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Everything posted by Bremma
Bremma rolled over, looking at the two sleepily. "Mmmh.. I argee with Will... keep it down... Im trying to sleep." she said as cleary as she could in her half alseep state. "Sorry. We'll be more quiet." Seion said to her. "Go back to sleep." She nooded, rolling back over and falling alseep.
She watched as Seion fell asleep, eating some of the rice. SHe looekd up a the sky, seeing Hope'd Dragonite flying away again. 'Hmm... she'll be back..' she mentally mused before yawning. She set the bowl aside and laid down by Seion, falling alseep. SHe woke up again when Shinobi woke up from his dream. 'Hmm..' she though, listeng to him. 'And if she doesnt come back.. he'll find her.' she figured witha soft nod, falling back alseep.
Think of a desert... Now think of a cube in the desert. How big is it? What is it made of? What color? Is it floating in the air or flat in the sand? Its a large cude of sand, just lying nt he ground. Not think of a ladder in the desert. What is it made of? Where is it in relationship to the cube?(on top of it. leaning againrt it.) The ladder appears to be made of the trunks of palms and it lays over the top of the cube. Not think of a horse. What kind of horse is it? Where is the horse in relationship to the cube? Its a large Clydesdale, withthe standard coat coloring, staning by one of the corners.
As she continued to rest in the tree, she heard a rustling in the trees. "Hm? What is that?" she said, turing her head to the sound as she felt a drop of water land on her nose. She shoook her head, sending the drop off in time for three more to splatter on her. "Hmm.. rain." She gets up and moves throiught the trees, looking for a shelter and seieng a cave. "That'll do.." she siad, jumping form the trees and dashing into the cave, tripping over something a ways in. "Ooof!" she said, rolling over the ground into a wall, knocking her head sharply, passing out.
Heh, thats really freaked up. Was it cooked or heated at all? Could have been holding in steam... still... attack of the exploding artichokes!
Bremma took her pack and placed itr under Seion's head, making sure he was comfortable. "I'll be fine.." he said, trying to get up. She put a hand on his chest, gently easing him back down. ".. but you'll need to rest. You said it yourself." "Heh... I guess I did." he noted. She smiled a little and sat by his side. "Why dont you tell me a bit about youself while your rest? Ill go first." she said. "I used to live in Celadon, back in Kanto. When I was little, about 7 I think, my parents just suddenly left. I had no place to live, so I became a bit of a theif and stole my living. Eventually, It was too risky for me to stay there, so I started living on the routes, traveling all over Kanto and Johto. Not much has happened since then... I eventually picked up a few Pokeballs and caught some Pokemon, trained them. And one day, I got a message, and found my way to Goldenrod and this group." she said, looking at him for an reaction.
I thought they were good. a good puzzle to get through. I liked the one with all the ice.. can't recal the name off hand though. It was a pain to find the destrucion sphere if I recall.
Saria, having none of this 'money' that the inhabitants of the town valued, decided to make her home in a tree until she could obtain some. She streched out over the branch, about to fall asleep, as she heard footsteps in the distance. She rolled over and sat up, sitting on the branch, looking down and seeing what she figured was one of the stray inhabitants of the village. She was about to dismiss it as that when she felt s strong power immanating from him. She looked again, wondering.
"As you wish then...." she said non chalantly with a shrug. "Good luck on the surface." she headed to a tree and climbed back in, heading back to the village. 'I wonder who twisted his horns..' she thought, as she almost flew through the trees. She got near the village and stoped, sitting in a seculded branch of the tree, waiting for her body to recloak the horns and hands with the human illusion. 'I wonder who else madeit out...'
She followed behind him. "I never recall saying you were." she commented. She kept her distace, wary of tempting his anger. "And why would an angel waste time in dispatching a demon, hm? Im sure they have better things to do that chasing demons." she said, watching him carefully.
"I didn't mean to. I had every inention of introducing myself." she said, using the power of her voice to hopefully soothe him, sensing him becoming very dangerous. "My name is Saria. Im like you.. a demon.." she noted, showing her now claw-like hands, and fully devoeloped horns. "Please dont harm me. I wish you none. I was only seeing who you were."
