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Everything posted by Bremma

  1. OOC:Ill post again once i get caught up, sorry for droppingout!
  2. Yay! Take that Moon Dungeon! Q: From what source do you learn each of the following songs from in LOZ:Ocarina of time? If it was from someone using an insturment, note which one Saria's Song Zelda's lullaby Epona's song Song of Day and Night Song of storms Song of time Any of the warp songs Good luck!
  3. Bremma wandered off on her own, deciding to give her skills a rest for the day. She walked along the stalls, looking at their wares and pick up a new knife and a pair of theif glove. And, still having a small bit left over, she pick up a potion. She then made her way to Loki and Maki. She looked at the scroll that Loki had. "What have you got there?" she asked. "Oh, just a scroll," he said, opening a bit and examining the script within. Bremma peeks a bit, squinting rather hard at it. "Hey now, I never said you could read it, no peeking!" he said playfully. "Heh, you don't have to worry about me reading it..." she said softly, looking about.
  4. I agree. I greatly enjoyed this game and, am infact, playing it again. It has wonderful replay value becuase of class changes in the game, where you can change what moves your charaters learn. Plus, it has an excellent plot and battle system. And so far, my favorite team is Kevin, Hawk and Lise. Anyone else got team preferences?
  5. Oooh! I know this... Its one for each mask so... 20?
  6. She frowned. "I'd much rather come.... but I will stay. Be careful." she said. "When she gets here we'll head for the flame clan base, otherwise, I'll remain here until you call for me." She bowed ot them. "May the wind blow with you."
  7. 'I have some jerky..." she said, pulling a bit form her pouch and giving it to Maki. 'Jerky is great.. never spoils, or at least I haven't heard of it spoling.." she said.
  8. Bremma looked around the town. "Nice place." she commented with a nod. "Where is the rest of this rebel force?" Bremma asked curiously.
  9. "Im good as well." Bremma said, going around to the bodies, looting them for gold and a few potions. Seeming comntent, she spilt the gold and handed some to each person. "I think that's all theyhave left on them." she said.
  10. Bremma nodded to Jens. "Well, his boy is the head of our codes and signals. Think you can whip up a new set?" "Of course, easily." he said with a nod. "Perfect. Now what should we do Orear? Im sure that the rider of the darkness clan isn't going to sit on his laurels and wait for us. Where do you think he would strike next?"
  11. OOC:I'm not sure where your character is GuardianStorm, but Bremma dnorear at at the mountain clan base and Rannos is at the plasma clan base, and Kyru is flying for now, i think. IC: Bremma landed in the base, and Jen ran up to her. "Bremma! Its Kire! He's gone!" "Gone?" she asked, slipping off the dragon. "As in hiding?" "No, he took his dragon and went after the darkness rider." he said. "And form what I heard he was saying, he;s not oging to try to stop him..." Bremma frowned. "Oh.. I dont think here is much I can do... but its not good. We'll have to rechange the signals and such..." she said. Jens nodded. "I know." She nodded back. "But we will be fine for now. Hopefully Rannos will make it back alright."
  12. Bremma looked ab0ut. "Oh lovely, a battle." she said, whipping out her knife. She looked arouind then ran at a guard, ducking under his swing and flicking at him with her knife, returing with his armor. She grined and set it to the side. "Anybody need more armor?' she called, grinning at the SeeD guards. She then ran again at the same guy, dodging ot the side and slashing hard at him with her dagger, damaging him heavily. "This shouldnt be too too hard." she said, looking for another soilder to steal from.
  13. "We are leaving the area." Bremma said. "And I was not aware that we were quite that loud." she said. 'Man, those assassin types seem to be a bit edgy.' she said mentally to herself.
  14. Bremma had a feeling she didn't want ot cross this woman so she walked along, wondering where else rebel bases were. She looked over at the man with him. "What is a blue mage? Ive neverheard of that before.."
  15. She nodded. "As will I, but sadly, the knife only does so much damage.." she said with a soft sigh, then grinned. "But stealing works rather well as well." She flipped the knife inher hand before sheating it. "Most warriors aren't so brave once they no longer have their weapon."
  16. I used to. my first one was Tabasco the bull. I remeber I had brought him to school and then lost him. I was so sad, but my mom went out and got me a new one. I have a bag of them in my closet. A few used to sit on top of my mirror, but I think they are int he bag now. My fav has to be a rat I got after a big flood where i live. We had a 500 year floor (one that occurs every 500 year, not lasts) and this was a beanie babie revored from a store in the flood (cleaned and sanitized, of course). He's so cool. I think I have about 30 beanie babies in all. Im not sure. I do remeber getting them for good grades too. It was cool.
  17. Prefering to keep her major arites and other body parts intact, she quickly rose and followed Ayuta. "So there is still some hope left in this world.." she said softly. "I am Bremma, I'm sorry for intruding on your misson." She then kept quiet andjust followed, keeping an eye on the path they were taking.
