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Everything posted by Zerosaber

  1. 1. Reminiscence [] Thoughts Not Extinguished Chrono Cross OST This is a great soundtrack, though I don't listen to this song a lot. 2. All I Ever Wanted Depeche Mode A friend introduced me to this band, and I like a lot of their stuff now. 3. Reptilia The Strokes A great song, I love this CD. One of my all time favorites in the alternative department. 4. Ipsen's Ancient Castle Final Fantasy IX OST Another great soundtrack, but again I don't listen to this song specifically. Glad I heard it though. 5. Church on Sunday Green Day A song from a non-American Idiot CD. This album (Warning) was pretty good. 6. [Feelings of Love] Rockman Dash OST I picked this up recently (import 2100 yen) and this CD has become one of my new favorites. This is my favorite non-RPG playstation game. 7.Date Rape Sublime From a greatest hits album. This band is one of my favorites. 8. [Cruel Angel's Thesis] Tv Version Refrain of Evangelion Another soundtrack, this time an opening. 9.Combat Zone Eureka 7 OST 1 (Season 1) This is my favorite anime CD to come out recently. Naoki Saota did a wonderful job on it and I cannot wait for Season Two's CD 10.[Condor Heights] Final Fantasy VII OST Reminds of the painful Condor Heights strategy mini-game. A good collection though. 11. [Everyday Peace] His and Her Circumstance OST Another soundtrack...starting to see a trend. I really like it though with its carefree jazzy feel. 12. Tell Me When to Go E40 I have a little hip-hop, R&B, and Rap on my iTunes. I really like this song it's hilarious. 13. A Morning in Norkia Last Exile OST 1 A good CD from a great series. 14. Vagrancy Samurai Champloo OST This CD was surprisingly well done. It gives off a hip-hop feel (much like the show) and is a great CD all together. This song is from the DVD selection screen. 15. Theme of Mitochondria Parasite Eve OST A good CD and I loved the game. This song feels dark mysterious, much like the game A lot of video game and anime soundtracks on this one. Most of my other music is alternative, but the E40 song showed up ( one of the few artists that can put Listerine strips in a song). A decent list, I'd consider saving it as a play list, a lot of variation....well at least CD wise, genre is a different story I guess
  2. An anime that I really liked that made you think would have to be [B]Kino's Journey[/B]. In this anime the main character Kino journeys to many countries, each with their own unique way of life. Most of these countries are pretty interesting, and make you think if it could happen here in the now. One example of this is when Kino visits a county where the level of ones income is based on how stressful the job is, but it isnt necessary for anyone to work in the country.
  3. Hello OB, Been a while since I have posted here. I was wondering what other people's anime collection looks like, so here is mine Neon Genesis Evangelion (Box) Cowboy Bebop (Fold over) Please Twins (Box) Madlax (Box) Samurai Champloo (Box) Fruits Basket (Box) Full Metal Panic (Box) Starship Operators (Box) Recently acquired Gantz (Thin Pack) Chrono Crusade (Thin Pack) Gantz (Thin Pack) Peacemaker (Thin Pack) Noir (Thin Pack) His and Hers Circumstances (box) Love Hina (Box) Working on My-Hime (3-7) Eureka Seven (2-?) Full Metal Panic FUMOFUU (2-4) Thinking Mezzo (box set) Kamanchi (Vol. 1) So what do you think? What does yours look like?