Saria ambled along, wringing her hands in her shirt. "So... this is what the world is like.." she said, looking around. The forest path lead downa small hill to a little mideval(sp) village. She slipped her blue tinted hands from the loose shirt like tunic to pull the cloak she had found on a mans body tighter around her. As she was about to step to the town, she heard a loud laugh of estascy coming from a ways back inthe forest. She turned to the sound and deiced to see if it was anohter demon. She jumped, pulling herself into the tree, traveling though the branches until she found the laughing demon, seemingly overjoyed to be out of the abyss. She shared his joy. When she awoke and saw green trees instead of a dark pit of rodents, she knew she was out. She didn't know how, or why, but she didnt bother to question, she was glad to be free. She leant forward ot get a better look, unknowingly on a weak branch. She didn't even hear it creak as the wood bent. It fell from beneath her suddenly and she gave a shreik of surprise, falling to the floor. The other demon, having not heard the groan of the branch in his celebration, jumped and looked at her. She sat up a bit, shaking her head, feeling the tips of her three horns developing on her forehead from the slight scare she gave herself. As she looked up at the pther demon, he had drawn his sword. "Please, I don't mean you any harm." she said, holding her hands out, showing she was unarmed. They were noticaly bluer than before, almost looking scaly and clawed. She noted this herself and pulled her hands back. She stood slowly, looking at him.
1) Hes latin. 2)Yup. As Cyke siad its always been that way, grab a copy of he Episode Zero manga and youll see. 3)That'd be your choice. Maybe you'd want to use the english translations of their character songs? PM me if you want a list of names.
OOC: Alright, I'm gonna do my best here, feel free to correct me. "Alright Windplume, your up!" Bremma said, throwing out the Pokeball, her spearow flying out. "I choose Muk!" The trainer said, throwing out the blobous Pokemon. "Windplume, give it a Leer!" Bremma called, Windplume, giving Muk a hard leer, dropping its defense. "Sludge it Muk!" the trainer said, Muk spitting a glob of sludge at Windplume. It hit, sending Windplume back a bit, but no poison. "Fury attack!" she called, Windplume diving in a furiously pecking at Muk 5 times. "Body slam!!" the trainer called, Muk hurling its hefty body at Windplume, making full contact, slamming Windplume to the ground, paralyzed. "Windplume! Try another fury attack!" she said, but Windplume didn't move, fully paralyzed for that turn. "OK Muk, give it a shot of Toxic!" the trainer said, Muk replying by shooting a stream of poison at the Spearow. "That was a waste of a turn! You should know Pokemon can only be affected by one status element at a time!" she called. "Windplume, Fury attack!" This time, Windplume flew back up, hitting Muk thrice, Muk showing its weariness. "Harden Muk!" the trainer said, Muk firming up its body. "Windplume, Peck it!" she said, Windplume giving a last hard peck, knocking Muk out. "Ugh.. Come back Muk." the trainer said, recalled the fainted Pokemon. "My next choice is.. Bellsprout!" "And I recall Windplume for.. Ninetails!" she said, calling back the paralyzed bird and sending out the nine-tailed fox. The trainer grimaced. "Poison powder Bellsprout!" he said, the small plant spitting out a cloud of powder at Ninetails, hitting is and poisoning it. "Alright Ninetails, we can handle that weed with a FIRE BLAST!" she called, Ninetails shoot a large blast of fire, scorching the Bellsprout, knocking it out in a single hit. "Not again! OK.." he said, recalling the KOed Pokemon. "Let's give you a shot Rhydon!" he said, letting out the stocky beast. "Ninetails, give him a shot of Confuse Ray!" she said, Ninetails firing a multicolored beam from its eyes, but not fazing the Rhydon, and Ninetails taking a bit of damage from the poison. "Heh, Rhydon, Earthquake!" he said, Rhydon rearing up and slamming its forelegs to the ground hard, sending a hard wave of seismic waves at Ninetails, KOing it. "Hmm. Alright." she said, recalling and thinking. "Ah, here we go.. You're weak to its attack and its immune to most of yours! Gyrados! Let's do it!" she said, letting out a massive Dragon Pokemon. "Ack! Quick! Um... Dig!" the trainer in a panic, the Rhydon digging under ground. "Ha! Nice try, but I won't be hit! Gyrados, leer for now!" she said, the Pokemon giving a hard glance at the hole in the ground. The trainer said nothing as his Pokemon pooped out of the ground, missing Gyrados. "Finish it off, Hydro pump!" she said, Gyrados soaking the rock and ground Pokemon thoroughly. It took a step then grunted and fell. "That's it, I win." Bremma said, with a nod, calling back Gyrados. "Good job Bremma!" Seion and Will called to her. "Well done, but you still have one of us left!" they said. "My turn now!" Will said, stepping up.
