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Everything posted by kagome

  1. Internet - I would chose Internet over a guy Money - so obvious, pay the bills Car - to Travel TV/Cable - hehe
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tigervx [/i] [B] 2.A king want to seperate his kingdom equally between his two sons. What does he put in his will? [/B][/QUOTE] He said that "one of the son will divide the land and the other will chose first"
  3. There's no absolute right or wrong. To me, there're basic goodness in life (depend on your culture and where you lived), right is when do or carry out those goods without hurting or disrespect the other goods. For example, one of the good is life, if you take a life away, that's wrong.
  4. Early in the morning The birds sing, the flowers bloom For a new spring day
  5. tic tac,tic tic tac The rain is dropping outside I feel sad inside
  6. beautiful sunset No matter how beautiful It is still just sunset
  7. One smile is enough To keep me alive One tear from your eyes Can broken my heart So don't cry my love Don't break my little heart Do smile my love To keep my alive
  8. I can't wait for snow. I wish there's snow on Xmas eve this year.
  9. English, a little of French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, and some of Southeast Asia like Thai and Combodian.
  10. The soft water flows Softly, slowly, through its path As the life went by
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amphion [/i] [B] The question is: "Would you take the mans offer and relive it?" >> [/B][/QUOTE] No. 1. I don't want to repeat history. You'll never jump into the river with the exact water. What is gone then it's gone. Why bother to go back, while you can go on with new experience.
  12. Morning, the sun rises The birds sing: chirp chirp chirp For a new spring day
  13. Little woodpeckers chuck chuck! How long can they chuck When they have no teeth
  14. [b]Rat [/b] -Quick -Intelligent, sharp mind (well decisive) -Like to have left over -Like to show off when has a chance, and has a lot of loyal friends (weird, can easily make enemy -Outside, can speak nice and gentle, but becareful, the rat is very intelligent -plan everything ahead time -Very nice to friends and family -Curious [b]good with[/b] dragon and monkey [b]bad with [/b] cat(rabbit), chicken, and horse [b]Ox [/b] -good leadership, trustworthy -has principle, do thing by step -serious, not good in communicatio -can be cold blooded, but also very emotional. -Stubborn, always look ahead -don't like to be push around or pick on -hard worker good with -- snake and chicke bad with -- dragon, goat,and dog
  15. [color=blue]Haiku are extremely short poems written in 17 syllables or fewer, often (but not necessarily) arranged in three lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables each. Haiku make use of concrete imagery or sensations, not abstractions or metaphors, and are often (though not always) concerned with the natural world. [/color] Anyone intrested in making haiku? [b]this is mine:[/b] Just a simple wish Can make a child happy Brings a smilie face
  16. 1. what is the most embarass thing you ever done? 2. what one thing that you said and you want to take it back? 3. What's your view or opinion of true happiness? [color=blue]1. the most embarass thing I ever did was recognizing my brother friend as my brother. 2. I always said OK, and I and I want to take it back after that [/color]
  17. I don't hate sakuya character. I just don't like her appearance.
  18. can you put this into a poem? YY U R YY U B YY 4 Me
  19. "Those who claim to respect everyone, in fact, respect no one" well, word is just word, if you really respect someone then you have to proved it through your action. You can claim that you respect someone, but the question is " do you really meant what you said or not"
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