  18. Bremma remained crouched in a tree, having just stole a few rations from the SeeD base. SHe had simply been waiting for things to calm down when a girl had slunk by and a young man after her. She stayed low in the tree, silently watching as the girl beheaded a man with a clip board. "Oh my..." hse said softly, until her foot slipped and she fell to the ground, luckly landing with only a small yelp. She looked up, seeing the two f them looking over at her. She grinned sheepishly. "Errr.. hi?"
  19. She watched as he took off with a frown. She whistled and made a signal. Nyth hovered down, gently grabbing Bremma and carrying her over the rift to Orear. "Are you alright?" she asked, Nyth letting her down beside him before landing. He nodded. "Yeah,b ut he ran." "Nothing we can do about that now. Come on, lets get back inside. She mounted Nyth and they floew up, in face, higher than the entrance. She pulled out a blue stone and dropped it into a hole. "What was that?" Orear watched. "The signal that it is safe for the civilians to emerge again." she siad, now flying in.
  20. Bremma moved back fromt he spilt, her crossbow out and loaded again. She fired an arrow up in the air into the darkness dragons path, then loaded another. "You seem to forget that I have no need to be close to my enemy to attack." she said, the crossbow lock on him as she moved away from the split of the earth. "And you have already violated the terms of our rules... so..." she out her fongers to her lips and blew sharply 5 times. Nthy was now hovering over Kyru, a large boulder in his claws. He let go, the boulder plummeting down. "Try to run, I'll enjoy watching." she said, firing the arrow at him.
  21. She wiped the blood from her neck, shrugging at his insults. "That may be what you think... but then again, you appear to percive a great many things wrong..." she said calmly, her crossbow now back over her back, as she held two viciously sharp arrows in her hands. "Due to the nature of our dragons, with their lack of speed and agility, our clan is rather talented at tatical stragegies. I'll enjoy seeing you try to hit me with that whip." She watched him carefully as she snaked the whip at her. She watched it,then quickly sidestepped, catching the last foot of the whip with one of the arrows, the whip curing around it. She gave it a mocking tug before flicking the whip, letting the whip slip off the arrow. "Care for another shot?"
  22. OOC: I was, but I wanted ot post, so i just kept it. It'll be more interesting this way. Bremma whistled, Nytherin lumbering over ot her. Jens ran over to her. "Are you mad? He'll kill you!" "I can't stand back and do nothing." she said, mounting her dragon. "Becareful,a nd everyone get ot a safe spot.. I'll send a signal when things are clear." She patted her dragons shoulder and he lumbered over to the opening, droppingout and speading his wings, catching hte updraft at the mouth of the den, soaring up a bit higher, then began ot circle over the area. They soon landed. "We'll fight, no dragons." she said, dismounting her dragon. "Keep the other riders away.. I'm not to be helped.." she said to her dragon, who gave a deep grunt and flapped his wings, soon gliding in the air above. Bremma pointed her crossbow at the other rider, her quiver full. "Your move, darkness rider." she said, keeping him in aim.
  23. OOC:I thought oyh ad the AIR clan marble? ic: Bremma growled at him and shook her fist. "Come down here and fight, rider to rider!" she said, still holding the mable of the mountain clan. She slipped her crossbow off her back and set a bolt in it, reading it to fire. "Your a coward!" she called as an insult. "Your a slave of the demons! They care not for you!" She held the crossbow, ready to fire a bolt.
  24. Bremma looked out and saw the shroud forming. "Oh no.. not again!" she ran to the opening and put her fingers to her lips, letting out 3 sharp whistles in a row, a retreat command, follwed by 4, go down and stay there until futher notice. SHe gave the commands a few times then ran back. "Hurry! Set up the net and get the attack ready!" she said, taking a end of a rope and helped hoist the net. "Only good thing about the darkness... it will be hard for himt o see what we are doing here till it clouds." she said to her self, somberly,y hthen got Rannos. "Rannos.... will you take my clan's marble and head back toy our clans base and get theirs?" she said. "I am worried that if i keep it and he gets me, our marble will be gone. So will you do this? at least until it is safer again?" she asked.
  25. "Very well, be careful Orear, and return quickly." Bremma said, as they reached where the dragons were kept. "What shall we do, lady Bremma?" one of the soliders asked. "Whose drasgons know stone breath?" she asked. About 6 hands shot up. "You will remain and attempt to petrify the rider and his dragon. Our 4 faster riders will head out and confront him. If he is too powerful, flee. There is no shame in survival. Jens, get all fo the civilans into the catacombs for saftey, we will send sign when it is safe to emerge. Everyone else, we will make a net and put it over the entrance area. It may not hold them, but it should at least distract them." The riders nodded, each heading to do their assigned tasks. Bremma looked over at Rannos. "Come on, lets get working on that net."
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