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Everything posted by Bremma

  1. (ooc: Hasn't been much action by anyone, I hope we can chage this!) Rev and Ariadne heard two sets of footsteps running down the hall towards the room. A few seconds later, Bremma and Kwaz enter the training room, looking around and seeing that they werent late. "Whew... we got here on time, huh?" Bremma said, looking at Kwaz. He nodded, wiping his brow. They both looked over seeind Ariadne and Rev. "Oh, are you guys the instructors?" Bremma asked. Rev smiled and nodded. "Yes we are. I am Rev Wily and this is Ariadne." "Its nice to meet you." Bremma said with a curtious bow.
  2. Calen eyed the stranger, then unotched the arrow fromt he bow, putting both away. "Alright. What is your name?" he asked "My name is Fortusa." he replied. Calen nodded and looked to the rest of the group. "Alright everyone, what are we going to do now?"
  3. Heero while fixing his leg: *snapcracklepop* *looks down at leg* Hmm... is the bone supposed to come out like that? Relena:Who was that mysterious boy? Ah, nevermind, I'll go back to my rich school and never see him again.
  4. As the creaure flashed away,t he ilusions diminished. Calen shook his head, claring the last thrads of it formhismind, seeing only the people fighting the evil, and none of the evil. "Vulk.. they escaped." He quickly looked around the scene, seeing a small movment in the bushes. He quickly drew and arrow and shot it to the left of the bush. "Gyahh!" Fortusa yelled, jumping from behind the bush. WHen he looked back at Calen, Calen was aiming an arrow at his throat. "You made the illusions, didn't you?" Calen asked.
  5. Name:Jarven Chrina Race: Human Character Class: Rouge Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Description: Jarven is 20 year of age. He stand at about 6 feet tall with short black hair and dark eyes. He has several scars over his face and body from numerous fights. He wear dark clothing most of the timei shades of dark green, brown, and black. He has soft sole leather shoes, allowing him to move silently. He carries several pouches on his belt, along with a sack for holding items. Spells: None History: Raised in a tribe of rouge, he has been a theif all of his life. He is trained in combat using only a dagger, but had the skill to weild almost any weapon with some force. Recently, after a small accident, all of his items were taken(, minus his dagger? [i]Im confused, UHNWT, are we allowed to have weapons or do we have to buy them? I see you character has them but you said equiment has to be bought.[/i])
  6. "Vulking luck.." Calen muttered. "Just my luck... fire." He drew out his bow and arrows and fire an arrow at the fire elemental. The arrow hit and burned away intantly. "Vulking!" he shouted, biting his lip as he drew another arrow, aiming at the beast and looking like he was about to fire, then quickly switched targets to Naz'ule. The arrow flew and embedded into his upper arm holding the staff. Naz'uel roared in pain, the arrow deep in his flesh. he simlpy tore it out, but as he did, another embedded in his leg, followed by hitting his shoulder. Calen prayed that this assult to Naz'uels body would cause the fireleemewntal to return from whence it came.
  7. Calen gritted his teeth, extending his hands and chanting loudly as large vines burst from the earth, shooting several feet in the air, then down and around the beast, pinning it to the ground. It roared and futiley snapped at the ensnaring vines. He then chanted again and several vines wrapped around Lady Bynum carefully and lifted her away from the beast. As they desposited her onto the ground, Calen ran to her side. "Are you alright ma'am?" The vines that were carring Lady Bynum went and helped bind the beast. She nodded nervously and sighed in relief. He nodded and reply and turned back to Comis and Doshi. "Hurry, dispose of the beast while he's down, I'll keep the vines tight, this is the best I can do." He siad, turing back to the beast who was startign to break the vines. He started chanting again, enforcing the vines and holding the furious beast.
  8. "Oh, not much..." she siad, flopping on the bed. "Kinda going back over the days..." she remarked, looking up at Kwaz. "Yeah... sure have been interesting, huh?" he replied. She nodded. "Yeah..." she siad, her mind drifting off and thinking about him. 'Maybe I should tell him how I feel? But how? Im so shy, Id never get it out...' she thought to herself, putting on a wondering face. "Uh.. Bremma? You still here?" Kwaz asked, making sure she was ok. "Huh? Oh, yes, I'm here." she said, shaking her head and smiling, slightly embarrased. "Just... thinking." she noted.
  9. Bremma, hearing the announment, hurried and dressed. "Come on Kwaz! We dont want to bw late!!" "Alright, alright..." he said, heading into their rooms bathroom to get dressed. By time he got back she was dressed in her normal clothes.
  10. Bremma softly patted John's shoudler. "Trust me John, Im sure she care for you too. Some people are scared of relationship and it may come off as hate." He wiped his eyes and looked back at her. "You think so?" She nodded, smiling. "Yes. I think you should ask her how she does feel of you, and let her know how much you care. But dont go about it too fast." she noted. "You dont want to overdo it."
