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Everything posted by GundamGohan

  1. i hope you dont have any air bubbles in your spinal fluid... otherwise you probably have some very serious health problems... but yes... re-straightening your spinal column does allow the fluid to flow better, helping to transport vital vitamins and antibodies throughout the nerve system. And yes... too much "popping" can wear the cartalage between the bones, leading to arthritis. but yea... the main reason is for intimidation factor... and yes... is way overdone...
  2. When Goku was fighting Fat Buu he was "dead" and probably didn't have his entire energy available to fight... if you remember the ssj 3 form drained his life-force, shortening his time on earth. But tha's just a theory... perhaps if Goku had more time he could have beaten Buu (cuz that's the way of Goku... get the crap beat out of him... tick him off... then go psycho and beat the bad guy... lol)
  3. true... i guess i forgot that small bit with Raine... and yea... i guess i do remember the dual section thing with the life force and the pilot thing (or something like that) I dont know... maybe Asia was just a wacko... lol
  4. lol... I watch both... i get the new vids from Funimation monthly... while "sharing" the Japanese versions on the net... I just like to watch 'em both... and note the differences and laugh at the same joke that's phrased different ways in each.
  5. yes... Instant Transmission is the "Americanized" version of instantaneous movement... and the Sagas for DBZ go (as far as I can remember) Saiyan Saga Namik Saga Gyinu Saga Freeza Saga Garlic Jr. Saga Trunks Saga Android Saga Cell Saga Otherworld Tourny/ Saiyaman Saga Babidi Saga Buu Saga
  6. eh... yea... clothing's kinda tough... but still the hardest part is getting the hair to look natural instead of just a blotch with a bunch of lines going down it... tha's my problem... as for faces, those are the best im at... but i guess tha's all i did in high school... doodle my fave character's in my notebooks, and i usually start with a head... unless something else is going to be in the foreground... then i do that... but yea... im rambling... so... uh... i guess im done... ^-^
  7. My secrets arent really all THAT secret... secretly... I hate tennis... cuz no matter how good i get... ill never be as good as a wall... and i like excalators... cuz they never break down, they just become stairs... oh... and i masturbate WAY too much... ;)
  8. 1. The middle of nowhere... aka Iowa... here. But Daddy lives down in Tampa where I spend Summers. 2. Uhh... Iowa produces 25% of Pork exports in the U.S. and is basically one giant cornfield with a hole here and there for a town. 3. Boring?? uh... yea... you could say that... unless you wander into the corn fields and run into a bunch of kids worshiping corn-cob crucifixes. 4. Discuss about it?? there's not much to discuss... it's corn and pigs...
  9. I believe that Master Asia was quite fine... his only flaw was in the fact that he forgot that the Dark Gundam was... well... Dark, and was "malfunctioning" ever since Kioji (Domon's Brother sp?) crashed to Earth with it. If you rememer the original purpose of the Ultamate Gundam (as it was refered to then) was only to be a self regenerating Gundam, but went haywire when it crashed. So getting back to the question, perhaps if a strong enough fighter with the proper moral's and goals were to be "absorbed" by the Dark Gundam (or it might just be that the Gundam was originally meant for Domon whos father built it)... the D. Gundam might have reverted back to the Ultamate Gundam Form.... But since none of that happened... guess we'll never know...
  10. Hey... no worries man... im a Senior in collage and i spend pretty much all my free time glued on C'toon Network (yes, even when Toonami's NOT on :eek: ) And as for the silence thing... even I watch TV in silence, especially on DBZ night when the new uncut dvd's come out in stores and myself and all my buds sit down and drool at the new glorious scenes that flash before our eyes...
  11. One small question... Why doesn't Trunks have a tail? I can understand Goten not having a tail, Chi Chi probably would have had it removed... but there's no way Vegeta, with his Saiyan Pride, would have allowed Trunk's tails to be removed... And I know the half-Saiyan thing doesn't work, because Gohan had a tail... Can anyone clear this up for me??
  12. yea... the ceremony was SUPOSED to take 20 hours... but if you remember, they had to go longer cuz Gohan had a whole lot of latent energy to uncover... Anywho...
  13. Yea... there's a bunch of things that are screwy with GT... but the part about growing tails isnt all that screwy... because if you remember in the original DB Goku grows his tail back during the first Tourny... My theory? perhaps up to a certain age a sayin can grow his/her tail back, but afterwards wouldnt...
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