball. It dropped to the ground in fron of Dimitri, and sat there[/color] OOC:I hope this doesn't bug you too much, but this is a message from Orien. He's run into trouble, and didn't want to attemept a mind contact, because Dimitri told him not too. It won't do squat until you pick it up.
  21. Danren or Dan to his friends, was lounging on top of the wall. He was a young squriel, just a few seasons out of being a Dibbun. He was happy to finally be treated like an adult, and was simply enjoying himself on top of the wall. He looked down onto the Abbey grounds, smiling as he watched Skipper caryry the dibbuns outside, and sit at the large table. "Hmm.. should probablyy go get some of that food myself..."He thought. He bounded down the stairs, taking them two at a time, before landing adroitly, and he staartd walking over to he feast.
  22. [color=blue]Dimitri suddenly felt another prescence in his mind. It was Orien. "Hi there, just thought I'd contact you and see how thingas are going!"[/color]
  23. [color=blue]Meanwhile, Orien was walking through the forest, brooding in his own thoughts... [i]I need to find him...he's the one responsible for all of this! He was the one that destroyed my life...[/i][/color]
  24. *grins* I like this idea... [b]Name:[/b] Kyle Resan [b]Age:[/b]25 [b]Rank:[/b]Captain [b]Alias:[/b]"Mongol" [b]Personality:[/b] A born marine, he is very chatty and thinks he is God's gift to the world. He likes fighting on the groyund, reveling in small-unit tactics and assualts. He enjoys the thrill of the hunt, and is seriously ready to kick some ***. [b]Description:[/b]Tall, around 5'10", with blond hair, and high cheekbones. He has a narrow face, and bright, icy blue eyes. He is fit and usually wears a uniform while on duty, although he sometimes wears his fatigues. One of his hands is covered by a black glove, and is mechaincal. [b]Bio:[/b]Born on one of the outlying colonies, he trained and worked on a high gravity planet, making him tougher and stronger then the average human. At age 20 he shipped out ot earth to attend the MArine Officers Academy. Despite being an officer, he went through basic, and learned how to strip and put back togther a weapon in under 30 seconds, while blindfolded. He graduated near the top of his class, and was assigned to the Expeditionary force. He lost a hand in a traing accident, but had it replaced with a mechaincal one. He is eager and ready.
  25. OOC: TIme for me to get involved...sorry, I hadn't noticed it starting...Someone talk to me IC! IC: Gavin, or Gav to his friends, groaned and sat up. He wiped one hand across his eye, and looked around, squinting in the bright sunlight. [color=red]Gav: Where the hell am I?[/color] He noticed a spear, with a bright orange/red blade sticking up in the ground next to him. HE reached over nad pulled it out, and stood up. It was then that he also noticed the red stone around his neck. ANd the temple looming in front of him. [color=red]Gav: Now that's something you don't see every day....[/color] Gav slowly walked towards the temple, glancing around.
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