  11. As he stuck the bush, vines came oput of the ground and bound his legs tightly together. From where the twig snapped came a deep voice. "Why did you attack that innocent bush? It never did anything to harm you, now did it?" Comis snap otu of his trance as the vines took hold of him. "Show youself, you coward!" he roared. "As you wish.." Out of the darkness of the woods, Calen stepped out, taking only a second to use his magic to heal the mush. SHe then looked over at Comis. "Now if you'd-" he started as he saw DOshi trying to sneak off, he pointed at muttered a small chant, vines ensnaring him as they has Comis. "I will answer none of your questions until I know who you are!" COmis yelled. Calen gave a soft sigh. "Again as you wish, though it WOULD be nicer if you at least asked a bit more civily." he noted. "I am Calen Shirk." "You can only be so civil when you are tied in vines..." Doshi muttered. " I heard a noise from behind the bush. I was only making sure that no one was there. Now, will you please let us go?" "After I get YOUR names." Calen said. "I am Doshi, and that is Cosmi." Doshi said. Calen nodded and pointed at their vines, chaning soflty again as they loosened and burrowed back into the earth. He now expected no less than a possible attack from them.
  12. Bremma glaned over, seing John crying. 'Oh, he looks so sad... I wonder why?' she toiught, looking back to Kwaz. "Hey, I'll be right back, I want to find out what is wrong with this guy." she said. Kwax nodded as she swam over next to John. She solfty put a hand on his shoulder, startling him slightly. "Oh!" he siad, trying to hide his reddened eyes. Bremma had already figured what he had been doing, so she solfty spoke to him. "Are you alright? I can tell you are sad. What's wrong?" she asked, innocently full of curiousity.
  13. Bremma blinked in confusement. 'I wonder what that was about...' she thought, taking the time to swim around. SHe happened to look down,s eeign what he had soon. 'Oh my! Now i understand why he left..' she siad, heading for the edge to climb out. As she climbed out, the wet clothes seemed to show even more as they plastered to her. She blusehd and luckily found a towel, which she used to cover herself up. She then walked back to the room cautously enetering.
  14. She laid on the edge of the pool,w atching him swim away. 'You should go in after him...' one part of her said. 'But you're not dressed for it!' Another countered. She watched him and decided to go with the first part of her mind. She stood up and walked a few feet away from the pool. Kwaz turned and looked, seeing her walk away, thinking she had decided to leave him. 'She must really not like me..' he thought.. 'She's leaving..' He looked down as he suddenly heard running towards the pool. He looked up in time to see Bremma leap into the water, sending a wave at his face. He blinked as she resurfaced smiling. "I changed my mind." She siad as she grinned. Her hair hung flat and damp over the sides of her head and her before baggy shirt now showed her thinner form, as wel as other area of her body. She didnt seem to care as she tredded water before him.
  15. She stuttered a few times, then mentally yelled at heself. 'Get yourself together!' She shook her head. "Uh, it was about the watching thing, I forgive you, it just kinda startled me." she said, sitting crosslegged at the edge of the pool. "Why dont you come in?" he asked. She blushed again. "Umm.. Im not quite dressed for it.. I dont have a suit.." she said. 'Man, he is so good looking..' she thought, looking at his body again, then shook her head, blushing slightly and moving her eyes back up to his face.
  16. Bremma finished reading her book for the time. As she shut her book, she heard footsteps walk to the door, stop, and walk away. She got up and opened the door, seeing Kwaz walking away. She flushed slightly and then called out to him. "Kwaz?" He turned around, looking embarassed. "Uh.. um.. I didn't want to disturb you." SHe shook her head. "I wasn't doing anything. Come on in. It's yuor room to, you know." She slipped back in as Kwaz followed. She sat on her bed, watching Kwaz as he entered.
  17. Bremma blinked in confusion as he ran off. 'That, was.. weird..' she thought, putting the weapons back on the racks and leaving. 'WHy did he run off so suddenly. 'I wonder what that was all about...' she thought, heading back to the room. She entered, laying back on her bed. As she lai there, the eevents of the day rescrolled through her hair. 'Wait a sec..' She thought, sitting up.. 'Maybe he's interested in me?' She scratched her head. 'Well he is a bit cute..' she thougt, blushing a bit. She then quickly shook herhead. 'Well, I guess I'll see what happens.' she thinnk to herself as she sits up at the head of the bed, picking up her book and starting to read it again, but her mind was hardly on the book, it was more on Kwaz.