  4. "Mi..Mi..Misato!!" Shinji said as he walked towards her, he couldn't believe his eyes. Here in this comepletely new universe was the one person who had been like real family for him. At this time he ran towards Misato and embraced her, and started crying happily. "I thought I'd never see you again. I thought that the government agents had killed you for sure!" He said crying even more fiercely. "Oh come on Shinji. You know I wouldn't let thos bastards mess with me!" She said as she hugged him closer to her body. "I'm just glad that I get to see you alive and okay!" As soon as she said this, Shinji let go of her and wiped the tears off his face. "I guess you've already met Haruka right? Well, this is her husband Ayato and.." He was cut off by Misato waving a hand. "Tell me after a bit, first I think I should inform you of what's happened in our world." A sudden gut wrenching feeling struck Shinji and he had a bad feeling about this. "Okay, your father was assigned to be executed by the goevernment two days ago. However, he managed to escape back into Tokyo three and has been in hiding since. Also, the S-2s have been commissioned into action to fight and destroy you or any other mechanical beings they encounter. But since you are here I guess we don't have to worry about that." Shinji's stomach seemed to have found its way too the floor as he felt sick from the feeling that his father had escaped and that he could possibly find a way to bridge the gap between the two earths and launch an assault on Terra and mankind. What worried Shinji more were the S-2s, he'd heard they were dangerous and very powerful. However, Misato seemed not to care at the moment for she had wondered into the kitchen and was rooting about the fridge. "Hey Haruka, where do you keep the beer??" To this Haruka repiled. "Its in the bottom vegetable crisper, bring me one while you're at it!" When Misato returned she was brandishing two cans of beer, she tossed one to Haruka and then sat down and popped her's open and took her usual long gulp from it. "AAAHHHH!! You guys here sure have some great beer!" Haruka chuckled and raised her can in a cheers symbol. "You should go drinking with Elvy, I think you two might have a lot of fun, though she tends to act pretty weird when she's really drunk. But don't tell her I said that." Haruka said winking as Ayato finally sat down while holding a rather dishelved Buuchii. Pen-Pen on the other hand had waddled over to Shinji and jumped onto his lap. The penguin looed rather satisfied for harassing the cat back for attacking his tail feathers. After Haruka and Ayato had gone to bed, Shinji followed Misato out onto the porch. She sat staring at the sky and the moon. Shinji had gotten used to how beautiful the nights were here, but he guessed that Misato was just getting used to it. "Wow, I still can't believe how beautiful it is here. Not a single huge crater from one of those damn angels." She said with a smirk as she sipped a thoughtfully on her second can of beer. Shinji stood propped against one of the porch roof support poles. "Well, this placce is different from us. Its weird though Misato. Asuka is out there somewhere. Though I heard commander Kunugi say the German branch base recovered Asuka but we had to go get her. But I guess Commander Kunugi had decided to get Rei first." At the mention of Rei, Misato looked at him like a hawk. "Do they know about her?" She asked, making the reference that Rei was souless and a clone. Shinji nodded. "I think the Mulians and Ayato know. She's being kept at the Terra Command Center for now. But I'm sure she'll be joining me and my friends at school soon though." "You've got friends?! Shinji that's great!" Misato said smiling, Shinji blushed slightly. "Well, I just don't want to lose these ones like I lost Toji and Kensuke. I feel like dirt when I remember what my bastard of a father made me do to Toji. He's luck I didn't tear him apart." Shinji said with venom dripping in his voice. He'd gone to see Toji twice after the incident and after the government had taken over NERV. Each time Toji seemed happy to see him, but Shinji felt like he was trash for what had happened. Misaot snapped him back to reality when she stood up and looked at him. "Well Shinji, I'm now an official officer of Terra, I spoke with Commander Kunugi before you and Ayato Got home. I start tomorrow with Haruka. I'll be an operations officer like before!" She winked as she walked back into the house and down the hall which led to the annex rooms. "See you in the morning Shinji, oh and Pen-Pen's sleeping with you tonight!" With that she shut her door and the house was quiet except for Shinji going into his own room and changing into his bed clothes. When he laid down on his bed he realized this wasn't a dream. Misato was there, and that meant that some of his other friends might pop up soon, though the dark thought of his father loomed in the back of his mind. Shinji eventually managed to fall into a decent sleep, but his father was still on his mind.
  5. Shinji couldn't believe this normal day had just gone to hell. He could feel his arm being pulled by Ayato but this whole experience felt like an out of body one. Like he was watching what was happening from another point of view. As Shinji and Ayato ran out of the Neriya shrine they were both in shock of the destruction that the Evangelion had caused. Following the path of destruction they came upon a sight to behold. Shinji couldn't believe it. The RahXephon had managed to pin the Unit 01 to the ground and was "singing" or emitting a quantum wave which seemed to be calming the rampaging unit. But what that wasn't it. On the shoulder of the RahXephon Shinji could see a girl in a yellow dress. She seemed to just mind standing there but then Shinji realized she was talking to...His mother. "Ayato...What the hell is going on?!" Shinji said as he fell to his knees. He couldn't believe it. He knew his mother had supposedly died but he realized later on that her soul had been absorbed by the unit. But he'd never seen a physical manifestation of her. "Shinji, what you are seeing is something extremely rare. Usually only I can see Ixtli. Ixtli is the heart of the RahXephon and has physically manifested herself on our plane of existence so that other people can see her as well." I honestly think she is trying to communicate with your mother." As Ayato explained this Shinji just stared in amazement and shock. His mother looked frightened but she seemed to be relaxing the longer Ixtli spoke. Shinji also realized the loud noise the RahXephon had been eminating was now a soft hum. At this time, Shinji looked back at the Evangelion and his mother. Both looked calm but still a little hostile. "Ayato,what's happening?" Shinji asked. "I think your mother finally agreed to calm down and let Terra examine Unit 01. She just asked that Ixtli be there when they examine the Unit. Basically its like asking a friend to go with you to the doctor's office." Shinji nodded and watched as both mechs stood up. The RahXephon's wings closed around its face and it went back into the Neriya Shrine while the Unit 01 sniffed the air briefly and then walked slowly towards the hole in the Neriya Shrine. "No way, this is just crazy as hell!!" Shinji and Ayato turned around and saw Alexander Crowne and Sakura standing there with their mouths open slightly. "Great..I wonder how we're going to explain this one..." Shinji muttered as he stood up next to Ayato.
