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Everything posted by zerocrisis

  1. Wow i cant belive such a prestigeous person such as you has posted on my humble thread, i am very honored. Well Sano is cool too if u like the jobless bum, i dont care wat u wanna say about me cuz i' ll still kick ur a** persona, but he's a moderatly controlled character which makes him good for some fights not all because he can be a hot head and thats dangerous to his health in fights, on the other hand Kenshin is really quiet and as a rule i dont trust quiet people cuz the always have somthng up their sleeve, anyway Kenshin always observes the situation and attacks accordingly so he's always prepared for anything. Look at that crazy kid the one who's always happy he's a perfect warrior becuz he maintains one emotion and doesnt make anything change it and plus that stupid look confuses his opponents.
  2. Abandonment The silence is deafening My soul no longer speaks to me My family deserts me My friends shun me I am alone My souls departs my broken body I scream but my lips do not move I am screaming inside "I want to live, i want to feel pain, happiness, anger, sadness i want to be free of this cold lifeless void which i am trapped in" Sins of a past life now haunt me as I realize the shortcomings of my life i see that I am doomed, doomed to forever live in the haunted shadow of my past mistakes, and i am always longing for the day when death's cold but welcome hand rests on my shoulder and takes me into eternity By: Meiekl Howell aka: Zero
  3. Abandonment The silence is deafening My soul no longer speaks to me My family deserts me My friends shun me I am alone My souls departs my broken body I scream but my lips do not move I am screaming inside "I want to live, i want to feel pain, happiness, anger, sadness i want to be free of this cold lifeless void which i am trapped in" Sins of a past life now haunt me as I realize the shortcomings of my life i see that I am doomed, doomed to forever live in the haunted shadow of my past mistakes, and i am always longing for the day when death's cold but welcome hand rests on my shoulder and takes me into eternity by: Meikel Howell (thats me)
  4. Does anyone have any wallpaper they want to trade with me i got a good colection ( i think)
  5. well this is a very cool anime its bacicaly about a Ronin ( masterless samurai) and after being exposed to battle and killing at a young age he eventually starts having doubts about his lifestyle so after a revelation he takes a vow never to take another life again, but because he was the greatest killer ( Hitoriki, correct me if im wrong) trouble always seems to find him so he must draw back into the past and use his skills to save and protect himself and friends. This series is easily one of the best ever made and is definatly worth your time
  6. Finally after soooo long of waiting Kenshin is finally here , i have watched it before, on well my local tv station pirated it and i got to watch it but they didnt show the episodes in any order altough they showed the uncut versions it was still pretty cool. Even though i have mixed feelings about it coming on CN ( because they are going to butcher it beyond recognition) we still have to be thankful and hope that it wont be too bad, after all it is perhaps one of the best series ever created next to Cowboy Bebop and the fact that it reached my small island (Jamaica) im just lucky to be watching it at all
  7. it was sad but it was appropriate you have to admit but i was really sad but the cinematography was beautiful especially when [spoiler]Julia died(sob,sob)[/spoiler] i liked the birds flying in the background and the music playing while every thing else was silent and the rain effects that was so kool
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