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Everything posted by Orien_Xel

  1. [color=red]Karl looked at Pritz. He looked back at Jason, then back to Pritz. "waht do you mean 'club'? I've heard thes people are the resistance, fighting against the tyrant that rules this city. If they want me to train them, I'll do it. Don't you even care about what happens to these people? Do you know why this city is so infested wit theives? Tyranny is something that must be overthrown, wherever it is found."[/color]
  2. [color=red]As Prtiz walked for the door, another person entered the room, followed by the guard. It was Karl. He almmost ran into Pritz, but managed to avoid it. "Excuse me, I wasn't watching where I was going," Karl said to him. He looked around the room. "Can someone please tell me why I was summoned here?" He shifts the sword strapped to his back, and sets his shield down on the table, casting a glance at Pritz, doing a double take. He raises an eyebrow."A drow? Here?"[/color]
  3. [color=blue]Orien lounged under a tree, listening to their conversation. "Surely your not thinking of going anywher without me?" He grinned, and laughed. He stood, and started to walk away. "I'll catch up with you guys later, I've something I have to do..."[/color]
  4. Orien_Xel


    Hmm..it would appear I am wrong...
  5. [color=blue]Orien walked over. "A few hours...Out like a light, but then again it was a spell"[/color]
  6. [color=red]Karl van Osterwald muttered to himself as he trudged through the muddy, rundown streets of Paradise. Despite looks from petty thieves, his armor, the longsword slung across his back, and the shield baring the crest of the Order of the Dragon stopped them from attacking. He opened the door to a small inn, called the Drunken Elf and hailed the barkeep. "Innkeeper! I need a room for the night!" "Uh, yes sir.." He sat down and ordered a meal, glancing around the room[/color]
  7. Orien_Xel