Bremma watched Shinobi stop the picture. 'Hmm.. wonder what that was all about..' she pondered, then recalled his past restriction. SHe shrugged then walked over to Seion. "Well, I dont think we really forammly met. Im Bremma." "And Im Seion." he said, extending his hand. She took it, giving him a surprisngly firm shake. "Whoa... " "Oh, heh.. sorry." She said, pulling her hand back, a bit embarassed.. "Im a bit stronger than I look..."
I say its alright to burp almost anywhere, excpt for very socal funcions as long as you try to muffle it and excuse yourself. Farting is a bit more rude. That you should try to leave the room for, even if it might be silent, cause it can still smell.
Bremma bites her lip. "My only real flyer is Windplume, a spearow.. Im not sure if her can hold me." she says with worry
Ive had a few stupid accidents. Last year me, my first boyfriend and a few of his friendd were running aorund, being silly at the outdoor school courtyard. I was running and my boyfriend went to fake trip me, and I actually tripped, on cobblestone. I had skinned my knee good, getting a good size hole inthe knee of my jeans (which I still own), and scraped up my hand. My boyfriend felt so bad, I had to tel him to STOP apologizing.. Anther was last week while I was working on a robot. I was attaching wires to attach the motor to the power source. I had gotten 2 of the wires done and hasily did the third, looking for the last wire to attach, a black one. I saw an unattached red one onf hte floor, not really noitcing, it. I foud the first two wires, connected to the correct wire (note, there was no power running), then look to the third wire, seeing I had attached the black extension to the red base wire. It was very frustrating, conseridng I had spent an hour the day before, just stripping the wires,(we had to use wire cutters) and wating for the motor wire to be soldered onma nd had to re cut and strip a motor before I started working. Someone said they would fix it for me though.
Bremma raises her eyebrows. "A total tie? Wow. I didnt know it was even possible." "Yes, but it is very rare." Xion commented.
(heh, when I do manage to get into a battle, I was planning on doing my own battles.. those are my best skill, hehe) Bremma watched the battle, making an off hand cmment to Xion and Ryan. "I thought it was good manners to at least introduce yourself before a battle." Ryan shrugged. "Maybe he doesn't know?" "Maybe. Tho I have litterally been living in the woods and know this."
Bremma walked over to Will, rubbing her eyes. "Hmm.. what are you doing up so late and yelling?" "I found my legendary!" He said happily. She pulls a hand away from her eyes and looks at him with it, seeming temporarily stunned. "Really? What luck!" She smiles and pats him on the back. "Good job. Lets get back to camp and sleep."
SURGE AND COCO PUFFS! Not combined. It was a camp thing. For energy, at lunch and dinner I'd have my meal, glass of Surge (and mandatory water), and a bowl of coco puffs. The enegry boost was needed. *misses camp, and now wants coco puffs* Nowadays, its probably cookie dough when I make cookies. And icing for cakes. Thats fun to.
Coughs a little bit, still eating fish, this time picking the bones out. She looked over at Will. "Hey, would you like to learn how to fish sometime? I could show you in the morning while I look for fruit." "Sure!" he said. She smiled and nodded, and went back to eating.
Bremma took some of the roasted fish, eating it silently, looking around the camp, then up at the sky. She carefully spat out bones. "Hmm.. Will, next time let me bone the fish before you cook them." "WHy? They are so small." "That is why. They are too easy to swallow and the can get stuck in your throat or- urk!" she coughs a few times, then makes a strained face, grabbing her neck, looking like she is choking.