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Everything posted by Bremma

  1. Bremma slowly loks up form her book, noticing that her roomate had still not arrived. She sioghs, standing a streching, her left hand still holding the book. She slips a book mark in, marking her pages and exits her room wioth the book, trodding quietly down the hall. She looked about, untill she came aross the garden. SHe gasped in surprise at all of the flowers, having rarley seen them in all her life. She walked in in wonder and gently knealt down, touching one. She did it several time, being her worn hands has trouble feeling suchs softness. She wished she knew its name, but her parents cared more to teach her things about battle than names of flora. She walked about, touching the different types, not even noticing the others in the garden.
  2. Upon the stewardess annoiung their arrival, Bremma looked up from her book. She muttered at her self for not paying attention as she places her book in a duffel beside her. She stands and streches, her loose jeans and shirt still covering her. She then lifts her duffel and her staff and exits the plane, looking for signs to the rooms. She finds them and starts walking, looking at the key she had been given. She looked at the key then back at the doors until she found the matching one. She cautiously opened the door, poking her head in, but seeing she was the first one there. 'Well, looks like my roommate hasn't arrived yet..' she thinks to her self, stepping in and tossing her duffle onto the bed. She swiftly unpacks it, then lays on the bed with her book, which she proceeds to read again.
  3. Name: Calen Shirk Age: 19 Element: Earth Side: Neutral Weapons: Bow and Arrows, Quaterstaff, and 4 throwing daggers. Powers: Control over small plants (abaitly to create and control vines, weeds, ect.) and abaitly to will trees and lager plants as she needs (Make them shift or move slightly) Immunue to organic posions ( ones that come form plants.) Desc: Standing at 5' 11", Calen has shaggey browng hair just be low his chin and deep green eyes. HIs voice is deep and mellow. He wears a grey tunic and leggings underneath a deep greenish brown clock and wears stong but soft leather shoes. Bio: He was stolen as a yougn child form his mage parents, his kinanppers lost him in a forest. He learned in time to control the plants. He has and still is honing his skills.
  4. Even tho I am not the GM, you can. Its not like Role players have to play there real life gender. Ive been a guy in plenty of roleplays.
  5. Name: Sheena Retay Arkali spirit: Wind Talon (air Arkali/acitive, if that is alright) Age: 18 Planet of Origin: Lianh Description: Sheena stands 5'6" with long black hair and brown eyes. She is average size and weight for her height. She wears loose tunics and pants with boots. She is solemn and slient, but curious. Bio: When she was 7, in a class, she was teased to the point where her Arkali spirit took over and killed half of the school. From then on,s he ha been an outcast and feared by many. She knows very little of her powers and how they work, but she would die to findout. Start weapon: Cross Bow and arrows Final Weapon:
  6. Name: Bremma Lana Fallens Age: 16 Sex: Female Height: 5'5" Weight: 120 lbs Planet: Jupiter Appearance: She has deeply tanned skin, and long brown hair pulled back into a low pony tail. She has bright green eyes and is not thin, but far form being overweight. Bio: Born and raised on Juipter, this will be her first trip form her home planet. She was picked becuase of her parents reputations as fighters. She already know a bit about warfare from her parents, but still has a ways to go before becomming an experienced fighter. She carries a 5' staff with an area to attach dffernt weapons like a blade or laser. She carries 2 blade attackments and one spear head attachment. Uniform color: Brown Persona: She tends to be shy, and doesn't talk much, but when it comes to training or fighting, she becomes a whole new person, very focused and determined. Edit: Just putting a bit more info into this... I had to do it in 5 minutes this morning to make sure a got a place ^^. If something is not kosher, please tell em.
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