    I'm in...as I fan of the series, I just have to nitpick and point out that it is "dubbins" not "dibbins"....;) [b]Name:[/b] Danren, or Dan for short [b]Species:[/b]Squrriel [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Bio:[/b] Danren, or Dan for short grew up at Redwall Abbey, and was always interested in warriors and such. He started practicing with the fencing saber at a realitively young age, and has goten quite good. He is also exceptional with the bow. He is eager for adventure andother such things. [b]Description:[/b] Dan usually wears a dark blue tunic,with a green shirt nderneath that. He is usually cheerful, and likes to play jokes sometimes.
  8. [color=blue]Orien quickly made a sign in the air and said simply:"Sleep." Dimitri fell silently into a deep sleep, from which he would wake in a few hours. "Well, that solved that problem..."[/color]
  9. [b]Name:[/b]Gavin [b]Nickname:[/b] Gav [b]Power:[/b] Fire [b]Description:[/b] About 5'9", with blond hair and blue eyes, Gav is a quiet young man, with a penchance for sarcasm. He wears a 1930a flying jacket over a blakc t-shirt and jeans. He as a small tattoo of a dragon on his right shoulder. Weapon:Flame Spear. A spear with a flaming red tip, and runes carved all over the blade. Bio:Gav groaned and sat up. He looked around, wondering where he was. He stood up, and started walking, picking up the spear he found nearby thinking:"Cool. A spear." Stone color: Orange/Red
  10. *nodnod*I love Werewolf...One of the best games ever.
  11. [color=blue]Orien shrugs. "Not much to tell, really. I was orphaned at a young age, but was taken in by a group of sorcerers. I was taught how to manipulate magical energies, and use the rapier. I struck out on my own a few years ago, and ever since I've been wandering. That's pretty much it..." Orien settles back down, this time on the ground. He turns to Sareneth. "So, you're Sareneth. I've heard about you." "Really?" Orien nods. "I know that you're doomed to wander the earth until Judgement Day, and I also know how powerful you are..."[/color]
  12. [color=blue]Orien woke up, and looked around. He realized that he was alone. He walked out side and activated his levitation spell. After a bit of searching he saw Dimitri and Val sitting by a fire with the angel they had found earlier. He zipped up, hovering a few feeet off the ground. "Hello everyone, Dimitri, Val, angel guy." He sat down, still floating.[/color]
  13. [color=blue]Orien mutters something, and walks into the cave, glancing back at Dango with a curious look. He then turns back to Dimitri. "So, where did you find this angel, anyway?" "Under a tree, asleep..." Orien looked down at the Angel. He knelt beside him and started looking him over, examing his armor and weapons. He turned back to Dimitri. "I'd be careful with him," he said, "He can probably go to an angelic form, and that won't be pleasant..."[/color]
  14. Can I be a German soldier fighting against the IMperialist forces of the U.F.?
  15. [color=blue]Orien lounged outside the cave, poking a small campfire. He turned and looked back into the cav, wondering what was up with those two. "What's the big deal about turning into a mortal every full moon? he muttered to himself. Orien pulled out a small bit of dried meat and starte munching on it. He stared out ito the dark forest, alert.[/color]
  16. I'll check this out...Can I take Koopa Troopa if Ohkami has Pickachu? [b]Character Name:[/b]Koopa Troopa [b]Class:[/b]Lightweght [b]Special Ability:[/b] "Shell" - This ability allows Koopa Troopa to cover the entire kart in a shell for a brief moment, protecting it from enemy attacks. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Koopa is a pretty good driver and doesn't really need to worry his little bald head. However, he doesn't always get along with teammates. [b]Strengths:[/b] Koopa's Shell ability is very unique amongst the racing lineup - it can be very useful in races.
  17. [b][color=blue]Character Name:[/b] Wedge Antilles [b]Reason for Choosing Character[/b] 1)He's from Star Wars. Star Wars is cool 2)He has an X-Wing. and a blaster pistol. 'nuff said. [b]My Knowledge of this Character[/b] I know a lot. I could tell you his home planet, his current rank, his family, his squadron, his friends, his girlfriend...and a lot more. [/color]
  18. Well, I've played for awhile, and the easiest way to get everybody on one place is to plan ahead of time. Call like a week early, and orginize it! It works. *nodnod* Playing with just a GM and a one player can work, but it's not as good as if there were a bunch of people!
  19. [color=blue]Orien waved his hand and mutered something. He rose to about a foot off the ground and glided after Val and Dimitri. "What, may I ask, is going on?" "An angel, I think..." Orien looked skeptical. "An angel? Down here? Not very likely..."[/color]
  20. [color=blue]Orien stared for a second before breaking out in laughter. He stopped after a withering glance Val. "Well, no offense to you young lady, but I somehow doubt you would get close enough to use that thing on me..." He raised his hands and they started to glow. "I have a little something called magic on my side..." He dropped his hands and they stopped glowing, "...but who wants to fight? I'm just a wanderer..."[/color]
  21. OOC: Wheee! I'm in! Name: Orien Xel Race: Half-Elf Appearance: Average hieght, around 5'6", with a dark blue coat over a pure white tunic and black pants. he wears a breastplate over his chest, and there is a rapier at his side, however, his true power lies in maagic...Blue eyes, brown hair. IC:[color=blue]Suddenly there was a bright flash of white light, and a man dressed in a drk blue cloak, white tunic, and black pants appeared. His well crafted features, and pointed ears revealed him to be a half-elf. His face, and clothing had a slight layer of ash on them. In fact, for about five feet around him, the ground was schorched. He wiped the ash of himself, and then pulled out a white peice of cloth, which he used to wipe his face off. "Damn transportation spells...never could get them right.." He suddenly loks up, notcing the three for the first time. He steps forward, a smile on his lips. Oh, excuse me...Allow me to introduce myslef. I am Orien Xel, sorcerer extrordinare..." He bows, nodding to each in turn.[/color]
  22. Here we go..... [color=blue][i]Hi, I'm Stefan Vallecillo, a 8th grader from Winters, California. My town is reallly small, only about 6,000 people. And is farily boring. I enjoy writing and I want ot be a novelist once I get out of college. I also enjoy competitive fencing, currently participate in the California leauge. I joined Otaku Boards about a year and a half ago, and have been wandering around them, lost, ever since. I really like computers and my favorite thing to do is use the internet. My favorite animes are Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Digimon, Excel Sage, and Slayers. I like meeting new people and I hope to win this darn contest. I have an avid interest in politics and reading, and dislike war and curoption, plus other nasty things....Thanks for taking the time to read this. Bye.[/color][/i]
  23. [color=blue]Does fencing count?[/color]
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