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Everything posted by gotenssj_2002

  1. Ok .....ive seen this movie and i think it sucks personally...the action is good but come on ....other dbz speaicals are way better..wats ur opinion
  2. Dr.Slump and Kajika are alright i dont know about rest....
  3. hey...im also pisssed off that they were showing reruns.....i got impatient and bout upto Vegetas plea or simethin....but now two more videos have come out.....i saw dbgt in japaneese and its BORING with a big B som im not into dbgt unless they show bebi saga....or dragonfist ...evil shelong these episodes are far into dbgt so dont get ur hopes up
  4. It would be an adventure if other people joined in and wrote stuff..u could be charaecters such as Van or Irvine or other future charaecters that will come up
  5. The two warriors after days of searching for a city have finally found a city..they walk past an old man asking him..."Hey wat city is this"-Van ... "Dungeon City" replied the old man. van who was now terfied out of his boots urged Irvine to get out of here but irvine suggested they continue on....."I need to buy some ammo and food , u go and find a place to live" - Irvine....Van and Irvine split up and wandered through the crowed streets..."Hey stop theif theif..." yelled a man with abig brow and a muscular body...He rushed past Van pushing him into the dirt....This caught Vans curiosity.....He chased after the man and saw that he was chancing the piolt of the lightning scikes .....The muscular man who was now tired was walkning back when he noticed Van..."U there are u new to this area" "Yes" replied Van in a hesitant manner...."i am a zoid piolt and i am searching for the ultimate battle" , " a zoid piolt heh, come with me"- The big man draged Van towards the center of the city with ease and put him in Jail...to van astonishment Irvine was also sitting there..."wat are u doin here irvine why are we thrown in jail"..."casue i found out that the king of this land dosnt like zoid warriors"...-irvine. "Oh **** how are we supposed to get outa here now?"-Van"I dont know just sit tight.."-irvine....a few days pased by and Van and Irvine were put to forced labor through the streets with 8 guards on them....but something caught their eye once they were cleaning the streets. no man who was a prisoner stayed for more than 1 week in a cell..they disappeared..."heheheh" the guard chuckled..."dont worry the prisoners arent set free....they are executed..""Both van and Irvine shook him off in disbelief but were soon convinced when they saw a execution at first hand.... "Ph irvine we have to get outa here fast...according to my calculations we are next.."-Van "Yeha well get outa here i think i have a plan that might just work"-said Irvine but without a smile on his face so that the guards wouldnt notice they were upto some thin...... WILL OUR HEROS SURVIVE OR WILL IT BE TO THE SLAUGHTER HOUSE ..TUNE IN NEXT TIME FOR ZOIDS : CHAOTIC CENTURY -------WRITTEN BY GOTEN
  6. THIS IS MY FIRST ADVENTURE THING SO PLEASE GIVE ME UR COMMENTS AND CONTINUE WITH THIS ADVENTURE This is a zoids adventure area The wind blows through the sand making it hard to see...one shadow walks throught the sand storm in searc of cover...but they are out of luck.....van grumbles as he piolts his zoid and organoid Zeek, through the desert....Van is a young warrior who has little experience in battle.....after he found zeek he has been on a quest to become a zoid warrior....Boom!! an explosion to the east....."Finally some action" van thought... He raced his zoid through the sand towards the explosions....."Leiger scan through the area and see whats out there" -Van..."arrrrrr" - Liger.....As the Shield Leiger scans the area using heat vision Van sees that there are two zoids in battle one Lightning Scieks and another command wolf.....Van rushes to the battle scene waving his small gun around.... "time for some action Zeek"-Van..."Sniper rifle out"-Van as Vantargets through the thick dust he sees the command wolf rushing toward him .....in a hurry Van dodges him mising him by an inch...... "What the hell"-Van ..."hahhahah" - pilot of the command wolf. the Lightning Scieks fires two shots into the air, one landing on the Leiger the other on the command wolf. Van in hestitation takes the sweat off his brow and fires randomly into the sand.....The Lightning Scieks uses its speed and creates a sonic boom knocking Van off his feet..."Wow what i would give for a zoid like that"-Van...Shut up and fight u little punk" - Irvine(Command Wolf)... "this guys a theif and part of the imperial army..hell kill you if your not on your toes" Irvine...."Oh thats reassuring"-van.....The command wolf and the Leiger tema up and fire at te Lightning Scieks but kept on mising him....brrrrr. a radio transmission intervenes the battle..." I want ur organoid Van..and i will take him"-Lightning Scieks . van who was dumbfounded thought to himself in fear..."Who is this guy...first he is battling in the middle of no where and next he knows i have Zeek, and not only that how does he know my name?"-van The Lightning Scieks rushes away from the battle scence leaving he warriors in the dust. Irvine thought to himself..."This kids a rokkie and hes sitin around with a organoid...That thing is gonna be mine..but not yt...ill hang around and see what else this kids got"...The two warriors meet and greet each other making the introductions etc..."Hey kid mind if i join ya on ur quest"(so i can take the organoid) ""-Irvine ..."Sure it would be gr8 to have a mentor to teach me more about battle"-Van.......The two zoids then walk off into the desert heding for their next destination... ANYONE ELSE WANNA CONTINUE THIS: FEEL FREE TO DO SO GOTEN
  7. Hey ..i just started wwatching gundam and i think its really cool but i still have some questions .... 1. Who is the guy in Domon Casho's picture? Is it his brother ? 2.Neo England broke the gundam regulations by having more than one gundam i.e Neo England vs. Neo france and Neo Japan. ..why wasnt he disqualified? 3. How come there are so many varities of Dundam i.e G gundam, endless walt, Gundam Wing etc. They all have different chara. can some one clarify? Thanks a lot ahead of time for answering the Q Peace goten
  8. HEy everyone,,, I got broadbamd internet serivce and i was downloading some episodes. but i was wondering where i could download Dragon ball Episodes (full) not Dbz or Gt.... I am currently looking for episodes...after tien and goku meet Thanks
  9. Name: gote Race: saiyan Moves: khmehameha ; Ghost kamekazi attack Items: senzu bean, pole
  10. (this is my 1st spar forum, so if it suck dont balme me) ..... It was may 2nd 2030 AD.... a war has just ended on the planet Earth, and the population has been eliminated to a mere 1 million. Contnents have been broken up, villages have been destroyed, and the only living citizens are in a rage. The humans.... are no longer humans.. they are cannibals... eting of the fear created by each other..and their leader....Buu... Majin Buu.... and his objective?... well.. lets just say that he has achived his objective.... But there is still one fighting force on planet earth.. the Z warriors.... They fight for justice and also for revenge..... who will win this battle..........its up to u to decide. Each member has to decide if he or she wansts to be on Buu's side or the Earth Special Forces 's side. After you do that ... choose 1. Your name 2. Race 3. 2 moves other than punches and kicks 4. 2 items (example: gokus pole etc.) And thats all folks... so post up if u want to spar.... (p.S. THIS IS A DBZ SPAR)
  11. Hey guys wats up, I would like to join a Dragonball/z/gt rpg is anyone is starting one. The ones which already exist are too old and i was hoping someone would like to start a fresh new RPG. Please email me . Thanks goten
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