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Everything posted by gundamcat17

  1. linkin park gone limp bizkit now that i don't want to believe...come on thought people if your into american rock listen to primus or somone similar something different from the reg.
  2. rico tranzig is peurto rican{spelling} i think i remember reading this a while ago
  3. now ill be either banned or called a nut ball for hitting on seph... oops :smirk:
  4. leave it to the phsycho to know everything,ow yeah you do look like a phsycho but a cute one... lady katana.Heero yuy not yui. and transtic y did you bring up digimon i mean i am sitting here thinking aaahhh d dark sexy mann aahhhhh and then the lil kids pop in my head come on...
  5. gundamcat17


    you sick twisted ****...o.k. i liked it to but your still sick for even bringong it up. sorry guys its all about ghost in the shell.i have owned ninja scroll for a few years and do love it but i just got to a new stage of enjoyment and like ghost better.mononoke hime rouni kenshin ae both great as well
  6. looks at sephs post... well i had mine for like 3 or 4 months but kaneda replaced it im sorry i just thought the bike looked better although the quality is lacking in comparison to the eva one in fact noe that i think about it i think im gonna get a new eva paper... ne way looks good i think ill use it in a lil while...Save picture as.
  7. i put a down on a 99 mitsubishi eclipse 3000 gt 1 week and 3 days ago{pay day go figure}best choice i made. when it comes to classic cars though no one will beat the good ol shelby cobra gt 500. i however like bikes alot more though even though i have only ridden dirt bikes maybe when my car is paid off i will get one{yeah in 5 years when its paid off}
  8. 3 words live aus berlin...best rammstein album i ever purchased. otherwise for some reason i got addicted to gackt recentlty which i know is kind of kiddie pop but i don't care there good.i also listen to pennicilin{due to transtics advice mind you} and... sigh ayumi hamsaki.
  9. james i right...in fact i had a good talking to someone the other day on these very boards about love it went sumthing like...hey your not inlove your pheromones are telling you to be close to this person so that you will get laid they do that you know??? well ne way thanx for putting up this post but i do see it fairly often.
  10. thats like the 5th or so newbie i have seen get banned in a couple of days thats just crazy.
  11. the sigs are just funner i mean how could i live without.. I pity the fooo and so on come one here
  12. from my own boards which were taken down by hackers after owww 2 weeks...it was bassicly making sure people were happy that rules were not being broken and all in all things were doing well.
  13. how the heck could i forget tuxedo=mask i watched that show when it came out in america i was in like fourth grade...7 years ago now aint that scary. on another note im not sure what his name was i would have to watch it again to know and i don't have the time to do so this early in tha mournin.
  14. you had to pick jubei didn't yah... well other than him. kaneda-akira d-vampire hunter d parn-record of the loddos wars there yeah happy... thanx for asking seph i was wondering if it was gonna be me you or tn that did it first.
  15. Thanx for all the support to be honest i was expecting people to be slightly pissed of at me for talking about a law that i had remember hearing about long ago... Bassicly i was on yesterday in the wee hours of the mourning{as usual}reading over the gundam forum and got angry when it took like 3-4 mins for a page to load do to someones sig i think her problem has changed do to a lil note i wrote her. I probably should not have taken it this far but hey i think i got half the mods and gods to post to this thread so its all good.I like hearing all of your opinions.... so james,seph,tn,bg,007, thank you... on another note justin did someone steal your name or sumthin i miss sein kamakazi lay the smack down.
  16. i thought they sounded familiar and v2 boards would have been a good place for them to have been.
  17. O.k. here is my problem... you all may have just really quick systems but i don't so i keep hearing wow these new boards are way faster than the older ones...And i stop and think about it and realize that the older boards were faster for me and then it hits me why... 18 paragraph long sigs that are multi colored and have smilies all over them are just to much.... i mean seriosly do you really need those extra 8 paragraphs of random stuff.i do like hearing about people and what they like,however it doesn't really matter if it takes 4 mins to load the sig. So out of respect for us older people that are broke due to paying the rent and can't afford a new dell/compaq please keep your sig length down... i know im not a mod so more than likely no one will listen to me but if you do it will be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Gundamcat17
  18. I had posted to this string a long time ago i just can't believe it died so quickly after i did... SO come on guys and keep it up i want to hear and or see everyones gundam kits oh and since i last posted i got Ew deathscythe custom,and a 1/100 altron gundam
  19. well after reading the 0083 manga there really isn't a point to gw its just not as fun as it used to be i would still have to say my fav char out of all the gundam i have experienced would have to be Zechs he was just to stunning/cute/brave/strong to not like let alone the fact that tallgeeseIII is just cool.
  20. 1066 ad... battle of hastings when the vikings sacked england.although i would have to take a good rifle and a hand gun.just for that reach out and touch someone feeling.
  21. only getting your avatar when you hit 500 i thought that was one of the built in functions of the vb boards? any ways are you gonna get mad if i give you an avatar of yamagata holding a pipe about to obliterate someone or is that to violent for the kids that havn't quite hit there akira stage.
  22. well i think kazuya is hot and well jin is darn powerful if you learn how to chicken.otherwise my best chars are lei and xiayu
  23. i generally draw what looks like a whole bunch of circles and tubes to start with and then slowly start the shape of the face and move from there on
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Quatre's_gurl [/i] [B] Thank you SO much for bringing up Gunsmith Cats! I just watched 3 eps. on the action channel this morning and was wondering if the series is only 3 eps. long. Can ne1 tell me? Arigatou!:D (GC kicks butt!) [/B][/QUOTE] unfortunatly there are only three episodes realesed to the american consumers however the manga are pretty good nd there is a movie about a recurring character out called riding been. if you were lucky you got the original dark horse comic book realese like 6 years ago..{i got 2 episodes out of 8}.
  25. tria.... drools on floor. i wish. yes it has been a long time since i had been here... i don't really use markers{except white out} mostly just pencil pen and of course toner
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