  18. She lunged at him, swinging up at him, which he easily blocked. She jumped back, then lunged in again as he swung down, the blade of the scimitar digging into the staff. She tugged at the staff, but noted it was fully stuck. She then abandoned the weapon as he discared the scimitar. She dashed to the wall of weapon and drew out a rapier. "Now that's what im talkign about.." She said with a smile as he also took a rapier. She charges at hi, swing and they locked blades. "You're not half bad.." He commented, face to face with her. "I was about to say the same." She siad, spinning out of the lock and leaping back into a defensive position.
  19. Bremma, after wandering the halls for a short while, found the mess hall. She entered and looked about the vacant area, filled with tables. She looked aroudn and eventually foudn the food, gettign herself a snadwich, fruit and a drink. SHe sat at one of the table, taking a bite from the sandwich. 'That was weird... why would he stare at me while I slept?' she thought. SHe shook her head, clearing the thought from it. 'Well, I guess after I eat I'll do a bit of exploring. SHe quickly finished her food and drink and left, wandering back towards the dormotories and happened to pass by the melee combat room. Out of the cornoer of her eye, she noticed Kwaz training. She slowly walked back and peeks in, watching him train. 'Hmm.. he's pretty good..' she thought, silenly walking in. She picks up a quaterstaff from the rack and silently enters the arena. 'Let's see how perceptive he is..' She climed into an alcove in one of the towers and watched him, waiting for him to pass under the alcove. Suddelny, he was beneath her. She smirks and jumps down, holding the staff in attack postion, ready to strike when she lands.
  20. Bremma rolled over, slowly waking up from the nap she had taken. She slowly openeed her eyes to see Kwaz looking at her. She kinda starred back, not seeming to realize what he was going, but then jumped out of bed. "Ah! How long were you watching me?" she said, seeming embarassed. "Not long..." he said back. She looked a bit weirded putl but told herself to calm down. 'he doesnt seem like a person who whould do stuff to you.' she thought, sitting on the bed. As she sat,her stomach growled. she flushed. "Uh...I guess we should go find the mess hall.."
  21. Sheena sits atop the edge of a cliff over looking a forest. She sat, her eyes scanning over the tops of the tress, a slight breeze rustling the branches as she looked over them. She sighed, looking at a leaf beside her. As she looked at it, it rose into the air, floating on a breeze. She watched as the breeze floated away, It got her to thinking about that day. Her mind still wasnt sure what happened, but she remebered getting very angry at the boys that were teasing her. She remembered screaming and hearing a loud, hard wind. After that, she remebered hearing that she has cause a tornado, killing the boys as well as half the school. And here she was now. Exiled from civilization. She sighs and pulls out her bow and arrow, slowly standing and looking. Down in a clearing she saw a deer. Gently,she loaded an arrow, pulling it back itno place, carefully aiming. She then pulled the trigger, as a strong wind blew at her back, pushing the arrow along, sending it into the heart o the deer. She nodded, and climbed down. "Looks like deer tonight.." she said to her self softly.
  22. After she finished gettign up her plushie, she pulled a long black case from her bag, opening it to reveal the blade heads for her staff. She pulled out one of the blades and starts polishing it. "My parents trained me in melee combat. Perhaps we could spar sometime." she siad, looking up as Kwaz. "And you could teach me about the bayonet." She then put the attachment away and shut the case, slipping it beneath her bed.
  23. I've always had a thing for Quatre. He's sweet caring, and mainly a pacifit that fight when needed. not to mention he got that cute blond hair! Also, Zechs is very hot! A little old for me, but still hot! Same with Trowa, 'cept he's too quiet, but ya gotta love the hair!
  24. "Hmmm?" Bremma said, looking up and over at the boy who had entered the garden. She get up and looks at the number. "Hey.. thats's my room number... Oh! you must be my roomate!" she said, startling herself to the point of letting go of her book. She hastily hit it back up in the air, bouncing it clumbsily a few times before securing it in her arms. She blushed hotly, having made a fool of herself infront of her roommate. "Uhhh.. Let me show you the way to the room.. you are...?" she said, having already forgotten his name. "Kwan, Kwan Sosac." He repeated to her. "Right. Kwan." She siad, saying it to help herself remember. "Ah. Here's the room." She pulls out her key, and again nearly drops it. "Here. Ill get it." Kwan said, using his key and unlocking the door. "Thanks." she said softly, walking in. "We'll.. Here's the room. As far as I can see... its a room." She said, still embarrased about the dropping incident. "Honestly, I havent explored it yet.. you can have the honors." She said, sitting down on one of the beds.
  25. Bremma look over at Katiya. "Ro-ses? Is that what these oens are called?" Katiya looks back over at Bremma. "Um.. yes.." Bremma smiles. "I like them alot." "You never knew what a rose was?" Katiya asked. Bremma shook her head. "My parents never taught me about flowers. I've seen some pictues, but never seen them in real life before.." She looked at Katiya. "Im Bremma by the way."
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