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Everything posted by Bremma

  1. "Dont these guys ever give up?!" she cries, sheathing the dagger quickly and grabbing her stave, jabbing back ward into an zombie, then staff peircing its body cavity easilty, then whipped it over her head, send it flying into a few others. "Doesnt look like it!" Arikel called back, dealing with a few more zomibes with his blade. Bremma vaulted with her staff easily over to Arikel and popped a zombie sneaking up on Arikel with the butt of her staff, whacking it back into a building before drawing her dagger again. "Thanks." he siad. "Behind you." "No porblem." She said, whipping the staff back and cracking the zombie harshly over its head. She looked over at the approchaing warrior, shouting at then to protect the town. She rolled her eyes. 'As if were not trying..' she thought, slashing a few more zombies and waiting for more.
  2. You have to chose another one... Ive taken that role already. There are two trainer postions left, machinery and legendary pokemon.
  3. Bremma followed David into the building. "Well, we should start calibrating those translators and find out what Pokemon each trainer want to communicate with.." She said. He nodded. "Yes. We should go and ask them later." he replied as he said at a computer and started typign away. Bremma sat on a chair in the corner. 'I' in an unknown place with three people Ibarely know and more to come and were supposed to fight a very powerful Pokemon... I just hope I didnt get myself into anythingbad...' she thought, pulling the Poekballs off her wait and looking at them. 'At the least.. it will be an interesting journey.'
  4. Yes, that's what i meant, sorry for being unclear.
  5. Sounded like something he would say... Alright, What is the special store at the table each day at the underground?
  6. I think 4. Seymour, Seymour Nautilus, Seymour Flux and Seymour Omnis
  7. Fiends. In FFVI, who must you keep alive in your party as you travel a river on a raft?
  8. "Aye... that's a truth..." Bremma said. "I hope they do come, and soon. It sounds like any help is good help." David nodded. "We'll give them a bit longer." "Well, to keep us occupied, why dont we learn a bit about each other?" Bremma suggested. "Im from Kanto, Celadon to be precise. I Have had a few run ins withthe rockets... I just hope we don't run into any, especcaly ones that recognize me here..." (If you guys want to know the little bit of a story, from a former RP, either ask my chara to talk about it, or PM me.)
  9. "Well, I hope they come soon... It looks like this hut will fall down the rest of the way any minute!" Bremma commented, stroking the feathers of her Fearow, Windplume. "How many others do you think got this message?" Xion asked aloud, to no one in particular. "I dont know... do you David?" Bremma said, turing her attention to him.
  10. im taking a wild shot... your rivals in G/S?
  11. 14 and they are Terra, Lock, Sabin, Edgar, Celes, Shadow, Cyan, Gau, Setzer, Mog, Strago, Relm, Umaro and Gogo. Alright.. spoiler, so it will be hid. (ffx) [spoiler]Sin is a (blank) for (blank)[/spoiler]
  12. Err. Itd help to know which One, is it Seymour Flux or Seymour Omnis?
  13. Not Quite... your close. Keep trying.
  14. It goes up by ten,(10, 20..) but only to LvL 40. How do you get the Doduo and Dodrio gameboys on Pokemon Stadium and how much faster do they let you play Pokemon?
  15. AH! I got it! Replace head butt with... PSYCHIC! *kisses 150+ strat guide she found* Ah Kay. What is interesting about the increments at which Mewtwo learns attacks?
  16. It will be an Elekid, and to the best of my knowedge, it will know Quick Attack Leer Thunderpunch Headbutt
  17. Alright, this is the best I can figure. It will be a Pichu with Headbutt Curse Rollout Mud Slap None of the parents moves match but Pichu can learn Mud Slap.
  18. If she deosnt ask one soon, then someone else should ask one.
  19. I agree with James. Its the gameplay that gets you hooked. Kingdom Hearts is my example. I LOVE the animation and the story is good, but I gave up on it becuase the gameplay is very hard for me to get used to. Trying to do and adventure game with a real time menu wasn't the greatest idea.
  20. Name: Bremma Fallens Age: 13 Pokemon: Venusaur/ Sleep Powder, Razor Leaf, Solar Beam, Body Slam Ninetails/ FlameThrower, Fire Blast, Confuse Ray, Quick Attack Gyrados/ HydroPump, Surf, Bite, HyperBeam Jolteon/ Thunder, Pin Missle, Thunderbolt, Agility Sandslash/ Dig, Earthquake, Strength, Rock Slide Fearow (Windplume)/ RazorWind, Fly, Drill Peck, Leer Chosen Legendary Pokemon: Articuno Specialty: Communication
  21. Ive enevr cheated off of anybody, but onespellign tests in middle schoo, we would check our own papers before turning them back so I would very subtly, fix my answers... And there was one occasion I did cheat on a BF.. Very odd story, so I'm not going there. Never gonna do it again tho.
  22. Name: Kiria Jutya Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Long brown hair, tied back and soft grey eyes, and softly tanned skin. She wears a dark green cloack over a black shirt and dark grey leggings. Usualy very quiet and shy, but can become quite agressive. Background: While on a trip with her parents as a young child, there was an addicent and she became lost in the woods. She was 7 then, and over time, learned to survive in the forest, becoming a skilled theif over time to get food and other supplies. Tattoo: A wolf, baring its teeth. Tattoo Power: She has the impressive bite pressure and long jump abitly (up to 15 feet) of a wolf. Weapon: Quaterstave and dagger, but is also formidible unarmed. Armor: Old bracers and some shoddy leather armor she stole.
  23. To the FF6 Quaetion, isn't it Ifrit and Shiva?
  24. Hrmm... It's five if Im not mistaken..
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