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Everything posted by gundamcat17

  1. my fiance is 20 and im not much younger than that so :p
  2. What you talkin about i am not old...at least not as old as seph james adam or transtic...not yet
  3. brown hair yes i am a guy the blonde is my fiance
  4. did you acctually cut and paste it or did you click the link???
  5. you have to copy and paste it into your address bar sorry but my web server recently turned into a bunch of bi***s
  6. [url]http://scorpius.spaceports.com/~metrocat/myself.jpg[/url]
  7. ok screw the easy way copy and paste this into your address bar. [url]http://scorpius.spaceports.com/~metrocat/myself.jpg[/url]
  8. [URL=http://scorpius.spaceports.com/~metrocat/myself.jpeg]try this one[/URL]
  9. [URL=http://scorpius.spaceports.com/~metrocat/myself.jpg]my pic[/URL] there you go guys
  10. notlike neone gives a **** but i will have my pic uploaded in a few
  11. D*MNNNNNNN thas all i can say............
  12. wild arms or breath of fire3...if so you rock...and you also know what rpgs are about...other than ff and zelda
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlock [/i] [B]How true. Though the Aussies are starting to get off work now, it is 5:20pm... [/B][/QUOTE] REpeated...warlock know whats up
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] That or they've never heard of the Renaissance.... nudity is art was VERY common, even if it weren't photographs..... I know nudity in considered a very prominant art form in Europe.... i think.... In italy, you can see nude photos in artistic views (ie: color, Black and White photo, etc) in magazines.... same with Japan. like this pic... nudity unless ultimately giving off or focusing on the sexual parts, is considered art.... the body is the most artful thing of all. [/B][/QUOTE] not even neccarilly the rennisance vikings were depicting love making and the beuty of the naked body in the 8th century... and the japanese well i think there artwork is in a class all of its own when comparred to european artwork
  15. poting a fav member for me is close to immposible...that being said probably transtic, for he is not afraid to express who he is which is avery commendable quality...or james for having icq
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tec-9 [/i] [B]interesting, and how did u figure that? [/B][/QUOTE] Knowledge and a study of the human civilization as a whole...
  17. Its art ne one that says other wise has never been to a so called underground art show...:cool: understands the sig thing
  18. this was in the last issue of anime invasion... "American fans keep hearing that gundam has this epic 20 year history,but so far,our airwaves have seen only a piece of it -the insanely popular gundam wing.Well, later this year, you'll have some catching up to do . Cartoon network is deciding between 4 gundam series to show to its u.s. audience:Mobile suit gundam,Mobile suit gundam the 08th ms team,Mobile suit gundam 0080 and Mobile suit gundam 0083.now thats alot of gundam.But which will it be. The choice may have been so difficult that cn decided not to make it.Anime invasion has learned that the station mayy have to be renamed the gundam network,because it looks like the shows may run concurrently! One series may play during the day ,while another plays at night.They want to put them on the air as soon as they are ready instead of waiting for one to end before premiering another." I think this would be quite a feat if they pull it off.however i also think that the new series{so to say}will be shredded as with all the other shows out there. if you want proof of this i will scan the page and put it up on my website just ask...
  19. this was in the last issue of anime invasion... "American fans keep hearing that gundam has this epic 20 year history,but so far,our airwaves have seen only a piece of it -the insanely popular gundam wing.Well, later this year, you'll have some catching up to do . Cartoon network is deciding between 4 gundam series to show to its u.s. audience:Mobile suit gundam,Mobile suit gundam the 08th ms team,Mobile suit gundam 0080 and Mobile suit gundam 0083.now thats alot of gundam.But which will it be. The choice may have been so difficult that cn decided not to make it.Anime invasion has learned that the station mayy have to be renamed the gundam network,because it looks like the shows may run concurrently! One series may play during the day ,while another plays at night.They want to put them on the air as soon as they are ready instead of waiting for one to end before premiering another." I think this would be quite a feat if they pull it off.however i also think that the new series{so to say}will be shredded as with all the other shows out there.
  20. all the americans are going to sleep the english are just waking up and the aussies arn't off work yet
  21. my thoughts on the topic are MOD=normal human being{just don't cuss them out and you are fine} i mean come on here acctually talk to one of them and they are all just like you and me.although i have only really talked to one because he is the only one that has ICQ {p.s. aim sucks}{oh yeah and aol sucks in general} Posted by a programmer that has hated aol since 1995 when they started playing lets see who can own the whole internet.
  22. Or did ne one else go...No way... when they saw the letters vb when they joined again? i am aware that almost all decent boards{at least in the tech world}use vbb but it still just frightens me that microsoft let them get away with it.
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