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Everything posted by Orien_Xel
[color=blue][i]Orien was back in Dragon's Gaze, his face a blank mask. His eyes were cold with no feeling in them. Text scrolled across the screen. He nodded once.[/i][/color]
[color=blue]:bluesweat Ok....Well, I think both groups have their extremists, nad both groups have their lunatics. 'Nuff said.[/color]
[color=blue]Well, here's one I think is funny....A rich man i having a party, and he this pool full of alligators. He gets up on the lifeguard stnad with a megaphone and starts talking: Rich Man:"If anyone swims across this pool, I'll give them a million dollars!" silence. Rich Man:"Ok, I'll give them a million dollars, and a cars!" silence. "Rich Man:"Ok, how about a million dollars, all the cars you want and my house!" uddenly, there is a splash and this guy is in the pool! He's twisting and turning, and he manages to get to the other side. The rich man runs up. Rich Man:"That was amazing! When do you want the money?" Guy:"I don't want the money." RM:"When do you want the cars?" Guy:"I don't want the cars." RM:"When do you want the house?" Guy:"I don't want the house." RM:"Then what do you want?" Guy:"I want the bast**d who pushed me in!" heh heh...[/color]
Liberals or Conservatives: Who is the bigger threat?
Orien_Xel replied to Harry's topic in General Discussion
[color=blue]Sorry for any comments that might have offended anybody earlier. I just get really stressed when people start mentioning patriotism. Sorry! :bluesweat One thing: Whose idea was it for war? Bush's. why is Bush hell-bent on going to war? Apparently, Saddam is cooperating with the inspectors, but Bush says he is "stalling for time." But I'm off subject....Anyway, both sides can be a threat but I don't see which one is the threat right now... [/color] -
[color=blue][i]Outside Tamesu's house, the sound of screeching breaks is heard. Then booted feet.[/i] [b]???:[/b]"Oh ****, we're too late..." [b]???2:[/b]"Check the house anyway. Move in!!" [i]Footsteps on the floor, then running feet and the sound of doors opening and closing. Then, a man runs into the room where Tamesu is talking ot the strange man. He is wearing a armored vest over a dark green uniform. He holds a 9mm pistol in one hand. He points the gun at the strange guy.[/i] [b]???:[/b]"Hold it right there, buddy! Step away from the kid! You Ok, kid?" [b]Tamesu:[/b]"Uh, yeah...um, this guy just saved me. Who are you?" [b]???:[/b]"I'm Lt. Orien Zel of the Western Sphere Alliance. once we heard of your parent's death we came as soon as we could." [i]Orien lowers his gun and four more men enter the room. They are all wearing SWAT gear and carrying submachine guns. Orien talks to them in low tones, then turns to Tamesu.[/i] [b]Orien:[/b]"You have to come with us. More of them will come after you..."[/color]
[color=blue][i]Orien and Vincent were movng togeter, heading back to their shuttle craft, when a large contingent of Scorpios popped up. Orien turned to face them, and charged he trnsmitted to Vincent:[/i] "Get the hell out of here! I'll hold them off!" [i]Vincent grimaced, but turned and jetted off. Meanwhile Orien was ging down under sheer weight of numbers. His arms were disabled by a lucky blast, and as he tried to escape from the stricken gundam, something hit him and everything went black...[/i] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Orien slowly came around. There was a bright light shineing in his face. He squinted. A oice, Janak's, spoke out of the darkness around him...[/i] Janak:"Well, Orien, I've finally captured one of the famous Gundam pilots." Orien:"I'll never tell you anything, scum." Janak:"Oh, I don't want information. I want you. You see, I know al abut you and you're system. You were originally programed by us, The Dark Ring, to be the ultimate soldier. However, you were rescued by members of the rebel faction and reprogrammed to be able to have a personality, and a conciense. They let you become something we never intended you to be. A person. Now that we have you, you will be our puppet again. Our operative." Orien:"I'll never fight for you, scum!" [i]Orien felt a feeling of fread settle over him as the light sudenly clicked off. He was very, very alone...[/i][/color]
[color=blue][i]Orien steped back, turned and hit a call button. A few seconds later Dragon's Gaze appeared. He clambered in and sped off. He started transmitting, and talked to Vincent.[/i] [b]Orien:[/b]"Vincent...I didn't feel hate back there...I just was..emotionless. Like I was going to turn off a light, or switch off a mchine. I didn't feel anything. Not joy, not rage. It's the system and it scares me. I have no idea who programmed me, or what I'm doing..." [i]Orien fell silent.[/i][/color]
[color=blue][i]Orien climbed glided to the bottom of the canyon with the assistance of a pair of glider wings. Once he landed, he dropped the wings and pulled out a pistol. He slowly walked towards Janak. He glanced at Vincent, but didn't talk to him. He pointed his pistol at Janak. Janak looked at Orien's eyes and saw emotionless. Cold, dead eyes stared at him. Janak saw his own death. Orien spoke.[/i] "Goodbye, Janak. With your death my mission will be complete..."[/color]
[color=blue][i]a strange digimon appears out of the desert, walking slowy. He is shrouded in robs, and carries a staff. he glances around at the green land around him, amazed. He has just been created. A new being wondering at the world. He walks on...[/i][/color]
I'm in. [b]Name:[/b]Orien Zel [b]age:[/b]25 [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Nationality:[/b]American [b]Eye Color:[/b]Green [b]Hair Color:[/b]Black [b]Place Of Birth:[/b]San Francisco [b]Role:[/b]MS pilot/officer for a military org. [b]Physical Appearance:[/b]Tall, about 5'9" and muscular. very compact, with dark hair and high cheekbones. usually wears a uniform and carrys a 9mm pistol. [b]Bio:[/b] A Lt. in the WSA. (Western Sphere Alliance, made up of America and some European countries) He is devoted to stopping the Second Sphere. He pilots a MS and is fairly loyal. He will follow orders, unless unethical.
