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Everything posted by Orien_Xel
To qoute a man from Easy Company, in the 101st Airborne from WW2:"I wasn't a hero in the war. But I fought in a company of them"
ditto for me..I don't have much time right now...save me a spot!!!
AHHH! I WANT TO SEE THE ANIMETRIX!!! Anyway, I love the MAtrix. Excellent movie, that!
[color=blue]Vincent walked slowly into down. People avoided him. Probably because of the sword and armor, but who knows? He entered a small inn and sat down. "Water. Now." The bartender silently handed him a mug of water. He sipped at it, looking around at the epeople inside.[/color]
[color=blue]The darkness was spreading....IT had already destroyed half of his family. But now he was ready. Ready and waiting...He heard a howl of in the distance as he walked through the forest, his armor clinking slightly. He turned and listened. Suddenly a gray shape burst from the forest. Vincent turned and drew his sword, barely dodged the charging werewolf. He ducked as a razor sharp claw zipped just over his head. He lunged with his sword, wounding the horrendous beast. IT roared in pain and attacked again. Its jaw closed on his armored shoulder. It did not pierce it. It realized it was beaten and turned to flee. "You're not getting away thart easy..." Vincent pulled his whip and trippd the monster with a crak. He raised his sword. It fell once. The dead body twitched on the ground, its blood leaking into the snow. Vincent grimaced as he wiped the blood from his sword. There would be others...[/color]
Can't we all just get along?
[color=blue][b]Name:[/b]Patrick Mason [b]Age:[/b]24 [b]Weapons:[/b]dual 9mm pistols, M16A1 assualt rifle, combat knife(in boot) [b]Specialty:[/b]Firearms, Piloting [b]Bio:[/b]Patrick is a Navy SEAL who has been assigned to throw back Dufor and his undead hordes. He wanted to join the military from an early age, and comes from a military family. His father, and other ancestors haveserved in various branches of the armed forces. He joined the seals at age 19 and trained hard and went through Hell Week. He was one of the top members of his unit at age 22 and has served in various covert operations since then. He was recalled from active duty 6 months ago and has been fairly bored sitting around t home, which is in San Francisco. He as put back on active duty when Dufor started conquering the U.S. and has been eager to get back into combat. He has recieved several commendation in his career and is ready to fight. Heis also trained in the flying helicopters, although he has never flown one in combat. He is ready. [b]Apperance:[/b]five foot nine, and muscular. He has blond hair cut short, but slightly longer the military regualation. When off-duty he usually wears a pair of khakis and a blue longsleeve shirt, and sneakers. When he is on duty he wears a single piece black jumpsuit and boots, usually with one of his pistols as a sidearm. He has blue eyes and a tattoo of a pheonix on his chest.[/color]
[color=blue]Well, I support Palestine. I do not support Suicide bombers. The Palestinians were illeagly driven form their homes in 1948, and the Israeli army is now illeagly occupying Plaestinian teritorry. several million dollars go to Isreal from the U.S. each year. Most of that is used to buy surplus military weapons from us. God, I hate war....[/color]
[color=blue]Orien sat in a chair, waiting for his examination. He was bored. Then again, he was always bored. Most computer systems were no match for his hacking prowess. He pulled out his personal computer and started playing a small game.[/color]
[color=blue]Orine opened up the rifle. There was a multidute of wires. [b]Orien:[/b]"Great.....lesse...blue wire...green wire...red wire...gray wire....Which one?..." Orien turned to Ryan. [b]Orien:[/b]'Waht's your favorite color?" [b]Ryan[/b]"Your going to risk out lives over my favorite color?" [b]Orien:[/b]"Yeah, pretty much..."[/color]
[color=blue][b]Name:[/b]Vincent Baldwin [b]Family:[/b]Baldwin [b]Weapons:[/b]Longsword, Hunter Whip [b]Skills:[/b]Defend, Breath of Life, Dash [b]Armor:[/b]Iron Curiass, Steel Armor, steel helm [b]Bio:[/b]A warrior, trained from birth, he was born in Germany. He has very good warrior training. He grew up, working with the other members of his family in anticipation that this dya would come. He has gone to fight the evil spreading across the world... [b]Appearance:[/b]Tall, with blond hair and icy blue eyes. He has high cheekbones, and is very handsome. A small scar runs across cheek. He got it during a traing accident. He wears his polished armor with pride and stands ready.
