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Everything posted by Bremma

  1. Hehe, yeah, that's a bit odd. Let see... a question... In POkemon Gold/Silver, what are the pictures in the 3 alph ruin puzzles?
  2. At th Safari Zone? Im not sure.. I think it is..
  3. Alright... What is the maximum amount of Rupees that you can get the bank man in Majora's Mask to hold? (not as easy as it sounds!)
  4. Hmmm... Taking a wide swipe, but would it be the second Legend of Zelda, that sidescrolling one? I dont know the name...
  5. Name: Ayla Weapon: Hand (can they be broze, or just keep them normal?) Element: None Appearance: A lanky blonde haired woman wearing a fur bikini with a hanging bit that looks like a tail Home time: Prehistoric Bio: She is the leader of the Ioka tribe backin 65,000,000 BC. A strong willed woman that is unpreditable, but wise. She secured humanity back on her first adventure with Crono by beating Azlea of the Reptites and aided him and his companions in their fight against Lavos. (to DarkOrderKnight: They porbaby just used it to give a basic time line, but dont forget about the Cathedral... that could almost be considered a reference.)
  6. Her name is Epheremelda. Alright... who owns the doggy races in Majora's Mask?
  7. Nope. A hint, check the bomber's notebook.
  8. "Oh, hey Kwaz. Got all your stuff?" she said, zippingup her pack and sitting on her bed. He nodded. "Yeah, you do too, I guess?" She nodded back. "Yeah. So..." "Sooo..." he replied, not knowing what to say. Bremma giggled back. "Hehe... I guess we are both a bit nervous..." she said, nervously messing with her hands. Kwaz blushed a bit and nodded, sititng next to Bremma. She smiled a bit and moved closer, resting her head on the side of his arm.
  9. Bremma looked up from a school book as Tina walked in, seeming dejected. "Hey, you look down, what's wrong?" "Oh, Percy just dropped some restrictions on me..." she said, flopping into a chair. "Well, that stinks..." Bremma siad, laying down the book and raisng her wand, pointing it at a small wooden block on a table across the room. "Teleporte!" she commanded and the block dissappered from the table and landed before her. "Ah... finally got it." "Good job." Tina commented. "What about the spell you did in the Great Hall today?" "What spell?" Bremma asked. "How can you not remeber casting something like that! You made two very real looking mongoose appear and it chased off soem of the snakes!" Tina explained. "Ah.. then I didnt get it..." Bremma said, tapping the side of the chair she was in. "Get what?" "A hereditarty.. basically a curse, but ususaly good. When there is a very serious situation, people in my family will zone into a trance and cast a useful spell, usually complex and one they don't know. Then after they exit the trance, the spell ends and they never remember doing it." Bremma explained. "How could that be a curse?" Tina said. "It sounds very useful to me." "When we are in the trance, we have no contol over the spell, or WHAT spell it is.." she said. "There have been instances my family has accidentally killed innocents. And when they dont remeber, peole think they are trying to aviod punishment, but we can't help it. I'm just glad I didn't summon anything dangerous.." Tina nodded. "I see." "Yes, but it is usually a safe spell anyway." Bremma said, picking up the book and started to read again.
  10. Behind a boulder in Jabu Jabu's fountain. In Majora's Mask, who's crest is fearful?
  11. Leave it up. I have;t gotten thru Link to the past so I dont know it, lol.
  12. yeah, I was surprised anyone would rememeber the gerudo pirate colors!
  13. "But what if they detect the spell, wont we be in worse trouble?" Bremma asked. "Its worth a shot." Tina said. Hunter nodded and cast the spell. "How long will it last?" Bremma asked. "5 minutes. We better hurry." She said. "I just hope one one detects this." Lauren says. "As do I." Bremma agreed.
  14. Almost, you got all of them right except the pipe colors, theres one more, Yellow.
  15. Alright. Here's a multi answer one, just for the heck of it. What is the song you play for Lulu and that summons a turtle? What were the pipe colors in the Great Bay Temple in MM? What do you get for 15 faires fromt he Great Bay Temple? and the Bonus (isnt needed to get the right to ask the next question) What are the colors of the Gerudo Pirates you fight in the fortress? If someone gets the bonus right, I'll.... I dunno, help them answer a question or help with somehting.. heh. Good Luck!
  16. Its Barton. Trowa Barton(2 of them... kinda),Leia Barton, Dekim Barton, Mariemeia Barton and a few others I can't pull off the top of my head. Oh, and A medical center in Episode 0. Your turn to ask, TigerVX
  17. Bremma softly laid her hands on his, leaning in, softly kissing him on the lips. She gently leaned back and smiled. "See, your not smelly at all!" she looked him over. "And quite cute too." Kwaz blushed. "Really?" Bremma nodded. "Yeah." she hugged him. He hugged back. "Well, you are quite beautiful." She blushed. "Thanks."
  18. Heh, well, its Ma'am to you! Hehe, anyhow.. What last name is seen the most in the Gundam Wing series?
  19. Ahh, well, had ai cctually beatent hat one, i may have known that, lol.
  20. Name: Bremma POke Pal: Windplume (Spearow)
  21. Becuase she heard the line from Zechs? Best I can get from the text.
  22. Hmm... Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and the New GC one?
  23. Bremma scatrched her head. "Ok.. even for him, that was odd.... but I do like him..." she said, talking to herself. "How could I show him that?" She thought for a second then had a great idea. "The Garden! I hope they don't mind me taking a flower." she said, getting up and heading to the garden. She arrived, seeing a few others there, but paid them no mind as she bent down, taking a red rose and heading back to the room. She sat down on his bed, waiting for him to finish with his shower. Soon, the water stopped running and she could hear him dressing, then the door opened He stepped outla nd suddenly stopped, looking at Bremma onhis bed witht he flower. "Uh..." She stood up and walked over to him, handing him the flower. She looked him in the eyes, "I do like you. I just didn't know if you liked me back." she said.
  24. Jarven buys studded leather armor, A crossbow, 20 extra bolts, and a rapier, leaving him with 158 GP. Shortly after Enialis enter the chambers, the door opens and Jarven steps in, nodding to the two as he sits dwon. "Jarven, is it?" asked the preist Jarven nods back silently. "Yes, good to see you here." the preist said.
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