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dd protector

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About dd protector

  • Birthday 11/27/1988

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  1. I personally am a little conflicted on this issue. I support the right for women to get abortions. I understand that some women have neither the means nor the want for children. On the other hand I know that there are options for adoption and many other things. I have 3 cousins who were adopted. I personally would never be able to get an abortion. Aside from this though i do take birth control which i know kills any eggs that get fertilised by making my body and inhospitable enviroment. And yes, I consider embryos alive and babies. They have everything a person has, they are just smaller. If a woman wants to kill hers, we are not going to stop her, better to create an enviroment where she can do it safely rather then in a back alley where she will definately die. I actually had to get a litter of kittens aborted sadly..
  2. Religion's are phasing out and slowly becoming less important in our society anyways. Many aruge that this is leading to a society with less morals, but since morals are defined by religion its a funny statement. Love whoever, the law doesn't dictate who you should love, only says you can;t have the titled of 'marriage'
  3. I remember when I was quite a few years younger I used to sleep with my cat. I felt like I had just gotten to sleep and I was startled awake. I was holding the cat by the throat in the air. The cat had a habit or layong on peoples faces while they slept and it was probably instinctual but it was still creepy.
  4. Everyone keeps saying that they've noticed it since they've moved into college. My logic is, your always looking at girls or guys of your own age. When your in college and of that age group its the time when your moving from dating to marriage. its also the socially acceptable age from marriage. Makes perfect sence to me?
  5. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma]I know your gut reaction is to panic and assume but I wouldn't assume you were pregnant unless a test tells you so. Birth control is a viable option if you not, and consider an abortion carefully. Tehy can be harmful to you as well. You should let us know what happens.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [QUOTE=affection][SIZE=1][FONT=Georgia] Que sera sera. Whaever will be... will be. [/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma]I could not agree more. I've learned that family is one of the most important things in a persons life becasue they will be there for you through thick and thin. Normally I would say that you should seriously just dump these people. Honestly this is something only you and your family can decide. But consider, your grandma is sick, does she want that side of the family around? Can you handle them? Are the insults worth what they provide to your life. Contrary to popular beleive you can pick all the people you chose to keep around you, friends and family both. If these people can give you nothing good in return for the help you provide them, then are the worth the effort? Don't feel obligated to people who bully you whethere they have blood ties or not. Then again, is this commonplace or there way of communcating with other family members? I don't know. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma] [B]1)[/B] What grade are you going into after this year? Are you graduating? Or did you already graduate? If so, what year? I just finished my first year of University. [B]2)[/B] Are you, or were you, worried? What do you plan to do with your life or are you just as confused, (and in some cases, scared) about the future as I am? I regret not taking a year off. I know I would have gone back and I needed more time to weigh my options about whats I want to do with myself. I've chosen a career path, but still am not sure if its what I want. I'm terrified of the future, becasue currently it seems very bleak, but I have personal faith I can make things work out for me. [B]3)[/B] Did everything work out in the end? Or was there some sort of hinderance that kept you from going or doing what you wanted to? Graduating last year was scary, but I'm not going to say everything worked out perfectly. I got my diploma which counts for alot, I'm in university which also counts for alot. I still think I should take a year off but then I would have to start repaying ym student loans and wel.. its just too late now. [B]4)[/B] What sort of advice can you give to someone like me? (Someone in high school who is freaked out of his mind)[/SIZE][/QUOTE] I went through that last year, and (unbeleivably) when you get to your next destination, be it university, college, or life there will be other people who are just as freaked out. Life will move on, you will find new friends and people to be with, things will work out, but only if -you never give up -have faith in yourself to do what needs to be done -keep moving forward[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Okay, so you want to help someone who you don't like while claiming to be friend s with the other party as well. Although I'm sure you haev some benevolent intentions, you don't seem terribly interested in her well being. According to what you have written about not being her friend and calling her a nobody, I would almost assume you'd be happy they were not going out. If you want to give this girl any advice at all, tell her break ups happen and that she should be happy to not be dating a guy who was with her becasue he was bored. This seems like high school drama, in which case there will be other boys. As for this Josh boy, the way your ragging on this girl, are you sure you don't like him? And on top of that what did this Courtney girl do to deserve getting punched and kicked? Seems violent for taking a hat. I think the best thing to do is get over it, its just drama.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [COLOR=Indigo][B]Name[/B]: Corrado Bari [B]Gender[/B]: male [B]Age[/B]: 18 [B]Appearance[/B]: Corrado is 5?11 with dark brown hair, and dark olive skin to match. He has a very lanky build, and always tries to make up for it by jutting out his shoulders and raising his chest. Since he is a Marchese?s son, no one has yet, corrected him of this ridiculous looking posture. He has an arrogant walk and dresses in fine silks and cloths just because his parents can afford to. Of late, he has taken to wearing a dark blue cloak that brings out his dark, almost black, eye colour. His always-clean black boots are shin-height, and cover the hem of his plain brown pants. If you scrutise his face closer it is apparent his nose had been broken before and his chin has a small scar on the left side. Corrado always tries to slick back his mop of hair using whatever is available, and because of such frequently smells of Greece or oil. [B]Profession:[/B] Corrado was born to replace his father in Ravenna as the Marchese (marchon) He was trained to lead his small garrison of men to defend his battlements at home. He was brought up to know how to use a sword and musket and to use proper battle tactics in any situation. His father was always the benefactor of any new weapons and as such, his home had been filled with prototypes and new types of weaponry often. Although using them in practice, and against the real thing are very different. [B]Skills[/B]: Corrado has a healthy fear of magik although with a lifetime of training with basic weapons and battle tactics. He also has little real experience fighting and could be consider overconfident. [B]Snippet[/B]: The trees flashed by as Corrado ran down the alley, away from the men. Spotting a convenient bush he changed direction and came to an abrupt halt. Lowering his pants he took a quick piss and then moved back towards his men at a jog. General Giuseppe, the commander of his small garrison of men gave him a wave, causally, with one hand. Corrado walked around the group of men, moving bramble as he walked. ?Looks like Palermo is under massive attacks, the men there are moving out of the city as quickly as possible.? ?And from where are we receiving this information?? ?Our scouts sent us word. We received this just a few minutes ago, while you were going on your run? He gestured ahead and grinned. ?I don?t understand why you can?t just take a leak on the side of the road. We are after all your men.? ?