[color=blue]On the lip of the Grand Canyon Orien had set up with a sniper rifle. He had intercepted the transmission, and was waiting. he saw Vincent and Janak begin their combat. He slowly settled in, let the system take over...The crosshairs settled over the dueling pair. He waited. then he saw his opportunity, and fired. A single bullet pierced Janak's leg. A second shot took Janak through his arm. He settled the crosshairs over Janak's head and waited.[/color]
Liberals or Conservatives: Who is the bigger threat?
Orien_Xel replied to Harry's topic in General Discussion
[quote]I guess it was just a refreshing thing to see friendly, patriotic people out in the community letting their out numbered opinions be heard. [/quote] [color=blue]So if I don't support our government I'm not patriotic?[/color] -
[color=blue]I'm a weasel! I'm assertive, I don't like to travel much. I'm intelligent, and so forth! Hee hee! *plots takeover of redwall*:shifty: ^_^[/color]
Liberals or Conservatives: Who is the bigger threat?
Orien_Xel replied to Harry's topic in General Discussion
[color=blue]I'd just like to clarify that I do not support Saddam. I just want peace. You people want a war that will kill hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. I do not. That is all.[/color] -
[color=blue][i]Once Orien had seen the broadcast, he had left for earth. No one tried to stop him. He just went...[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Once again a gundam fell from space. This time, it landed in North America...Near a Dark Ring base. Two guards were standing ot front, guarding the gate. They talked softly to each other. The first died with a bullet in his brain. The second died seconds later from a thrown knife. Orien stepped out of the shadows. His eyes were hard and cold. He was dressed in a single peice black jumpsuit. He walked onwards, climbed the fence and landed on the other side. A few minutes later, he was in the facility. He silently stole threw the corridors, evvantually finding the main generator. It was the work of a few minutes to plant the C$, then he was gone. A few mintues later, an explosion rocked the night...[/i][/color]
[color=blue]I like wolves! :D However, I have no clue what animal best represents me...:rolleyes:[/color]
Liberals or Conservatives: Who is the bigger threat?
Orien_Xel replied to Harry's topic in General Discussion
[color=blue]I'm a liberal, and I have been at several peace rallys. The only problem I have with conservatives is that if we don't support our government we aren't "patriotic" :(. I'm patriotic. I beleive in the ideals of the U.S. I just don't believe in our current admin. If a conservative wishes to sit down and talk to me about his ideas, that is fine with me.[/color] -
[color=blue]This looks cool. I'll check it out.:bluesweat I wasn't in the first two. Is that ok? [b]Name:[/b]DragonWizardmon [b]level:[/b]champion [b]Tamer:[/b]None [b]Anything else of Note:[/b]No one knows anything about his past or where he is from. He just appeared out of the wastes...[/color]
[color=blue][i]ORien was working out in the gymnasium. He had no idea who his teacher was or where he was from. All he knew was that he could use Mobile suits, and that he could use any weapon in the world. From pistols to assualt rifles. Sometimes the system kicked in and he couldn't control it. That scared him. He finished running and walked out into the main area of the Colony. He stared up wards before heading of to the hangar. He walked over to Dragon's Gaze and looked around. There was no one else around. He climbed up into the cockpit and settled back into the command chai and closed his eyes. He started to meditate, breathe in, breathe out...[/i][/color]
Fencing! (no not the one in your backyard)
Orien_Xel replied to Rhys Mayiessen's topic in General Discussion
ARRGGHH! Death to flickers! -
[color=blue][i]Vaughn was out in a helicopter with a small group, circling over the city. They hoped to find survivors. Unfourtunately, they hadn't found anything so far...[/i][/color]
sounds cool... [b]Name:[/b]Michel Pedson [b]Age:[/b]29 [b]Gov. Branch/Terrorist Cell:[/b]Michel is an agent for a orginization called Norht American Liberation Army. They believe the U.S. to be a curropt, failing system. They try to bring about radical change through militiant action. Michel believes in what he does. [b]bio:[/b]Michel was born in the U.S., but still believes it to be curropt. He has serious issues, but is dedicated to his work.
Oh, yeah you will. I've been wearing 'em for a few years and I love them! :)
[color=blue]MAY IT DIE A THOUSAND DEATHS UNDER A BLISTERING SUN!! YAHHHHH!!!...anyway, I think its a idiotic show and is goingto DIE! DIE! HAHAHA! DIE!!![/color]:devil:
[color=blue]I was wondering if any of you people out there in the wide world believe in [i]karma[/i]. [i]Karma[/i] dictates that your good and bad actions will affect your future. If you do something good, something good wil happen to you. If you do something bad, something bad will happen to you. What do you think? (please don't let me get flamed!)[/color]