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  1. Bugo angry that he did not make into into the top 10 confronted the attendant......
  2. Ok chautiouz is an emperor who used to hold these tournments (movie number i dont remember)...tien was choutz's bodyguard who allong with the Crane Master and General Tao planned to kill Cautoz after they got the Dragon balls....but Tien felt for chautouz.....so he did not take part..of course goku comes in and saves them all bla bla bla.......BUT...in the regular series chautouz is also know as an emperor but they are friends with the Crane Master....this is contradicting to the movie as usual.....so thats the jist of chautouz.....(the movie where chaoutouz is introduced is also the movie where the red indian is introdiced)... Goten
  3. Bugo who wanted to keep a low profile did not want to over use his gr8 ability......as bugo performs his events he performed better than Nick, but did not over do it...hoping to get into the top 10 bugo started to walk away...as he walked past Nick... Nick:- well...i know you are strong...but for your sake i hope thats not all you got... bugo tensed up his fist ready to push Nick but soon realized that this would blow his cover... He just walked away...
  4. Bugo who is still bored suddenly felt a power of value enter this crowed room. There he saw twins Ageta and Kotan.. .. Bugo:- "Umm...these chara. have some mystical powers. They are def. on a higher plateau than these pittiful humans...." Bugo believed that he was the reincarnation of all the gr8 animals combined thus refering to humans as humans. Bugo slowly made his way trough the room and bumped into Ageta to get a better feel for his power Bugo:- "Sorry...." in a cold tone Ageta:- " ?????"
  5. Bugo irritated and yet puzzled by Nicks manners continued to walk through the room. Tired of walking he sat in an corner and meditated. His ki grew as sparks flew from his body. But Bugo wasnt ready, he didnt want to expose his true power yet. Bugo:- "Hey worker..when is this damn fight gonna start" Worker:- in a nervous tone "innn a minute sir, i am extremely sorry for the delay" Bugo walked away from the worker scaring the other fighters to the side.
  6. Bugo stepped out from a crowed bus filled with people coming to see the tournement. Bugo the silent warrior walks towards the registration desk, Tournement worker: "Name?" bugo:- "Bugo" in a deep voice, cold yet, rational Tournement worker: " Age?" Bugo:- 20 Tournement worker:- "please follow the other fighters" Bugo walked away pushing through the crowds, and intoa room. There he saw many fighters, but fighter caught his eye. He was a tall man 6 ft. with brown hair and a slight tan. Bugo thought to himself:- "Ummm this might be a worthy opponent, better watch him closely" He then started scaning the other so called 'competition'
  7. Yes i can see thats its plain Kouberei, very plain in fact...lol Goten
  8. Yea i like the banner as well i would give it a 9/10
  9. Yea thats my point excately..i mean its not like the women are forced to show of their body its all for the money i tell ya...
  10. I like the idea and the thought behind it but i think it could be cleared up a bit more and some more detail...might be nice...good job though goten
  11. The new abc show 'are u hot or not' i think is a gr8 show cause i get to see some hot chicks but my friend whos a girl believes its a degradation of women everywhere....and since its shown on abc it is even worse..i mean i she said she doesnt care if it happens on Howard Stern cause hes just a perv but on ABC come on..... Whats ur thoughts on this show...? would u watch it if it went on for another season? Goten
  12. You know i kinda like that they are having this feud..its like watching the 'Bold and the Beautiful' lyricly unfold....it also brings out the best in some of the rappers (It brought out the best in R.Kelly;s sex life(child rape)) lol.....but seripously i dont think theres anything wrong with gangsta rappers goin at it (u gota give em props for the words) but as long as it stays lyrical im cool , cause i dont wanna be readin about some Jay-z fanatic goin out an shoot nas.... goten
  13. Hey u guys with all this war in Iraq/afganistan do u guys believe that saddham or osama is dead or alive? i personally think that osama is alive and well in pakistan(Damn Musaraf)...and i think that sadham is under hiding or in Syria. I mean if both of them were alive they would not let the US marines take down statues, and come to the center of Bagdad etc. Goten
  14. Ok ..this banner is pretty good..,but i think it could be better.....i dont know how but i think it could be better....
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