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Everything posted by Zerosaber

  1. Jet woke up after hearing a large explosion. He felt a little better but his side was killing him. Jet: Is anyone out there I need help. This is Pilot125934 of the tallgeese IV can anyone see or hear me. Tallgeese is very damaged and is unable to move. ???: What is your position over Jet: who is this
  2. Jet: Okay this is really getting annoyoing you guys Jet goes to his bed and lays down on it and looks up and sees his clothes floating there. Jet: what the heck Then jets clothes fall on top of him. Jet: huh Jet puts his clothes on and goes to get his shoes and they seem to float towards him without him getting them Jet: WHAT IS HAPPENING Jet then sees his shoes land before his feet Jet: Okay this is getting weird but lets try something Jet Thinks about getting his teeth brushed and his toothbrush starts floating swiftly too him Jet: Oh wow am I doing this Hey guys come here
  3. Jet awoke to every one screaming. jet: why is everyone screaming Geese Jet got up and went to go get his close not realizing they were floating above him Jet: Okay who took my clothes again
  4. Name: Jet Taro Ridell Age:13 Powers: Telekinesis, and Psychic mind Blast ( an energy blast from his hands) Description: Tallest of the Clones wears blue jeans white shirt and a necklace given to him from his father to enhance telekinetic powers) Bio: Jet is usually the serious. he was the last clone created but he acts as if he is the oldest trying to take control of the situations. He really loves Cheese burgers
  5. Aegis and Ezrael were trying to get as far as they could away from the bar without being noticed. They were running through the alley of the bar and making sure no one saw them. Aegis: These bounty hunters have picked up more and more. I'm guessing Cloricus put a bigger price on our heads Ezrael: I'm guessing so. He is trying to stop us before we can pull an action. Aegis: Sounds about right. They Finally made it out of the alley unnoticed so far. Aegis: So where are we heading now. The Inn or we set up camp in the woods. The woods would be safer but the inn we can keep an ever watchful eye of the bounty hunters around here.
  6. Is it to late to sign up. I hope not Name: Aegis Yerolia Race: High Elf Alignment:Chaotic Good Class:Fighter/Sorcerer Weaponry: Vorpal Blade and an Elven Long Bow and arrows Desciption:Tall with Blond hair and green eyes. Wears a uniform of her battalion she controls in the south but has recently been stripped of her position having been said to have been involved in the assasination of king. Bio:Aegis has known Ezrael since he was 14 and they have become good friends Aegis stopping by to greet Ezrael whenever she was in the part of the world. She grew up in the elven lands in the south and has learned their trades and other things.She now stays with Ezrael to clear her name and to help establish him king
  7. Sorry i haven't posted I didn't know we started ============================================== Grisunda is next to Zelda and whispers something to her Grisunda: Princess I'm not sure we can trust these people. They just showed up out of nowhere and one has the sacred master Sword Zelda: Don't be so worried Grisunda. I know they sound suspicious but they haven't done anything wrong. Grisunda: Fine but I'll keep an eye on them just in case
  8. Name: Grisunda Race: Hylian (from the past, so the pointed ear Hylian.) Age:24 Items: Pegasus Boots, Hylian Sheild Weapons: Excalibur ( sword given to him and blessed by Zelda), Hookshot, Bow and Quiver of Arrows (non-magical) Appearance: Tall, Green eyes, Brown hair , Knights uniform Bio:Grisunda was born a warrior and has been trained to be a knight ever since he was of age .Ever since Link has rescued Zelda the Royal Family needed a bodyguard for her and grisunda was the top choice. Ever since then Grisunda has been guarding Zelda.He is extemely protective of her because they have become Quite accustomed to each other and feels he needs to protect her
  9. Magic is okay. I played for a period of time and got tired of it. I like card games with a good storyline( L5R) or that are pretty easy to understand and still have some strategy.(warlord)If any of you guys have played L5R the storyline is amazing and is based off of the people who win tournaments.
  10. This is a thread about card games. Talk about the ones you,ve heard of or are play (except Yugioh ,DIgimon, and Poke'mon they have their own threads. My two favorites are L5R and Warlord if you wanna learn about them go to [url]www.alderac.com[/url] and click on their icons
  11. Jeesh its like no one has heard of L5R or warlord . I'm talking about card games in general not specific unless its in the thread. PS(to learn about the card games warlord or L5R go to [url]www.alderac.com[/url] and click on the warlord or L5R icon.)
  12. I was wondering if someone could start a card games in general forum.I think that would be cool and would allow people to discuss them.
  13. What about the dragon blooded they can use magic.Onr more question do we have charms. And if you play dragon blooded do you need to know what element you are
  14. Jet was ready to move on. He was the leader of a small but effective regiment.After he had got the call that they had to pack up so soon after the battle it made him think.He got up and got ready telling his men we have to go. Jet:(thinking)wonder why we are leaving so soon. Also know one told me why we were leaving. I hope it isn't to serious
  15. Sign me up for cristan if there is still room
  16. Hydraga: Cazion are you all right @Cazion: Yes I'm all right Hydraga: We better get back into the building you need rest @Cazion:Okay god my head hurts like hell Hydraga:you put up a good fight. I don't know where the others are @Cazion:By others you mean Franz and the other people fighting .(ps my character only actually met franz) Hydraga:yeah lets go Cazion walks into the receptionist office and lays on the couch and goes to sleep
  17. sorry ihaven't posted in a while ive been busy Jet had been severely damaged after the battle.He had been unconcious for about a day and was a mile away from the base.He had battled endless scorpios and now he had to get to the base. Tallgeese was very damaged and jet needed medical attention.Jet got up in tallgeese and started going toward the base as fast as he could until he got within fifty yards and he just collapsed. He was in a lot of pain he couldn't take it he passed out.
  18. Name: Jet gallows Age:23 Physical description: Brown hair, green eyes, 5'11, Weapon: Sword ( called Exalibur) Bio: Born to a high ranking family he was raised in luxury till the Army of Orion ruined his families stature and forced some to join.He now opposes the army with all his soul Magic:Water
  19. Name: Jet Gallows Age:22 Weapons: suped upHeckler pistol, Short sword Occupation: mutant runaway Powers:telekenisis
  20. Is it okay if i join if i know nothing about the Sukoden storyline.
  21. Cool Name:Zidane Tribal Age:21 Weapons:Mythril Daggers
  22. I'm not quite sure wha tchiips protoman has or if he has any ranged attack so i'll give my navi a buster Name: Jet gallows AGe:15 Navi:Protoman Desciption: Brown hair green eyes 5'4 Bio: Jet has always liked navi's having grown up with a navi developer his mom and knows alot about them.Protoman was given him when he was 12 and he has had him since
  23. Cazion lay down in the alley unconcious. Some agents managed to take him down and knocked him off the top of the building. He just sat there laying there until he heard a voice Hydraga: Cazion wake up Sorry i haven't posted in a while i've been very busy
  24. okay I think this Rpg sounds cool and i'll probably sign up for it when it comes out in the recruitmet forum
  25. This looks really cool. Is there any way i could look at some of the information you guys have now
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