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Everything posted by Orien_Xel

  1. Alright! I've been fencing for two years, and just started competitive fencing!I'm doing ok, but so far no wins. :p But I love t! :D
  2. [color=blue]Well, I have to agree with Prio. I believe in my own thing, which is a combination of Buddhism, and Christianity. I think there is [i]something[/i] out there, just not the Christian God. I just find it hard to believe that, as my Catholic School teachers tell me, that animals don't have souls, and that God doesn't stop war and suffering and evil in this world just because he gave us "free-will". I find it hard to believe that God, if he really cares about us, would let us kill each other off with nukes, and guns, and so forth. Or maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there is a god. Maybe he did create us and Jesus is his One and only son. But until he shows ME proof, this is one person who has been turned off Christianity by a Catholic School. It told me animals aren't on the same level on us, and that they didn't have souls. I can't believe that. Ever. Thats all I ahve to say, but I may want to see your proof.[/color] P.S. I believe in reincarnation and [i]Karma[/i](your deeds will affect your future. i.e., you do something bad, you'll get screwed later on)
  3. [color=blue]Gokents, I do not need to tell you, or anyone else the logic or reasoning behiind my opinion. I never tried to sway you to my side. Just because you disagree doesn't give you the right to say that I am not well informed, or that my opinion is wrong. Techinically, you didn't say any of those things, but you have said them in other furoms, and I am tired of it. You constantly deride any other viewpoint other then you're own as "wrong". And I think you should take back that "Foolish kid" thing. We kids are the future of your pathetic world. You adults are the ones who have screwed it up so much. Why are "kids" any less intelligent then adults? Just because we're not as old as you are? Many of the people that belong to Otaku Boards are kids. How dare you call us foolish.[/color]
  4. [color=blue]Wow. I think that she had the right to wear that. If it is her opinion, she can say and express it if she doesn't resort to offensive methods. (i.e. spray painting a building) I actually agree with her. But, thats all I have to say.[/color]
  5. [color=blue] [b]Character Name:[/b]Orien Zel [b]Anime Stereotype:[/b]Fantasy Sorcerer [b]Bio:[/b]A young man, with a purpose, he is trying to find a way to destroy evil, while passing the SAT at the same time. He is desperatly studying and searching for this power at the same time. [b]Powers:[/b]This guy can be powerful. Has a lot of magic, and uses it. He mainly foucuses on stuff like "fireball" and "ice javelin". He also has slim longsword, which he uses when he has too. [b]Sworn Enemy:[/b] Evil beasties.[/color]
  6. OOC:I did factor that in. I'm covering you guys, remember?
  7. [color=blue]I find it very sad that people can look at someone, and say "They're diffrent. They must not be as good as I am." or "If my religion says you're wrong, and that you're evil and diffirent, you are." It is just so amazingly sad. All the people that hate people should go live on an island together, that way they wouldn't bother the rest of us.[/color]
  8. [COLOR=blue][i]Vaughn slowly backed up, covering the infected street, his eyes sweeping from side to side. He spotted a zombie lurching around the corner.[/i] [b]Vaughn:[/b]"ZOMBIE!!!" [i]He levled his pistols and opened up. [b]POW! POW! POW![/b] Three bullets slammed into the thing's head, twirling it backwards into the darkness. He sighed, and relaxed, but suddenly he was alert again. He heard the sound of shuffling feet...many, many pairs of shuffling feet.[/i] [b]Vaughn:[/b]"Guys, we got company! Lots of company!"[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=blue]I live in Califorinai, in the Scaremento valley, so we don't have snow. All our winters are mild, except when it gets "cold", and rains. Otherwise its usually above 60 degrees out here. :D[/COLOR]
  10. [i]Vaughn turned to the Detective.[/i] Vaughn:"Where do I place my men? Am I going to send them out into the city or what? I wnat some answers..." Grey:"Your men will be sent out into the city tomorrow morning to help look for survivors." Vaughn:"Alright then...Thank you." [i]He turned to his men.[i] Vaughn:"Alright, get some sleep. We have work to do tomorrow!"
  11. [b]Name:[/b]Orien Zel [b]Age:[/b]25 [b]Class:[/b]RAmar [b]Race:[/b]Human [b]Weapon Class:[/b]non-energy based(rifle) [b]Weapon(s)[/b]Rifle [b]Apperance:[/b] A tall, fair haired person. Wears blue and white armor. Has light skin and wears boots. Wears a small medallion around his neck. [b]Bio:[/b] A young hunter, he is eager to prove himself by solving this mystery. He is somewhat foohardy at times, and this cann cause aggravation.
  12. [i]A helicopter circled the over the city. Inside was a SWAT team, armed to the teeth, and their leader, Michel Vaughn. Michel glanced out the window. He watched as a group of zombies tried to storm a barricade, only to be thrown back by concentrated fire. He sighed. He signaled to the pilot to bring them in. They came down next to the command center for the operation. The door opened and he and his team leapt out and made their way into the command center. He glanced around, then:[/i] [b]Vaughn:[/b] "Could somebody tell me who is in charge here?"
  13. [b]Name:[/b]Michel Vaughn [b]Age:[/b]29 [b]Weapon(s):[/b]dual .45 semiautomatic colt pistols, knife, grenade [b]Affilation:[/b]S.T.A.R.S. member from nearby city [b]Description:[/b]Tall, with black hair and green eyes. Wears something that looks like SWAT gear with "S.T.A.R.S." written on it. [b]Bio:[/b]A five year veteran of S.T.A.R.S., he is a team leader and has been called in from the city of Red Rock to help out the HPD and the resident S.T.A.R.S. members.
  14. [i]Orien was walking diwn the street, gazing at the buildings. He couldn't remember where he was, why he was here, or where he lived. He shook his head, and leaned against a building. [/i] "Wha-what's going on...I can't remember anything...Why?" [i]Suddenly a man stepped from an alleyway, holding a knife.[/i] "Alright, hand over all your money!" "What? NO!" "I don't want to hurt you, but..." "LEAVE ME ALONE!" [i]The man was lifted from his feet and flung back against the wall, then slumped to the ground...Orien turned and ran....[/i]
  15. [b]Name:[/b]Orien Zel [b]Age:[/b]21 [b]Description:[/b]A tall(5'11") young man with dark hiar. He has green eyes and usually wears a leather jacket, jeans ,and t-shirt. [b]Powers:[/b]Telekenisis. (he can left anything from a salt shaker to a person) enhanced agility.
  16. Orien_Xel