  6. [I]"Great, this means I have to fight yet again..I hate this."[/I] Shinji thought to himself as he lifted off in the Vermillion. He had gotten an audio tutorial from Elvy on the basic controls. However the cockpit was situated diffrently than the Eva's cockpit. Plus the manuvering was a little bit faster, but what the Eva lacked in fast controls was hair-trigger reflexes practically. Once he'd lifted off with Elvy, Shinji took to the air and could see the angel randomly destroying buildings, but its attention was soon turned towards Elvy as she opened fire on it with her rail gun. While Elvy was letting the angel know she wasn't to thrilled with it. "I guess Elvy opened fire immediately huh?" Ayato said as he stopped the RahXehpon next to Shinji. "I guess so. But the Angel has a barrier called an AT field. Her rail gun will weaken it over time but I think that she should use the other weapon." Shinji said as he watched the bullets practically get absorbed by Shamshiel's AT field. "You mean use the Wave Optical Cannon?! I don't know Shinji, that seems a little risky if you want my opinion." Ayato said. "But if we're going to do that I'll grab it and both of you fire on it." With that the RahXephon took off towards the battle. While Ayato was trying to get to the angel, Shinji had his Vermillion hovering where had been for the past few minutes. He really didn't want to fight but he had to. Otherwise this place would be destroyed. As he looked back towards the angel he saw the school was not too far from the angel, but someone was on the roof. Zooming in, Shinji saw it was the kid from his art class! Flashing back to the incident with Shamshiel in his universe, Shinji remembered Toji had pulled a similar stunt. Thrusting the Vermillion as fast as it would go, Shinji landed behind Shamshiel but in front of the school and opened fire with the rail gun. As he did so Ayato finally managed to grab the angel and both shot into the air. "Way to go kid! At first I thought you were just confused on how to move again but you did great!" Elvy said as she streaked off into the air with Shinji following behind. When they were far up enough Shinji could see that the RahXephon had let go of the angel. "Okay Shinji, let's do this!" Elvy said as her Vermillion's gun changed into its Wave Optical Cannon mode. Shinji did the same but as he was about to fire, Shamshiel punctured the left arm of Shinji's Vermillion. As soon as Shamshiel retracted its arms the Vermillion's arm exploded, which caused Shinji to drop his gun. Cursing at himself multiple times Shinji dived down after the gun and managed to grab it but not before taking a dive into the bay. Yelling in anger, Shinji shot back up into the air with his gun and pointed at Shamshiel. "DIE YOU BASTARD!!" And with that he fired his weapon at the angel's core, which was now unprotected. The angel's core vaporized from the weapon, where the core had been, a large hole appeared and the angel hurtled down towards the water and exploded. Shinji was panting with exhaustion as he followed Elvy down to the hangar and docked. When he climbed out he was greeted by both Elvy and Ayato, both of whom had smiles on their faces. "That was great Shinji! I thought you did excellent for your first time piloting a Vermillion." Ayato said. Shinji smiled. "Thank you Ayato. I'm sorry Elvy, I didn't mean to lose an arm off of the unit." Shinji said bowing. Elvy looked at it and chuckled slightly. "Hey kid, you don't have to worry about it, we've got surplus Vermillion parts." Shinji nodded and excused himself as he went to go shower and change. When he emerged from the locker room he saw Ayato standing there in his clothes from earlier today. "Do you want to get something to eat Shinji??" Shinji nodded and Ayato led the way. While they were walking along the walkway Shinji saw two teams of technicians working on both Vermillions. "Ayato, do you really think I did well??" Ayato turned around, a little confused but looked Shinji