[color=blue]Life sucks...Anyway, I heard about a bus load of Syrians and Iraqis trying to flee the country were hit by a U.S. missile. Rather then admit that they were wrong, the U.S. claimed it was a group of Iraqis coming back to fight...I hate this stupid war.[/color]
OOC: Note: Michel, my character, is willing to work for anybody, including the cops, for the right price. [color=blue][i]Michel stepped over the dead bodies of his latest targets. It had been all too easy. He sifted through several of the papers on the desk before finally coming up wit a wad of cash. He grinned and walked out the door. He stashed his Tommy Gun in the trunk before casually driving away, just as the sirens started to get close...[/i][/color]
[color=blue]Maybe we should surrender, and let them keep their oil! That'll learn 'em!!! But seriously, I think Saddam pulled out before the bombing started. Do you really think he is [b]THAT[/b] stupid?[/color]
[color=blue]Orien was using a small portable computer to sift through the files on the CDs. He frowned. "Password protected, eh?" He typed rapidly for a few seconds, coming up with various passwords and firewalls. Computer:"Acces, granted" Orien:"Sweet...+Sir?+" Marth:"+Yes, Orien?+" Orien:"+I've managed to crack the code on one of these disce. Lots of data on this sucker...+"[/color]
[color=blue]Looking at all these points and counter-points has made realize one thing: War is sometimes a neccesary evil. I believe that one can use violence to defend one's life. Agrresive wars are just wrong.[/color]
[color=blue]Orien unplugged and piled out of the APC. He ducked behinf a pillar then sprinted forward to new cover. He popped up and pulled a bead on a criminal wielding a machine gun. He squeezed the trigger and sent a three round burst through his head. He switched over to full automatic fre and sprayed the area, felling several more.[/color]
[color=blue]I believe DouMax was referring to the Imperialistic tendencys (conquering other countries, etc.) Not to atrocities commited. (Although we do train terrorists at the School of the Americas to support American puppet regimes in Centeral and Southern AMerica) Once again, thats my ranting for now...[/color]
[color=blue]Gokents, I have a question how come when we disagree with you, you call us unitelligent? Just because you disagree dosen't give you the right to call us unintelligent, stupid, idiotic, etc. That is not fair to people trying to express their opinions and is called [b]FLAMING[/b]!!! You can't just call us "ignorant" and expect us to automatically say "Oh! We were wrong the entire time! Lets flock to the other side!!" All you are doing is driving us even further from your viewpoint! You are just showing YOUR ignorance. How can you?:flaming:[/color] [color=blue]EDIT: I'd just like to tell you all that we (war protesters) [b]DO NOT[/b] support Saddam! We think he is a horrible person! But we do not want war! I know he has done horrible things! We do not contest that!!! We do not want war! We think there is a better way of dealing with him! Before you ask "Well, how?" I will tell you this: Get to the people. Bombing his people will not get them to like you. Might I add that Bin Laden WANTS this war? It will mean thousands if not millions for new recruits for him! Thats all my ranting for now...[/color]
whywhywhywhywhywhywhy? We tried to stop Bush! We tried....:(
OOC: (EDIT) My speciality is now electroincs suych as electronic door locks, computers, cameras, etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [color=blue]Orien stood from where he had been checking his ammo and weapons. He slung his rifle over his shoulder and walked over to the APC. He checked the heavily armored gas tank and walked over to Marth. Orien:"Sir, the APC is fully fueled and ready!"[/color]
[color=blue]Well, I'm mainly against war because of all the suffering, death, misery, disease, hunger, etc. that it causes. I'm against it because of civilian deaths. I'nm against it because of children dieing before they can see things. That is why I'm against war.[/color]
[color=blue][b]Name:[/b]Orien Zel [b]Age:[/b]23 [b]Description:[/b] 5'9" with a slim build. dark brown hair is cut military fashion with a streak of red in it. He has dark green eyes, and high cheekbones. He usually hangs out with the other marines when off duty. [b]Specialty:[/b] Demolitions/munitions [b]Weapons/Armor:[/b] ST-30K rifle w/ grenade launcher, 9mm pistol, combat knife. B4-3T combat armor, C4 explosive.[/color] Boo-yah...
[color=blue]Why? Why should we just shut up and be little sheep? Because we might demoriliaze some troops? We care about the troops just as much as you do! We don't want them to get hurt! We don't want anyone to die! We do not just [b]HAVE[/b] to accept it! We can stand up and say "No, we do not want this war!". That is our right, and we will do so. [/color]
[color=blue]Wow. That was an icredibly well thought out and well written post. That was great Mnemolth. That basically summed up the my arguments. But I have to add that I think the corporations have a hnad in this, plus there is thefact the Administration has been planning this sense 9/11. Remind me why we're going after Saddam again? Oh, wait, he has WMD. Or is it his connections to Al Queda? Or His flouting of International Law? WHich reason do we have today? That's another rerason I don't like this. Bush keeps switching the reason we're going in for. I don't hate the U.S. troops. I don't want them to come home in body bags. War is horrible. Just a side note: We're breaking the U.N. charter to attack Iraq for breaking the U.N. resoloutin...what?? See what I mean? Its confusing!!![/color]