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ki master2007

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Everything posted by ki master2007

  1. it seems like all of your quotes are from the end of episode 11! and all of them pick on Joey!! My favorite quote is: Joey: Hey! The fairy turned Mokuba into a girl! Mokuba: Great... can she make you smart?
  2. my fav. monster would have to be red-eyes "What Blue-Eyes brings is victory. However, what the Red-Eyes Brings is not victory, but potential..." For Magic... I'd have to say... change of heart? For Trap, it's definately Final Battle
  3. This is my first time submitting card combos, so I'll just use the format that is used on the site. Name: Shadow Power Combo Recommended Deck Theme: Just a simple zombie deck Required Cards: Black Forest Witch/Sangan + Cheerful Coffin + Shadow Ghoul + Castle of Dark Illusions Summary: The Cheerful Coffin lets you discard up to 3 monster cards from your hand. In combo with the Shadow Ghoul, that enables a quick power up. The Castle of Dark Illusions only makes for more of a powerup. Plus, Shadow Ghoul has a 1300 atk, which means that it can be summoned by a witch of the black forrest. And the Castle of Dark Illusions has a 950 atk, meaning that it also can be summoned by Sangan. Name: Healing Thunder Combo Recommended Deck Theme: LP Recovery Deck Required Cards: Black Forest Witch/Sangan + Hane Hane + Immortal Of Thunder Summary: The Immortal of Thunder says 'FLIP: You gain 3000 Life Points. After this card is flipped, you lose 5000 Life Points when it is sent from the field to the Graveyard.' With the help of Hane-Hane, you can flip this card, gain 3000 lp, then to make sure it doesn't go from the field to the Graveyard, you can bring it back to your hand. To further insure it, you might even want to make it a part of the above combo, and use the Cheerful Coffin to discard it straight from your hand. And, since both have atk and def below 1500 and below, you can use Black Forest Witch and Sangan to get them out of your deck fast. NOTE: This can also work with Penguin Warrior instead of Hane-Hane. Name: Instant Win Recommended Deck Theme: um... can't really think of any. Required Cards: Any card with less than 1000 atk + Immortal of Thunder + Deck Destruction Virus + Final Battle + A heavy hitter Summary: This works just like the combo on the site, only with a little addition. I wouldn't really suggest using critter in this combo, because of that change. Ok... first, you play the DDVD with the throw away to infect the other player. I would try to have a heavy hitter out already when you do this. Next, you play final battle. Choose your heavy hitter as the card you are going to use, and all other monsters are destroyed. Then your opponent must search their deck, and special summon a monster to the field. The two monster would then battle, and the winner would win the duel. If your opponent special summoned a card with 1500 atk or above, the card would be discarded, and they would lose. Or, they could special summon a card with 1500 or below atk. In which case, it would fall victim to your heavy hitter. The only glitch in this is that you must be below 1000 lp to do this. You can easily help to fix this by playing the Immortal of Thunder face down. Once flipped, you would gain 3000 lp, but once discarded from the field, you would lose 5000. Name: Fusion Multiply Recommended Deck Theme: Again, can't really think of one Rquired Cards: Whatever 2 cards you need to fuse + 2 of the fusion card + Polymerization + Monster Reborn/Call of the Haunted + Cancel Fusion + Magician of Faith Summary: Fuse 2 monsters together(I like to do this with my B. Skull Dragon). Then, play Cancel Fusion to unfuse it, discarding the fusion card, and putting back the two monsters. Then use a monster reborn or a call of the haunted to bring the fusion monster back from the graveyard. After that, play the magician of faith to bring polymerization back to your hand, and re-fuse the two monsters, bringing out a second fusion monster let me know what you think
  4. I recently bought a Joey and a Pegasus structure deck. I looked up as many of the japanese cards as I could, but I couldn't find translations to all of them. Also, I had a problem knowing which cards were which(with the magic and trap cards), because all it gave was the title, and the effect. plz help!:nervous:
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