dead in the eyes. "I thought you did great, I mean Elvy gave you a small tutorial on how to pilot it, of course I'm guessing that you were able to figure out how since you piloted the Eva." Shinji nodded and the rest of the walk there was pretty much silent. As Ayato drove the car out of the underground garage he turned towards Kanai island. When they finally arrived in Kanai island Shinji was amazed at how amazing it was. It was so huge but it was all man made. "You mean in this universe the technology is capable of creating this!?" Shinji said in surprise, Ayato nodded and stopped at a small cafe. When they walked in Shinji noticed it wasn't too crowded. "Umm. Ayato where are most of the people??" Ayato chuckled, "Kanai is still being built. Most of the people are still on the part of Kanai that is closer to Narai, however some are starting to move this way." Shinji nodded and took a seat. When the waitress asked what they wanted Shinji ordered a burger and Ayato ordered the same but with a coffee. When their food came they dug in except Ayato kind of gagged on his coffee. "ACK!! Oh, I forgot the sugar." Shinji snorted a little too much and he could feel his soda about to come up his nose so he swallowed and laughed. After the quick dinner the two headed back to Ayato's house and they were greeted by Haruka. "I saw the fight from the front yard. You both did well, I'm glad you're both safe. Now both of you get to work!" She said as she chased them into the family room so they could work. Ayato pulled out his some of his previous hours' projects and started grading them and Shinji started working on his school work. This was how the night went on until they had to go to bed.
  7. Okay here it goes [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Shinji Ikari [B]Age:[/B]15 [B]Country:[/B] Japan [B]Languages:[/B]Japanese, English [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Description:[/B] [IMG]http://www.u-blog.net/tidi/img/shinji4.JPG[/IMG] [B]Personality:[/B] Shinji is a very intoverted character constantly thinking about how others view him. He is very akward at expressing himself to others and has trouble communicating his problems to others. After his psch-therapy he seems a little more confident and a little less self-hating, but only time will tell if Shinji will change from the meek boy he really is. [B]Rank[/B]: 3rd Child [B]Bio:[/B] Shinji is the child of Yui Ikari and Gendo Ikari. He lost his mother during infancy and after that he was taken care of by friends of his father, until he was 14. At 14 he was summoned to come to NERV headquarters by his father to pilot Unit 01. He regretfully accepted and joined NERV as the Pilot of Unit 01. He lived with his commander Misato Katsuragi during his stay at NERV and as pilot of Unit 01. During his time as pilot of the Unit 01 Shinji learned some interesting facts about his father, witnessed Ayanami kill herself to protect the others, and fought the last angel who was Kawarou, who was the only person that seemed to understand him. After he defeated and killed the 17th angel, Shinji left NERV but he was tracked down by the government and found himself forced to pilot the Unit 01 for some odd reason. But during this routine test run a large space-time anomaly occured and sucked Asuka, Rei, and Shinji into another universe. When he came to he realized that Sachiel had returned to life but he was fighting the angel on his reserve battery and that's when a monolithic like mecha appeared, it had wings on its head and looked like a man. After defeating Sachiel, Shinji realized that he was in another universe, one where he was free of NERV but he would be working for another organization that appeared more kind and not so militaristic like NERV.[/SIZE]
  8. I play Type 2 goblins. Oh yeah. I like it. It's a cool game but no L5r.(Its second on my list of best ccg's). Also its cool because its easy to learn. I taught my friend how to play in 30 minutes. L5r takes way longer to learn.