    A new age.

    [b]Name:[/b]Orien Zel [b]Age:[/b]21 [b]Description:[/b]A tall, dark haired young man. Very quiet most of the time. Ver y agile with very good reflexes. [b]Alignment:[/b]Rebels [b]Ship:[/b]Blackwing [b]Bio:[/b]A young man, he resents government control and wishes to instate a new order over the world. He belives in a Utopian Society and also believes that the only way to do this is to fight for it. He joined the Rebels at age 17 and quickly became a very good pilot. His good reflexes and excellent stamina made him a good pilot as well. He believe in what he fights for and well allow no one to stand in his way.
  17. [COLOR=blue]Yin Warrior [b]Name:[/b]Noryoki Omi (or Omi for short) [b]Age:[/b]26 [b]Apperance:[/b]About 5'11", he is tall and handsome. He has black hair and green eyes. He wears either simple clothing that bears his lord's [i]mon[/i], or crest, or black/white/blue sumarai battle armor. [b]Weapons:[/b]An enchanted [i]katana[/i] that has been passed down through the generations of his family. It is extremly sharp and when activated catches fire. He also has a [i]wakazashi[/i] and bow and arrows. [b]Special Powers:[/b]He can activate his sword to burst into flames and can also move very fast. He can also harness [i]Ki[/i] energy and channel it into a single, devestating blow. [b]Bio:[/b]The son of a prominent Yin general, he has trained in the art of the samurai his entire life, and is adherent to [i]Bushido[/i].ever scince his lord's death he has been trying to hunt down his killer and avenge his death. [b]Other:[/b]Very honorable. Will never do anything that result in a loss of honor.
  18. I'll try... can I be a sword? Luke Bladerunnner (i know, I know...)
  19. [COLOR=blue][i]Darillian put an arrow to his bow and fired shot at the birds, taking one through its breast. It fell, stricken, from the sky. He laughed at them They could not harm him and his allies, not with the light protecting them...[/i][/COLOR]
  20. I still think oil is one of the deciding factors. Almost the entire world thinks we shouldn't go to war. What really annoys me is "get on or hit the road" attitude of the U.S. government. [b]Dou:[/b]0 [b]James:[/b]2 Gotta go with James again Dou. Besides we all know FOX is evil anyway!;)
  21. I prefer subbed, because usually the voices for the characters in dubbed are HORRIBLE!!!
  22. Sorry Dou, but I have to go with James on that one... I'm sorry if I thnk Bush is after the oil! That is my opion! Besides, several oil companies have already discussed with the government about how they are going to divide up the oil fields. By the way, where is Osama bin Laden? He dissepeared of Bush's "evil-doer list" awhile ago. He no longer mentions the name "Bin Laden". Why is that?
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