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Everything posted by gundamcat17

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cecil [/i] [B]Which one is you? [/B][/QUOTE] the guy yo know brown hair slipknot pin on jacket that one i think im on the right.the blond is my fiance
  2. Also james don't i remember you saying something along the lines of yeah the custom avatars are cool i could get one if i wanted to but i will just wait till i have 500 posts like everyone else{when you were mario} Log on to icq
  3. I agree with james safer has always been a rather nice guy to me and everyone i know{except his fight club a while back} My question is where did he vanish to
  4. i think i put this pick up before...oh well here i am again.
  5. Why am i waiting for someone to bring my pressence up{i suppose i shouldn't i only have i few friends here} Most respected in my mind... When it comes to anime:Shinji hands down boy knows his s***. When it comes to mods: tn he has never been anything but cool to me. When it comes to games:james he has also been nuthing but cool to me When it comes to nice people:Babygirl,Firemac,Babykiwi{where are you},Shinji{at least he was nice once i admited he knew more than me}
  6. WOo i wasn't expecting everyone to say hi {firemac and babygirl were kind of expected though} SO HI everyone it good to be back and to reply to a quetion of my new job i am an employed at nethelp an internet tech support organization
  7. I am in agreement with the whole you have to see the other shows before you can say wing is the best. however wing was bassicly what made american know that gundam even existed it id certianly the most popular of the shows and the animation is excellent... Also i saw someone saying that all of the chars are mental i have 2 words for you. Shinji Ikari,nuff said
  8. I wanna change my name... let me think... Gundam...ahh the first part. Gundamcat...yeah that sounds good. Gundamcat17 yeah that will be my new name...Oh yeah i did that already.
  9. What can i say being put on your cool list is like a passport stamp into the otaku culture... 1000 posts ehh i thought you were gonna take a brake{laughs}.
  10. My thought is that it was a decent movie the animation kinda sucked and the detail could have been sharper but o well and just so you know the version you probably saw{hbo showtime version}isn't the real thing Its called Gowcaizer...
  11. Firemac your sig has gotten even longer this kind of worries me{let alone the fact i don't know half the people on your list now
  12. You were one of the friends i was talking about... My life well its pretty d*** good i'm making more money now my relationship is really looking up and everything is just groovy... Question?/?Arn't you back in school yet. Also i havn't updated my site in oh 2 weeks so when i do{2 3 days max}your on it.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] hai.... yes I am.... [/B][/QUOTE] Looks at your posts Thinks Arn't we in a japanese mood today{unlike any other day}.
  14. Hello Everyone out there in the otaku world... After like 2 weeks away from my computer i am back and feeling better than ever. 1.I got a new job{hence the reason i have been away} 2.my life is looking like it might work out 3.it appears that the people i consider my friends are still here so that being said its good to see everyone
  15. Aims a crash kick care of brian from tkken tag at safer...I can't believe you said that tekken tag was not a game to buy yeah its lil slow but it is still the best fighting game out there{in my opinion}.
  16. From what i have seen the quality of the posts has gone up as well on the old boards like 75% of the time it was spam and now everyone here seems to have at least a lil knowledge about anime/video games or whatever it's nice to see everyone active and doing something the only problem i have seen with spammin gso far was shinji and i's fight yesterday in the fav anime movie string.But even then we took it away from the boards and to pms as soon as i could think about it. So in conclusion thank you everyone for making this place so much better than it was{and thank you safer for banning laughing stock again}o.k. bye now
  17. Thanx animegirl i hope you don't mind but i just stole that pic and am going to put it on my site{unless i find a non digimon-pokemon one}
  18. hey safer you have more posts than me is this what i get for getting a new job and not being on as much...{i geuss so oh well im still on from like 11p.m. to like 7a.m. pacific time
  19. non of the mods are on this is the disadvantage of being here so early ...as soon as one is on im sure he will be warned and then banned if i was one id do it that is just not right for this site
  20. You could always transfer it to bmp and scale it down pixel by pixel manually thats what i usually do it takes a long time but its worth it...once your down save it to gif.or jpg whatever
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i] [B] when im 21 i can replace all that with a nice refreshing smoke...ahh [/B][/QUOTE] Dom't encourage the people here to smoke it took me 2yrs to quit and that was only about 6 months ago...Befre hand i had smoke since i was 12 so just don't encourage it{god i hate stupid people}...I still cough up blood...Don't get me wrong i have nothing against smokers i know whats up.Just from my personal expierience it's not exactly something you want to do.Take my advice please i'm right and most people know it.
  22. later Firemac ill stop y your site enough i'm sure...D*** i knew i would have to copy your url eventually instead of just looking for you here oh well...Good luck on your site ill link to you soon i think i have my guestbook problem solved.so the next up date is scheduled for tuesday night....
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