  9. 5:10 A.M. Would all those who made it in Sygnosis X please meet outside. I Repeat all those in Sygnosis X please meet outside. Shadow woke up to the loud voice of the intercom and groggily got up he did the usual routine and gathered his stuff and left his room. But before he left he thought to himself "Almost there. So close" Why was he thinking like this. It was the voice again. He tried to tune it out but it was to early. He just got out of bed. He walked out of his room and then down the staris the nout the door , but as he was leaving he saw the one they called Cyan taling to another Reploid. He devided just to walk out and when he got there he saw the craft. He stood ther in awe for a minute at the huge thing he was staring at . He managed to regain his senses and walked up the ramp and went in the craft . he looked around to find a computer .He then logged on and found the map of the shuttle and the information on the ship. He put it on his memory and walked to the living area to see the other reploids from the trials standing talking to each other two of them were even playing tetrinet at least he touhgt it was called that . He played it once before with one of his friends , but that was behind him now he was leaving New Concordia. He walked over to one of the repoids and leaned against a wall. Shadow : Hey ???: Huh Shadow : Names Shadow ???: My names Ryan , my callsign is Excalibur . Call me which ever . Shadow : SO what brought you here. Ryan: Reasons Shadow: Oh ok. Shadow got the distinct feeling he was getting the cold shoulder and so he just decided to leave. Something about this reploid was weird. Shadow got up and moved over to a couch and just sat thinking. He remebered the times in the city. Thinking about these things he managed to doze off. ???: Come on whats the matter Shadow: nothing it's....... nothing really ???: Come on Raynos I know when something is troubling you. Shadow: Well........ ???: Come on you can tell your old man. Shadow: It's about Mom Dad: I thought you got over this. It's been a year. Shadow: Something wasn't right about that. I don't believe it was and accident. Dad: Come on we've been over this. The management said it was faulty wiring. Shadow: Whatever Raynos got up and left. When he came back the building was in ashes. Shadow: God..... Police: Son Shadow: What happend? Police: An explosion. We don't know where it came from but our team is investigating. Shadow: Where is my dad. Police: We believe he was in the explosion Shadow: No...This can't be happening.. God not again. Police: We found something in the wreckage in your apartment. We think it was your father's. Shadow: What. The policeman pulled out something. It was a disk. An ash covered disk but disk nonetheless. Sh Shadow then woke up sweating. Shadow:what He got up and looked out the window. He was almost there. Almost there.
  10. If you could think of a movie based upon A final fantasy game whicha game would it be. Would it be a sequel,prequel, or just the game itself.
  11. Raynos walked out of the training area. Most of his clothes were either torn or ripped because of the battle. He got about 15 droids his internal computer showed. I guess that was okay I got accepted he thought. He left asked the secretary where his room was took a shower got some new clothes and left to see the city of Novus Concordia for the last time. As he was walking through the city he noticed familiar faces said Hi to some. Said some final greetings to some of his friends and went back to his room. He then sat there wondering. What am i going to do now. I've gotten accepted were leaving tomorow. Then a voice in the back of his head Said soon you will know all about what happend. Why did he keep thinking that. He wanted to find out what happend but not with this urgency. He sometimes even thought that he wouldn't even find anything that it was just a coincidence. Then he thought no I know it has a connection and went to sleep.
  12. Sorry I missed the missed the meeting. I was busy so i'll just type my story how i got there. 2 days ago Raynos sat in his room lying down thinking " soon i'll be able to find those who got my parents killed. God why am i thinking this now. the test is in two days. I need to see the sights of Novus concordia one more time. It really is a delightful city." He then got up and left. 2 hours ago Raynos slowly walks up to a desk with someone waiting for him. " I'm here for the SygnosisX project". " Name and callsign" " Raynos Noir uh ( raynos pondered the question for a minute ) Shadow" " Okay there you are on the list. your a little early but go on ahead some others are coming soon. good luck" "thanks" Raynos then thought" I hope I'm ready for this " 20 minutes ago Raynos stood in the hall with the other reploids waiting for the test to begin. He stood in the hall back against the wall wondering if he could do this . He then reminded himself negative attitudes get you nowhere. His father use to say that before his mother passed away. That was a time before the pain before Sygnosis 40 before everything. Then the Reploid in white said it was time to start. Now..... Raynos stood behind a peice of building getting fired upon by a droid. He knew he couldn't just stand there . He was a sitting duck and as soon as this reploid got through the building. Now was the time to act. He drew his beam sabre and ran to another peice of cover then jumped off it and flipped over the droid hoping to catch it off guard the droid with awesome speed turned 180 degrees and knocked Raynos away with his blunt end of the gatling gun into a building and then proceeded to fire . Raynos had only a moment to think before being fired upon. He pushed himself off the building and started running as fast as he could ( which was pretty fast ) while being fired at got hit by a coulple of bullets in the arm before he made it to the building he then had a plan. It would require a lot of speed but he knew he could pull it off. He pulled out the Noir blaster fire it at the ground but by the time it hit him the droid faced the direction and Raynos was gone. Then his sensors picked up something behind him but it was too late . The beam sabre already halfway buried inside it and it deactivated. Seconds later he saw another reloid running and then he ran toward and in a couple of seconds he was being fired upon by the droid after the other reploid. He then ran for cover next to the other reploid
