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Everything posted by zerocrisis

  1. Hey can u guys tell me about the last four episodes i didnt get 2 watch them plz and thanks
  2. Well i havent heard him on MTV yet only on BET anyways u guys need 2 listen 2 some real jamaicans talking and you'll better undertand wat he says
  3. Hey just for the record the guys who did the song who let the dogs out are not jamaican and that was not a reggae song ( its reggae not raga) and Sean Paul soungs real good when he's performing live if u dont belive me the come 2 jamaica next year when we have Reggae Sumfest and you'll see, or u can just go to one of the sessions that promoters put on and plz ppl when u are talking about reggae or anything jamaican plz get the straight facts because i find it very offensive when ppl talk about anything about my country because im very proud of my country and our achivements
  4. You ppl are so late i live in jamaica and Sean Paul has been performing here for years now and the only problem i have it that now the rest of the world will now start associating dancehall with Sean Paul and not listening to some of the other artists who are in fact much better than him, but hey if u guys like dancehall the look out for Elephant Man, he's the biggest artiste we have in jamaica right now and he has already had his video showed on MTV 2 and BET's The basement check him out and while ur at it take the time 2 find out about some of the other artiste's and learn wat they are saying by learning jamaican creole or patois they u can get maximum enjoyment and remember " Let the Music live forever"
  5. Hey does anyone know like where i could get a sword , cuz that would be so kool although i would probably have trouble getting it through customs if im shipping it
  6. Thats cool where did u get the pics from and on a side note does anyone here study swordsmanship
  7. Yes i agree i think he is closer to reverting to his former self, i mean cmon killing was his passion and then he went cold turkey on it so maybe his cravings are coming back................what do u think???
  8. hey thanks alot i'll put them up went i get the chance and 2morrow i'll post another poem, and i gurantee that u ppl will like it
  9. thanks alot, and it really does seem like Bebop but the funny thing is i was thing about trigun when i wrote it, weird huh
  10. Hey thanks alot for the heads up its greatly appreciated, and sorry if anyone got scared, i was feeling a bit frustrated i dont like being stressed cuz i cant do my best work when im stressed, but if u guys like i'll post my first ever poem that i wrote, i think that you'll like it, so if u guy want it then just request it. (and for u KittyLynn i'll do a special poem jus for u)
  11. I hope that Cn doesnt butcher the fight with Kenshin and Saito cuz that is undoubtedly one of the best fights in the series (perhaps in all of anime history), so does anyone kno when the new episodes air????
  12. Hey screw those ppl at school, i write stories myself but im jus too lazy to translate them to paper or to type them, just keep your head up and keep writing and remember not everyone can understand or appriciate genius
  13. "Untitled" Silver clouds Blood red sky shrieks fill the dusk A spinning barrel "Click" One messenger of death, life to some, left Closed eyes, one final prayer crosses the lips of the damned One final breath drawn "sigh" Life no more
  14. Ok i had another poetry section but they took it off :( so now im starting a new one and im inviting everyone 2 test themselves 2 writing some cool poems and having them critizied Here's my first: "Untitled" Silver clouds Blood red sky shrieks fill the dusk A spinning barrel "Click" One messenger of death, life to some, left Closed eyes, one final prayer crosses the lips of the damned One final breath drawn "sigh" Life no more [center]...[/center] Sometimes i look at the night sky The starry sky, bright and pure I think to myself I wish i had someone special to share it with Then i remember you How we used to gaze at the sky, and each other for hours I feel a tug in my heart, a warm feeling It feels good on a cold, lonely nite like to nite [center]...[/center] Life is an illusion for the coming death which is the destiny promised to all life. Fearlessly we stand to face the impending wrath of ultimate destruction. Fear and Hatred rule the day, and pride clouds our minds the long road of freedom is ahead of us and our journey has only begun The Mind of a disconnected soul He looks up with dead eyes at the droplets of water streaming down the glass pane. Slowly he feels his grip on sanity and reality slipping away. He cries out but on one hears his screams. The cold creeps all over his body and his head slips below the water surface, watching the world from another place..............another perspective, placed here by forces unseen but never belonging
  15. i think that Kenshin is in his 20ies, maybe kaoru too, Sano, im not sure and Yahiko is probably like 12 or 13 but Ms Mesumi i have no idea(is very difficult 2 guess some women's ages)
  16. Now that you are gone the days drag on Sleepless nights plague me, dreams about you taunt me Even as i write this my heart still lingers, i yearn for you Happiness once, is now sadness forever I loved you like no other and no other shall ever take your place Dedicated to my Former Girlfriend ( love you always Shay)
  17. Kenshin is fun to watch, its funny\. Ok time to get serious i have no prob with the dubbing or anything i mean cmon i was raised on kung-fu moviesso im used to it, the only prob i have is that there is a severe lack of violence i mean its kool but kids arent dumb i think they will get the drift if one minute a guy is holding a knife over his head and the next minute he's on the ground dying i mean cmon they (kids) can put 2 and 2 together and get that the guy stabbed himself so i say in my humble opinion that they should show more violence. thank you
  18. Yea i kno it doesnt really link up i wasnt really feelin it so next time ill concentrate next time
  19. WildFire A blazing machine of destruction cold and ruthless but, at the sametime burning with a magnificent intensity It consumes all in its path and grows stronger with ever life it takes Screams fill the air , thicker than the smoke It seems like all hope is lost but, At the final moment the skies rumble and the clouds part The sweet drops of rain take over the battle And two old foes battle once more and this time the flames of old lose the battle and the sun once again shines on the battleworn fields and the bring the rays of dawn to the fading night
  20. The coolest fight in the entire series is the fight between Kenshin and Sattauo (if thats how his name is spelt) and it was the first episode of it i had ever watched and that was the episode that hooked me, i think its one of the most beautifully captured fight in all of anime history next to a few Bebop fights. The whole cinematography of the scene was masterfully captured ( lol i sound like a film critic ) and you can see how the characters actually unfold during the course of the fight, that to me is one of the hardest things to achive , because you must show it if u want pefection.
  21. I watched it and i am just totally blown away by the sheer coolness of Kenshin i mean that must be really hard to be a cold killer one moment then a klutzy idiot the next, and , well i dont kno what else to say he's just so damn cool the only other series i see come close to this level of stylishness is Cowboy bebop but nevertheless it was Kenshin who made me want 2 move to japan 2 learn to fight like that thats how highly i think of the whole series
  22. yea but u see i kno someone traveling 2 miami and i want 2 get the DVD's becuz the online ordering stuf doesnt really reach where im at it would be 2 expensive
  23. Hey just how many DVD's of the dubbed kenshin are there im considering buying and if anyone knows where i can get them to buy in either the miami or chicago area, any help would be appriciated
  24. i love this poem but i hope its not real cuz then i would be sad i dont like when girls are sad
  25. Thanks any corrections are welcome, jus tell me where i need to make them if i miss any Hey im intersted in other poems they can be about anything and when i get a little more time i'll write some happier ones or depending on what im feeling at the time and at the sametime u ppl can drop a few words if u like [b]Please do not double post, use the "edit" button instead. --Elite.[/b]
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