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Everything posted by Bremma

  1. Ya, the precise qoute was "Tonight, I shall cut the moon into pieces!" (form the third day/night) He says it a diffent way other nights. Go for it Break!
  2. Well, I tend to only name my team Pokemon. My last set was.. Blue: Venusaur- JungleRage Ninetails- VolcanoFox Pikachu- ThunderRat/CHU Sandslash- DesertSand Gyrados- RapidRiver (temp) Fearow- WindPlume Articuno- TundraWind Mewtwo- Psycho And my current one... Blue: Bulbasaur- Viner Spearow- Windy Geodude- Stoned (much fun to take out of the Pokemon box!)
  3. That would be Maple. In Majora's Mask, what does the Master Swordsman say he will do to the Moon?
  4. Errr... 11? 4 in two different groups and 3 in Lockes?
  5. Well, I know 3 out of 4 of those for sure, and Im sure Eulgy is close, if not purple, them maybe yellow/orange, but I say that's good. Go for it Etarah!
  6. You find her in the Underground world at the Dwarven castle. But now she is older, an adult, if I'm not mistaken. OK, easy if you've gotten well through FFX. Since the answer is a spoier, I think it would be considerate to use the spoier tag on the answer. What does Auron reveal about himself to Tidus after the battle with Yunalesca?
  7. Yeah, Im not talking about the Takurri 9fire arrows work wonders ont hat thing...) but i am referrign ot the Guay 9never knew the name) around Clock Town. Alright... um... try checking gossip sotnes around Termina feild, one of them should tell you what you need to know. Try the stone near the Takurri. I think that is the right stone. Hint: Ocarina. If no one gets it by 5 (or when I get on around then) PM EST, then I'll post the correct answer and give the goestion to Desbreko becuase he helped clear up the question a bit, or to anyone who gets a close guess. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK. It seems no one could get it. Well, here is the answer. If you play your Ocarina for the Guay around Clock town, it will fly around Clock Town, dropping ruppies as it goes. Alright.. I'll ask a new Questin for the heck of it. IN 4 differnt holes in Termina Feild, there are 4 Gossip Stones, one of which is larger than the rest. When Certain songs are played for these abnormal gossip stones, they change color. What songs make them change what color? Edit:Tried to delete it afteri realized it was a doule post, didnt work... [color=indigo]No problem. *combines posts* :) - Desbreko[/color]
  8. Im sure it would be Cain/Kain dependeding on the version. Translate this form Al Behd. Syho lydc ryja syho lmyfc.
  9. I mean the enemy birds out side of clocktown. They fly right around the wall. I'll give this one (maybe two if I cant get on tomorrow) day to get solved before I reveal the answer. Trust me, if I meant the Cucco thing, I would have said them or called them chickens.
  10. That wil happen to any crow. there is a specail thing you can do that will make them do something.. oneof the Gossip stones tells you what it is... good luck!
  11. *blows a whistle* WHoa! Mine wasint answered right. Here it is again, eidited for clarity. The [b]crow(s?) flying[/b] around Clock Town will do what when what is done to them? Oh, and Im sure the answer to the MM bottles is ten. Deku Princess, Gold dust, spring water, hot spring water, bugs, fish, red potion, bluw potion, green potion and a fariy.
  12. Um, are we ging to start the RP soon, and Nefertimon? Is it that big of a problems to knock your chara's age a few years higher?
  13. That would be Master Garo with his super annoying swords of flame. ALLLLLRIGHTY.... then. Hehe. Lesse here... The birds around Clock Town will do what when what is done to them?
  14. I think i know theone he missed, Anima? Cause of Seymour's mom?
  15. That's it Ginny! I dont think you can carry sticks as any of the transformations anyway. Ask away!
  16. OK, well, Ginny bascially got the answer first so she gets to ask.
  17. ((OOC:i am sorry everyone,b ut i have to drop fromthis RP... i have lost track and interest. Have a good time!))
  18. I said Carring fire in Majora's MAsk, there is no blue fire in Majora's Mask. There is a way to carry fire, not using a bottle, but can it hurt you IN ANY WAY? Alright, try again guys! Good luck.
  19. Ginny had gooten it right. ANd does Yojimbo have a second one? If it did, I didnt know...
  20. That would be the all night mask, bought from the Curiousity shop on the third night. Sorry about the repeated question and missing a name.. I was only thinking the instumentalists. Anyway... In Majora's Mask, can you be hurt by carring fire? If so, how?
  21. Oooh! One i know! Water, Aqua, Snow, Ice, Flame, Dark, and Thunder! My turn. Which Aeon in FFX has a second overkill skill and how do you obtain it?
  22. Mikau, Evan, Japas, Lulu and Tijo! Alright... Name the 8 instruments you earn in Link's Awakening.
  23. Correct! SOrry I was so vauge about the question. your turn Ginny!
  24. I knew I shuold have worded it differently, Yes, I am speaking of the Gossip stones on the Moon. What, in general, do they tell Link? I dont need all 20 (hint hint) sayings.
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