  13. This game will be based off of I believe the coolest setting ever Rokugan. If you want to join this game i suggest you go to [url]www.alderac.com[/url] click on the L5R icon look up some of the history of Rokugan or Pm me if you have questions about it so lets start. Ryoko Owari " the City of Lies " The emporor Hantei Naseru sits on the throne. He has spent many long days of his new reign on this throne. Listening to the constant chatter of courtiers clammering away to curry his favor or for him to see justice over some offence. He sits there now wondering " i became emporor for this ". Naseru himself loved political games but he has had enough of this until a lone Miya runs into the throne room. yelling at the emporor he says he has a extremely important letter saying it is from Hida Kuon champion of the crab clan. Naseru reads through the letter and tells the Miya " Summon one from each great clan and bring them here as swift as possible" Sign Up Here are the clans Crab : Zerosaber Crane Dragon Mantis Lion Pheonix Scorpion Unicorn You can be a Samurai(warrior) , Shugenga ( magicician) , or know Ninja techniques ( just to let you know ninjas don't exist wink wink) There will be one of each clan. If you have any questions visit the site above or just Pm me Heres my sign up Name : Hida Tenryu Clan: Crab Class: Samurai Weapon : Daisho ( consisiting of a katana and a wakizashi all samurai recieve one on their gempukku) S. Weapon: tetsubo
  14. I hope this is alright Name: Raynos Noir Callsign: Shadow Race: Reploid Appearance; think this but with black hair and green eyes [url]http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=warofgenesis&image=9[/url] Personality: Raynosis usually quiet and unassuming. He usually only talks if business is involved and sometimes comes off as cocky but he really is'nt that way. He actually has a good sense of humor. Bio: Raynos had a good family. His mother and his Father worked as program analysts in the good city of Novus Concordia. Raynos had a happy childhood growing up living the good life but it all stopped at 17. While at the office his mother was looking over some computer files when suddenly out of nowhere the explosion happend. No one knew what happend , why it happend. His father and he went to the funeral. Through the next coupe of years he and his father were grief striken. No one understood what happend the day of the explosion so his father started investigating. He came upon a file called Sygnosis 40 he looked into it and learned the truth but he was found dabbering into the files by unknown scources and was killed. Raynos was so confused why did they do this to me. Raynos had a little hint from an anonymous scource that his parents where killed because they were looking into something they weren't to. He asked who and the person said Sygnosis 40 and hung. So that is why Raynos joined Sygnosis X hoping to find the killers of his parents and some clues as to why they were killed. Affiliation: Sygnosis X Primary weapon; Shadow Sabre A blade designed for stealth missions. It is a plasma blade that emits very little sound , longer than normal, and is black. Secondary Weapon: Noir Plasma Cannon Plasma Gun ( twice the size of a normal handgun ) fires large plasma rounds that explode on contact doing medium damage but has a high blast radius. The special thing about this gun is that it makes little sound when fired until the plasma hits something. The gun is usually used either for long range or used for distraction. Defensive Capability : Cloaking generator. Mecahnism that allows Shadow to become invisible for 1 minute then it must be recharged . Can be seen by infra red radar but is invisible to other radars.
  15. I went to a private Catholic School for nine years( kindergarten to 8th) Then went to a public school for 2 years. I'm not really quite sure which i like better. They both were (are) fun but i'm not really sure
  16. Me myself I would have to be Vivi. I'm shy and looking for answers and I'm there when you need me.
  17. I'm going to asume tate is a dummy. So I'm gonna have some quick fun yojiro stood in the corner with his katana sheathed. Tate was on the other end of the arena the referee said go and youjiro stood there. He was waiting. Tate then came after him. Suddenly yojiro sweep kicked him as soon as he got to him and pinned him against the ground by his neck Yojiro: Do you work for the tower! Tate: (Cough) what (cough) Yojiro: Don't play games with me boy ! Yojiro picked him up by his throat and threw him against the wall as hard as he could making a dent in the arena bars. He then was on him again picking him up by his throat. Yojiro: Do you work for the tower!! Tate (cough) what tower what are you talking abou... yojiro kneed him in the stomach at that point. Tate started coughing up blood. Yojiro: Last time do u work for the tower Tate: No i don't know what your talking about ( tate went unconcious at that point) Yojiro:(softly) I guess he doesn't know no one could take that much abuse and not tell me. Fine now i know its not him. Yojiro throws the limp body on the floor and the crowd goes wild. The judges throw in his katana. Yojiro attaches it to his obi and tells the judges he is going to let him live.
