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About GundamGohan

  • Birthday 06/27/1980

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  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ya)\/(I-YuGI [/i] [B]hey but how do u know only 4 people in the world know how to make such a bomb? there may be some "geeks" out there who already know how! hey but how is the bomb shot or activated can u gvie more info about that plz............ [/B][/QUOTE] For instance Myself... Gotta love having a Double Major in Chemistry and Physics... ;) Besides... Nuclear (fision) weapons aren't hard to make... but the matierials to MAKE them are hard to get... the Hard Bombs to make are the Fusion-Ha Bombs (sorry... had to throw in a DBZ joke) just cuz you have to pressurize the Lithium and Tritium just right and then ALSO have the fisionable core to begin the reaction... But dont worry out there... most people who know this crap dont really use it in an everyday setting... so you guys are pretty much safe....
  2. When is the last time you shot someone? When is the last time you went to South Central, L.A. or the Bronx? When is the last time you sold a little kid drugs? Kay... so since when does being in a gang mean you have to shoot people, live in the big city, or sell drugs? Im sorry to tell you... but gangs have a very negative image just because the media only focuses on the bad stuff... not all gang members are criminals... mostly it's just hangin out with your friends doin what you like to do... Back when I lived in Denver I always hung out with the East Crips in Longmont and I still dont have a criminal record... the worse thing we ever did was jack some cookies and snacks from a Wal-Mart Truck... And since when has your group depended on what kind of music you listen to? I listen to Rock most of my friends listen to Rap... (even some white ones) doest that make me a honkey and them "whiggers"?? But getting back to the problems with "peer pressure"... they're just doing what they think would be "cool"... so you should just kick them in the nutz and tell them that their wrong... if you get in trouble for it... hey... dealing with the high school principal is only 4 years... self respect is a lifetime...
  3. ****Spoiler**** yea... but it's kew that King Yamma keeps his body for furthur use... lol
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]I'm right, your wrong. :p What is right and what is wrong differs from person to person. For instance, the "Serial Sniper" thought it was right to kill, while most people think it is not. It is all how you precieve things.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] The Dude's got it pretty much pegged out... the only things I have to add is that the only reason a person "knows" or rather believes what is right or wrong, is because it was taught to him/her throughout their upbringing... (whether that from your religion, parents, etc...) but anyways... there is no right and wrong... just ideas and beliefs... Now... I hate to pick on the bible... (people tend to get ticked at me when I do...) but I must in this case... The bible is baisically a collection of stories that supported qualities that THE RULING CLASS of the time felt was the best way to CONTROL the population... they furthurmore stretched their "authority" by stating that if you dont follow our rules, when you die you're going to Hell... (wow!!) But then again... the same people who wrote the bible are the same people who thought the world was flat... Now... furthur contradiction within religion is the Crucades... How do you explain the POPE decreeing that it's okay to kill a bunch of "heaten Muslims" down in Turkey, but not to kill other Christians? Another... Hitler... Good Husband (never cheated), didnt drink, didnt smoke... didnt do all the other stuff that most other rulers of the day did on a daily baisis... (he even published his entire plan almost 10 years BEFORE WW2... plenty of warning) Just imagine if Germany had won?? there would be no jews (No me for that matter either) and his ideals would be the "correct" ones, because he won. The rules of society and history is written by the winners... So anyways... where was I?? Oh yes... there is no right and wrong... just beliefs that are learned so you can function within that times society.