[I]No you?re my father?s men[/I].? Corrado thought to himself. ?Everyone has there own things to deal with.? Looking ahead he scanned the tree line and wondered where his scouts were. ?Okay, so where does the battle move to now?? ?Well there are a bunch of other fortified cites that could benefit from a few more men.? Lower his voice he added ?But we are honestly only a few men and couldn?t be of much use.? Corrado knew the only real thing they had to offer were muskets and there single Vulcan cannon which they lugged behind the group. His father Albeno had held back his men in defense of the city of Ravenna, where they were garrisoned. As things got worse and worse Albeno knew he had to send aid somehow, and decided to send his first son with his garrison of men towards the battle. He himself sent his wife away into the countryside with the hope of keeping her away from the coast and hopefully the battle. Albeno kept a small men in defense of his city, but knew more would come when the fighting started. Corrado had just started moving the men today and was headed down the coast towards the action. He knew General Giuseppe knew the strategic points much better then he did and he hoped to learn them on the way. As he looked up through the trees and saw the clear sky he wondered if war was really like all of his fathers exercises. If it was he would surely triumph, after all he?d always won before.[/COLOR] Its been awhile, so I hope this is okay.
  10. I missed a page here so im not sure if anyone has considered this so simply ignore me if im repeating someone. Hasn't anyone considered that women are showing off there bodies wether there wearing clothes or not? Most female clothing these days are designed to show off the human body and accentuate. Girls dress to impress and atract males. Its a factor of life. Cept in most animals the guy is trying to attract the girl :animeswea Anyways most clothing isn't really any better hten being naked. No, I;m not talking about revealing clothing. Im just saying that the purpose of female clothing is to show off her body and impress people. Isn't porn the same thing?
  11. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Have you ever had your best friend become your boyfriend (or girlfriend) and then try to go back again. What i mean is i was in a serious relationship with one of my best friends. WE've been that way forever and we both thought that it only strenghtened our relationship. But lately we broke up and now he expects us to be the best of friends again. He thinks is likely. I think its impossible. I can't be around someone who has caused me so much painbut on the other side hes suck a large part oif my life.. I was wondering if anyone had anythoughts on this, or maybe had been in a similar situation.[/SIZE] [/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][COLOR=blue]Isn't this essentially the Amish way of life? You know what's interesting about that? They usually toss their teens out into the real world and let them decide for themselves if they want to live in a technologically rich environment or return back to the Amish Lands. And believe it or not, most return. O_o [/QUOTE] Yes its true. Most return because its a better life by there standerds things are so much simplier. We couldn't live without technology beause we were raisied on it and have become dependant upon it. I honestly thing humans would be better as people without alot of the little shortcuts we use today. I respect Amish people and what there trying to do. I think is a great society that does work but it seems strange to us simply beause we don't like change. I personally would enjoy that kind of simpelr life. thats just me though...
  13. From what i;ve studied in law class and elsewhere this sounds like atuomatism. thats where you get pushed over the edge and your mind simple doesn't know what its doing. its a different form of insanity, but its temporary. From that article it sounds like the kid jsut got pushed one too many times. I don't personally think he was a planned killer at all. Maybe he was just in such a state that exacting revenge was all he could think about. Thats what i think anyways.
  14. [quote name='Miryoku']See i understand many of your guys' points but i would'nt mind giving everything up to live in a some what utopian society. Kindof like modern transendentalism. Yes computers, microwakes, tv, they are all big parts of our lives today but if you look at it the way i do those things are made to make life more simple but they only complicate matters.....if that makes any sense. The simple life is actualy not so simple it involves work and faith in your cause but if you can incorperate those 2 things into your life it would be far greater than any invention could make it.[/quote] The fact thats your willing to give up so much is aminable but not true. I could understnad how a few very deticated people could do this but could you as a person honestly give up everything. And i mean everything becuase you would have to to start a new society.
  15. [QUOTE=Box Hoy] I don't know how many of you have read the book "The Giver" but they're utopia seems to work very efficeintly. So combine that with the village and they're you have it. A place where you are given a job and that's your role and responsibility in the society (well maybe with a few helping hands). Where there is no money and you know that if you or someone else doesn't do their job a current level they're going to falter. This is sort of using a different idea. You rely on others and they rely on you and if somebody fails everyone is going to fail so their is an extreme motivation to do good at what you do. That way let's say you're a docter and you're working on a farmers leg so he can continue working in the feilds so he can get you food. Without you he wouldn't be able to work and without him you wouldn't get food and so on. And that's the end of my rant.[/QUOTE] Thats excatally when i think what be a good idea. The giver that is. Every person has a strict role in society sort of like a evolved form of communism (thats is the giver with colour and sences...) But you would really miss technology becuase those people would be remotely isolated and maybe never know what any of it is, or perhaps you could have a utopia with computers (its kinda hard to live without them now)
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