  18. this is a character from the card game and storyline of L5r ( if you want to know more about L5r go to [url]http://l5r.alderac.com[/url]) Name: Bayushi Yojiro Nickname: The master of secrets Weapon: Itsuwari , the ancestrial sword of the scorpion, ( it is a katana but its bigger and it has his clans symbol on it) Bio: Yojiro grew up in the lands of the Scorpion to the Scorpion clan fell to the Coup because they were trying to save the empire. Yojiro decided to help the clan by pretending to hunt them as a Imperial Magistrate due to Bayushi Kachiko's orders. Later when the Scorpion rose to become a clan again he became the Scorpion Clan champion. Later on he found the Shadowed Tower which was a whole orginization devoted to ruin Yojiro and gain influece through evil power. even a close friend of his Shoshuro Furuyari was in the Shadowed tower. So yojiro began his personal quest to destroy the tower. Through then he named Bayushi Sunetra the new clan champion and continued the war to save he scorpion clan from the shadowed tower. He fights now because he has reason to believe someone in the contest works for the shadowed tower. ( if anyone has any questions about yojiro or his clan Aka the scorpion clan Pm me). Yojiro usually wears his demon mempo( aka mask ) and his heavy armor that covers his chest and shoulders.
  19. Hey Axel what kind of red green beatdown/ mono-black there are so many of each. I myself play Type 2 goblin speed. I'm thinking of either making a soldier or Zombie deck( I just love tribal wars)
  20. Uh Mr. Maul sorry to say but there is a deck limit in the rules 60 cards minimum and that is a pretty good place for the deck size because like you said the bigger the deck the less likely you'll get the cards you need.
  21. I'm sorry I have'nt posted in a while I have been very busy and this will be my post to catch up with the group ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Raynos stood on the side of the mountain uncouncious. He starts to regain conciousness and remembers what happens. He was yelling at some people on the mountain when this snake attacked him and threw him off the mountain. Raynos:(thinking) .[COLOR=blue]i must have hit my head on a rock or something that is why i fell unconcious.[/COLOR] Raynos tried to get up but a pain went through his leg. He found the tundra shpere and the hydra blade and used the blade as a walking stick and walked down the path until he heard something. ???; [COLOR=teal]hey you wait a second[/COLOR] ( I hope this is amber's color
  22. Lalaith Ril there are some kind of strategies in certain parts of the world. Some deck gets popular because it rocked reigonals in their people start making decks around it using a "kind of different " idea but its basically the same and then people start making decks to beat that. Then the cycle continues with your occasion original deck
  23. Raynos woke up out of his deep sleep. He then realized he wasn't at the city. Raynos:[COLOR=blue]What the hell. Where am I.[/COLOR] Raynos then notices 8 more people not very far off. He draws his Hydra Blade and starts running over to them. Raynos: [COLOR=blue] Who are you guys and what the hell am I doing here.[/COLOR]
  24. Name: Raynos Draton Age:16 Sphere: Water(aka Tundra Sphere) Weapon: Hydra Blade( It seems to move fluid like when moving and can emit water energy) Gender: Male Bio:Raynos grew up in a little beach town with his mother never knowing his father. Raynos grew up near the ocean. Ever since he was a kid he loved the ocean until one day a Tidal Wave hit his town killing everyone except Raynos. He washed up on Shore and found the Hydra blade and the water crystal on shore. He now searches the land for any remnants of his lost father whom he never knew except in a picture his mother left him. He was called upon to search for the lost cystals becayse of his fighting skills and knowledge of the ocean Appearance : Brown hair, Blue eyes , 6"2,. Wears a blue outfit with the water crystal around his neck.
  25. A token producing deck I can think of is using Elf's with lots of mana producing elves's(wirewood channeler, Birchwood rangers Llanowar elves. , Wirewood hivemaster( whenever a non-token elf comes into play put a green 1/1 insect into play) Voice of the woods( tap five untapped elfs you control to put a 7/7 green elemental with trample into play) Crush of wurms, Maybe even roar of the Wurm and parralell evolution( Each players puts a copy of each creature token into play of an exact token of the one copied and it has a flashback cost)
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