  5. yea... I used it in the Gundam Forum... but it still SO fits... lol One, Two, Three, Four... I declare a Thumb War!! ------------------------------------------- Vegeta: Hey!! Where are my Pink Fuzzy Slippers!? Piccolo: Oh... Sorry... here you go... ------------------------------------------- Krillin: Man, I love Rogane ------------------------------------------- Vegeta signals to Puar: Here kitty kitty kitty... Puar: Prrrrrrrr
  6. umm... my first question would be... how can you breathe "nothing" (well... okey... there's a speck of dust here and there and a few cosmic rays... but not NEARLY enough to breathe) But assuming you could breathe nothing... I'd just say that the saiyans just held their breath for the 5 min. or so that they're out there (remember the way DBZ worps time... 5 min in DBZ-land = 5 Hours in Earth-time) Anywhoo... tha's enough of my ranting for now... lol
  7. uh... yea... there's not much more I could add... but yea... in the series the old Kai states that the earings surpass the "dance" fusion by far... the only problem is the fusion being "perminant" (as long as you dont get absorbed by Buu... lol) And again... Narius beat me to the other answer that I knew... :( Oh well... I guess I'll just have to go sulk in my corner and cry myself to sleep...
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]The only sense I guess I have is being able to read people extremely well. Just by looking at someone (usually their eyes) the first time I meet them, I get a sense of what type of person they are. I try not to let that affect how I treat them. My first instinct on the person has always proven true in the end though... even when lots of things that happened before it were leading me to believe my first impression was wrong. I don't believe in aura in the "seeing colors" around people sense. But some people do project some sort of feeling around them, and I consider that an aura instead. [/B][/QUOTE] Yea... Im the same way... I'll meet a person, and within 5 min. I can usually tell what kind of stuff they like, and wha kind of person they be... I always tick off my friends too... just because they'll bring their girlfriends over... I'll talk to them for a min. or two... and I can usually tell how the relationships going to go... (about a 95% accuracy... but I think tha's just cuz I freaked one of my buds out for the last time... he wont ask my opinions anymore... lol) But anywho...tha's bout it for my special super powers... other than that whole flying thing... but hey... no body's perfect... lol
  9. eh... i just thought I had to throw in my 2 cents in regards to Endless Waltz... Good story... bad revamp on Zero... I just didnt like the feather wings... I thought the suit was suposed to be "space Alloy"? But Heavyarms got some cool new guns... so that was a plus... but anywho... im done with my rant now...
  10. Do you mean Dr. Gero? the scientist who built the androids? (other than #8, who was the guy who lived outside the village of muscle tower... but there I go again trying to get technical and screwing myself up... where was I??) oh yea... Dr. Gero is the only link between the Red Ribbon Army and DBZ that I can think of...
  11. *Hiding Plane Tickets to DC before Drawing attention to myself* uhem... yea... that does really suck, but if you think about it... the sniper's not just shooting random people (well... yea they are "random") but since he hasnt been apprehended, and has always escaped... he seems to plan out his attacks fairly well. so while you could be parranoid about halloween... it's not too likely that he's going to strike just anywhere... So i say... screw it and get some candy!!... And as for Security having a price...I'd rather live in danger and have my freedom, than to give the government the privilage to shuffle about in my concerns for the sake of "security". But then again... Im a recless fool who just wants loot... so... yea... lol... (oh... and please nobody take any offence towards anything I say... it's just me joking around and being the ***** that I am...)
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AnimeLover [/i] [B][color=red] Hahah...rain is nothing. How about here in North Dakota--It snowed about 4 inches yesterday and today combined. Now that's what I call depressing weather. I mean, it isn't even Halloween yet...and it's snowing. Bleh, winter is going to totally [i]bite[/i].[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Man... Both the North AND the East got snow... how come it always skips poor old Iowa?? I want to break out the Board!!!
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]Snow is bad. I live in massachusetts and we just got 4 inches last night. It's not even Halloween yet. I am pissed. Snow comes every year and in big amounts. It is a pain in the arse to deal with and the roads get slippery as hell. Snow = BAD[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Man... I need to move to massachusetts... lol But hey... just be glad you're not in Buffalo... lol...
  14. Mostly I've just heard stuff from various Anime themes... but a few actual songs have made it to my "Shared" folder... Utada Hikaru - Light (yes it slipped in there BEFORE Kingdom Hearts... not sure how tho... lol) And Malice Mizer... they're okey too... But since I'm basically a metal-head... i kinda stick to western music (unless someone could recomend some good ***-metal??)
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