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Everything posted by Neil_The_One724

  1. Name:Sean MacLan Age:14 Year of Hogwarts you are in:4 What house are you: Gryffindor Looks:Brown hair,BlueGreen eyes,5'1,wears black robe Personality:Sean is always hyper becouse he drank a potion his first year,And he thought it was a potion to make him super strong,But infact that potion gave him I.H.S. (Imense Hyperactive Speed) What type of wand do you have:Oak,unicorn hair What type of pet do you have and what is it's name:A talking Dog named Buddy What is you special gift:Imense Hyperactive Speed How will this prove usefull:Able to out wit snakes with there cunning speed
  2. Osirus: the sooner we get there the better...I will will kill all vampires in my path...My wife and kids i wiil avenge your death. With a sudden burst of rage Osirus yells out " Ill kill every last one of them " Osirus stands up and with his rage he starts destroying the ship with his double bladed plasma sword. Syae sees Osirus and runs to calm him down... As Syae got to Osirus he calmed down knowing she was behind him. Osirus: Ill kill them all! Syae backed off seeing how upset Osirus was as she to wanted to stop the vampires. Osirus: why do you back off, i will not harm you Syae: we all need our own space...Plus i dont want to be chopped to bits. Osirus sits back down and starts to meditate. Syae goes back to were she was standing and watches for land.
  3. Name: Osirus Age:16 Weapons: Double bladed Plasma sword, Stealth wrist device, Labtop Gun Appearance: Silver eyes, Black hair, Tall, Black trench coat Speed:15,000 Attack:5,000 Defence:8,000 Jumping Ability:2,000 Short Background/Bio: Born with the ability to see through walls, Osirus helps man kind.Osirus is advanced in the arts of ninjitsu,Training with his double bladed plasma sword made him a master at armed combat.Osirus is locked on revenge to destroy the creatures that killed his family.He is one of the five greatest warriors in the universe.
  4. Name:Ryowa Age:16 Race:Hylian (decendent of Link) Appearance:Blue eyes, Blonde hair, Animentium armor (
  5. Name:Ryowa Age:16 Race:Hylian (decendent of Link) Appearance:Blue eyes, Blonde hair, Animentium armor (
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