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Everything posted by 1337

  1. ;) shouldn't this be in the Feedback forum? :D
  2. :rolleyes: I think this is a useless topic and it should be closd.
  3. Several members have noticed taht their post count has significantly decreased upon the switch to Version 6.5, myself included. Could you please let us know why our post count has been lowered? Note: I am doing this in a thread rather than a PM because that way everybody can read it.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus Ex Machina [/i] [B]I noticed that, too..I've gone from 920-ish to 785.. maybe posts don't count in one of the other forums any more.. What is scary though is that you must have been on 666 before that post.. [/B][/QUOTE] That ain't terrible. One time I was spamming on this forum like crazy, because I hated them, and I got banned on 666 posts. ;)
  5. Well do you think this is a good or bad move?
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo] It is impossible to Have a serious relationship at 15...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] And who are you to say this? I was serious about her. Love knows no age. I felt what I felt, and what I felt was serious. (till the end at least)
  7. David - After my Dad, Grandpa, Great Grandpa, etc...kind of runs in the family Michael - My Uncle's name Diller - Yep, Phylis' relative ;)
  8. Why? My parents dated when they were in high school, and they've been married for 28 years. Your advice, quite frankly, is ****. Just because I'm young does not mean I can not love. Love knows no age.
  9. I'm still working on it, but I don't think it'll work out how I want it to. At least she and I will still be very good friends (both me and my ex, and me and that other girl)
  10. Almost a year; on the 19th of this month it would have been 1 year.
  11. Mike and Brad were mad about it more so than Vicki was...
  12. Yeah, we aren't "officially" broken up cuz she wants to do it in person (did it over the phone since I couldn't go over to her place today or vice versa) so tomorrow we'll be broken up.
  13. Yep, I just called it quits with my girlfriend...I don't know how I feel about it though.. Part of me is sad because it was so fun dating her, but the other part of me is thankful. Near the end of our relationship, my life was hell. I was incredibly stressed and depressed, and nothing we did made things any better.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt [/i] [B][color=red][b]And your teacher just tells you all this? To hell with national security! Lets tell a bunch of students that I know how to make a bomb that can destroy the whole world! Yeah, right. And if he did, the government would not just let him go. They would keep him under close watch working for them. And I have no doubt that the star wars system works.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] 'Tis not my teacher that knows, but a professor that my teacher knows. And he is under close watch by the Government from what I now understand...
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]Yea, but heres my point... (I also want to make it clear, I mean not to insult you or your teacher.) But dont you think a man with the intellect as mentioned would be at a higher level of teaching. There is no advantage to being at highschool over any other institution. More stress, more work, less money... My contention is that this teacher although a smart person, and a descent person, is not a nuclear phisicist or an advanced weapons programmer. Merely another one of our societies members who feel they are not very important and therefore embelish on some of the things they have achieved. I mean, someone with knowledge that only 4 in the world have and hes a highschool teacher? Makes me wonder. [/B][/QUOTE] Correct. The guy who knows how to make the bomb is a college professor. He used to work for the United States Government, but no longer does. I'm sure he's making a great deal of money, probably 6 figures.
  16. Not sure why, but the only caffene I've ever been a fan of is chocolate; not even Soda pleases my taste buds.
  17. I'm a Sophmore in High School right now in a South-eastern Wisconsin High School. And thanks for clearing your previous statements up, I was a little confused.
  18. 1337


    Hmmm, I should be able to get my Temps sooner or later, I'm all raedy 15 and a half...I am somewhat nerveous, and I'm sure I'll be a half-assed driver at first, but we'll get the hang of it; my parents did, and I'm smarter than they are! :) :p
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mystic's Knight [/i] [B]So your reallly putting faith into your science teacher eh? Come on man, you cant be that clueles... can you? [/B][/QUOTE] I know him more as a person than I do as a teacher; he and I are very comfortable talking to each other about our lives and such, and I have gained a trust with him...so yes, I do believe he is not lying.
  20. A bomb with an [i]explosion[/i] that large is improbable, however the [b]aftermath[/b] (Nuclear Winter, No Oxygen, etc) may be possible. As for the Star Wars thing, the Professor did not actually make it, just coded a program to make it fire correctly, and it worked!
  21. If I was 18 I probably...would not have voted....
  22. You call suffocating to death with your friends and family a death that will save the pain and sorrow?
  23. And what if one of these guys has one sitting in his basement, and he decides to commit suicide one day...he could take everybody and everything with him if he wanted to...
  24. My chemistry teacher knows a professor who lives in Indiana. This professor used to work for the government, writing software for certain things; these will be discussed later on in the post. Anyways, the professor is incredibly smart; we're talkin Einstein smart. In fact, the professor is so smart that he is [b]one of four people IN THE WORLD[/b] who knows how to make a "Doomsday Bomb". A Doomsday Bomb, as you can infer, would cause the death of every living organism on earth in a matter of minutes. How, you ask? Well, to put it shortly, the Doomsday Bomb sets off achain reaction of explosions in the atmosphere; these explosions would spread and consume every bit of oxygen we have on Earth, leading to a slow nd painful suffication death. So, our lives could be determined by four different people in the World, one of whom my Chemistry Teacher knows. Also, he used to program for the military. You remember that anti-balistic missile project back in the 80's? Yeah, the one when Regean was President and he said it didn't work (to shoot Soviet missiles out of the sky before they reached the USA). Yeah...it worked. And it worked VERY well. It would fire a laser from a satellite orbiting the Earth. This laser would be approximately 2 meters in diameter! Yes, the laser defense system worked, and very well. In fact, they tested it on airplanes...however, what did the professor have to do with it? You see, when light (the laser) passes through mediums of different density, the waves get distorted; for example, when you look through water, the thing on the other side is distorted. Same thing happens on a hot summer day above the pavement, or perhaps over a roaring fire. In either case, the professor coded a program to take into consideration the density of all the mediums it had to go through nad then calculate exactly what angle the laser had to fire at; it worked perfectly. They blew up a few airplanes, but for some reason denied that it worked. This professor has a wealth of incredibly dangerous and scary knowledge...and just to think that my Chemistry teacher knows him! [i]Do you think these people should be sought out and killed due to their incredibly horrific and destructive knowledge?[/i]
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