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Everything posted by Bremma

  1. Bremma stood there, looking around at all of the snakes when she suddenly went into a trance, rasing her wand and moving it, chanting, "Novia Serpentia Illusiory Terrio!" Suddenly, the illusion of two large Mongoose appeared. The snakes looked at the mongooses and started to slither away from their natural enemy. But it only last for a few second because someone bumped Bremma, knocking her from her trance and dispelling the illusion. She blinked, looking about. "What was that?" Tina asked Bremma. "What was what?" "That spell you just did?" "What spell?" "What do you mean, what spell, you went into a trance and cast an illusion!" "I did?" Bremma said, looking startled.
  2. Foot steps were heard running down the hall as a girl stuck her head in the cabin "Are you guys alright? I just saw a cobra slip in here." Tina nodded. "Yeah, we're alright, Lauren some how talked to the snake and it jumped out the window." She looked a bit harder at the girl. "Oh! Bremma! I didnt recognize ytou with the haircut!" "Oh! Hi Tina! Well, Im glad you are all alight." she formally introduced herself to the group. "I'm Bremma Menir. Who are you?" "Well you already know me Bremma, but this is Venna and Lauren." Tina says, then tosses Bremma a Chocolate frog. She smiles. "Oh! My favorite! Thanks Tina! Well, I need to get back to my stuff, so I will see you all at school! Bye!" She waves and walks out. A few minutes later, a chocolate frog hops past the door, Bremma chasing after it. "Get back here you cursed confection!"
  3. Alright, what numbers of Gold Skultula must you kill for gifts in OOT?
  4. Yeah, and is it 5 and 7? *is randomly guessing now*
  5. 5 and 6? And Desbreko, I think we shoudl takea break and let other people answer ^^.
  6. Bremma and Kwaz walk back to their room. Bremma flops ont he bed once they enter, looking over at Kwaz. "Hey, I saw you stuff a apaer into your bag what was it?" "Oh, erm.. nothing.." he said embarassedly. "Come on, what is it?" she snatches his bag and starts digging, getting the paper. He opens it, Kwaz looking scared as she looks at it, seeing her name. "You.. you wrote this?" He nodded shyly. "Y-yes.." he admitted, fearing she sould get mad, or think he was a freak. She blushed and looked at him. "I didnt know you were this interetsed in me.." Edit: beefed up per Juuthena's request! (Juu, it was no prob)
  7. That is right I saw it as Middie Une, but that is as close as I think anyon was gonna get for a while. You can ask a question now.
  8. Hehe, alright let's see now... Every how many years is a male Gerudo born?
  9. Blue, red, purple, gray and yellow?
  10. Bremma watch the training, having haflway master the art of hand to hand combat, she went over her duel with Kwaz earlier. As she looked over at him,s he saw him bury a peice of paper into his bag. 'Hm... I wonder what that was...' she thougt, looking back up at the lesson.
  11. Im gonna have to say Charizard.
  12. Let give this a shot! Alright, this is for you hard core Gundam Wing Fans who have read Episode Zero... What is the name of the girl who spys on Trowa(NoName at the time) and the force he fought with?
  13. As Bremma walked through the forest, she suddenly had a strong impulse tug at her. "Hmm.. Terra 1?" she said aloud, as that name and an image of that planet flashed in her head. "Hmm... Maybe it had something to do with my powers..." she mused to her self, looking to the east, seeing rockets taking off and landing. She smiles and headed that way. A day later. "It her!" a person cried out, seeing her approaching the terminal. "It's that girl!" "You're joking!" "It can't be her!" "What can we do?!" panicked people cried. The head of the station stepped out. "Silence please, just let her in and see what she wants. As he says that, she pushes the door of the terminal open and approaches the manager. "I need to get a flight to Terra 1." "Of course, and how will you be paying?" he asked. She pulled out a small leather purse, setting it in his hand. "That should be enough." He looked in, amazed to see that it was the exact amount for a flight to Terra I. "Yes, yes it is. Down the hall, to your left. It will depart shortly." She nodded and walked off. After she entered (and several people hastily exited the terminal) the group sigh in relief. "She's leaving!" "A celebration will be in order." "Shh, shh,, keep it down until she is gone." the manager said, watching the window. "Look there it goes now," he said, pointing to a passenger craft as it took off and departed into space. The whole crowd cheered, the most feared person on the planet now gone.
  14. To the one with Heero's rubber duckie, I remember writing a silly little fic about GW censorship and Heero having a rubber duckie named Mr. Quackers... maybe I'll find it someday...
  15. Good job Desbreko! That's right!
  16. Ah good, good. Who's head is on the brooches of the farm girls, You know, [b]Adult [/b}Malon(OOT) and maybe even Romani and Cremia(MM) in The Ocarina of Time and Majora's mask? Edit:Added names for help! Edit, time 2!: Yeah.. not sure if Cremia and Romani have it, I think they do, but answer the question!
  17. I may be wrong, but isn't it red/orange, blue and green? I know for sure green is last.
  18. Ah, I see it now! It uses it to control It's body temperature! Ok my turn. Out of the original 151 pokemon, only [b]1[/b] is a true grass Pokemon. Name it.
  19. Doesn't he use them for attacks as well?
  20. Laiaith: His last name IS Malfoy, his first name is Draco.
  21. What is you special gift: She can randoml recall and cast an advaced spell, but wont remeber it. Inherited from her clarivolant maternal line. How will this prove usefull: In a dangerous situation she may randomly cast an advanced levitation spell, levitaitng her out of danger, but she cant use it again, because she wont remeber the incantation. This happens quite rarely.
  22. I was curious if other people do this, but what I do it a pick an ideal set of Pokemon that I want on my final team and only collect the ones I need. Here is mine, for example. I usually pick Bulbasaur for my starter Pokemon and pick up a Spearow in the feild west of Veridan. Then after Moon Cave, I will get a Sandshrew, and once I can fish, I get a Magikarp and shove him into the Daycare until he can evolve. Next (being I am playing Blue) I get a Vulpix outside of Cerulean and get the Eevee, turing it into Jolteon. I also hold an Fire stone to eventually evolve Vulpix. By now I have Bulbasaur (I don't evolve my Pokemon until they have all of their attacks.) Spearow, Gyrados, Sandshrew, Vulpix and Jolteon. Once I get to that island by Fuschia, (heh, mind is blank) I'll capture Articuno, letting go of Spearow/Fearow. Then the move preferences I have for my Pokemon is having 3 physical attacks and one move like Sleep Powder or Mist, as well as getting the TMs on all of them (only TM that I dont keep on my main pokemon is Flash.) I also strive to raise my Pokemon at least 5 to 10 levels between each gym, or at least a few levels higher than the next Gym Leader. To train, I order my POkemon in order form most EXP needed to least and wrok my way down. Hard at times, but very helpful. Anyone else do this? Or do you have your own agenda?
  23. Name: Bremma Manir Age: 13 Year of Hogwarts you are in: 3 What house are you in? (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin) Ravenclaw Looks: She wears her dark hair cropped short and her blue eyes are hidden behind glasses She stands about 5' 7", quite tall for her age. Personality: She is very bright and observant, but the observancy makes her easily distacted and at times, vulenrable. SHe loves to read and practice practical Spells. What is your Position: Seeker What type of wand do you have: Beechwood with dragon heartstring, 13 inches What type of pet do you have and what is it's name: Owl, SilverWing
  24. how about the sprits suddenly massing on one planet?
  25. I think that would be the way that they would work. It wouldn't work to well if they went all the way around. I LOVE her dress, it is so cool. It just has an original style that reflects her persona.
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