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Everything posted by Zerosaber

  1. Jet stood in the office. He sat there waiting for the other people.He was also wondering why they selected him to go see Cid and Squall in the office to discuss the galbadia war. He thought it was because of his high SeeD level and his experience but you never know. He stood there in silence thinking of his family whom he had sent a majority of his money over the past months and the letter they wrote him telling him that they were living the good life and they expecting another child. HE was very happy that he fufilled his promise to him. Now he could put some of his funds toward a car and upgrades to his gunblade.
  2. I don't know alot about the FFVII storyline but it sounds cool Name:Jet Gallows Gfs:pandamonium Bio: Grew up in balamb with his poor family and when he was 16 he went to go join SeeD for the money for his family and he also felt he was lacking something in his life.He spent many years at seed and constantly kept getting better because of his will to help his family and that driving urge inside himself SeeD level: 17 Weapon: Excalibur ( a very sharp gunblade with explosive bullets for ammo very dangerous but effective) Limit Break: Guile Strike Garden balamb
  3. hope i'm not to late name: Kevin Redmond Age:25 Expertise:Hand to hand, Guns,Psychology,Strategy,Seige(how to break into a building unnoticed) Bio:Kevin in the Matrix was the head of the police swat team and he usually handled hostage situations and was chosen to be set free for expertise in psychology of people and his previous experience in the police force
  4. Jet stood in the cargo transport and looked down at the base.He then saw fighting going on there. Jet:What the hell.Zechs what is going on Zechs: Dark ring is going to try and take back the California base you need to back them up. Jet: So how am i suuposed to do that The ship started to shake violently and then it started to lose altitude. Zechs:The parachute in the Tallgeese should let you fall safely The ship's hull exploded and then jet cut a hole in the bottom and jumped out and pulled the parachute and watched the ship land farther off. Jet:thank god the ship didn't explode just the hull. when jet landed he was hailed by some Scorpio gunfire.he boosted all the way to them and hit them all with a great slash from his cannon sword cutting them in half Jet:wow it moves alot faster Jet then saw another gundam fighting and rushed over to help him Jet: Looked like you needed some help ???:thanks hey watch your back .....
  5. this sounds cool starcraft is awesome Name: Hydraga Race: protoss Class: Dark templar ,cloaking,energy blade,and hydraga's own mini dragoon cannon equipped to his arm Appearance: Looks like a normal dark templar exept a long scar running down his neck to his right arm and the metal casing of his left arm due to the dragoon cannon Bio: Hydraga was born on the planet shakuras and has been defending it as a Royal guard to the Matriarch.He was devastated when she was killed and went off and attacked a zerg colony with only a small group and got his left arm ripped off and a long scar down his right arm.Hydraga is a sworn enemy of the Zerg and will do anything to stop them
  6. I would have to agree with darkness that final fantasy VII really didn't have an open ending.What i think is that Final fantasies producers should just stick with what they did before.NO SEQUELS.I know they are just trying to make money but giving final fantasy a sequel is just a bad idea for final fantasy games.
  7. Jet was in the cargo hold of the ship and he called Zechs Jet:hey Zechs you there Zechs :yes i'm here what do you need Jet:I need a little info on my mission Zechs:oh yes .There are some gundams in the california base and you need to meet with them and help them with any resistance you encounter. Jet:why don't they just take the base out instead of keeping it there Zechs:It is a key part in Darkrings Supplies and they need to keep it going to have an edge over dark ring so they don't do anything drastic to the colonies Jet:okay ,Also how much longer till i get to the base Zechs:about an hour I believe call me when you get to the base Jet: can do over and out .
  8. Cazion was outside the meeting room when Franz ran out with a gun. Cazion: Hey where you going Franz:to prove yourself worthy of being part of Paranormal Inc you gotta know how to fight.There are some goverment agents on the roof and they are after us.So if you want to be part of us you need to help take them out Cazion( Hesitantly)Sure I'll help Cazion heard gunshots. He then followed Franz up the stairs to the roof.He then got shot at. Cazion:Okay here it goes Cazion summons his reaver blade and then jumps in the air and swings at an agent decapitating him.He then gets shot at again by Three agents.He then starts running at the agents and slashes at them getting them all in the chest.Then another helicoptor comes and they start shooting at him.He also sees this person with wings and dark armor fighting some agents with Franz and this other guy fighting them too. @Cazion: Hydraga there is just to many of them Hydraga: Ok here comes the time where you learn the energy blast. @Cazion:What is that Hydraga:Cazion focus all the strength you have in your hand and then imagine the strength in a ball form all condensed Cazion does it and a glowing ball of energy appears in his hand @Cazion:okay what am i supposed to do with it Hydraga:Now shoot it at the helicopter @Cazion: how Hydraga:Just throw it at it @Cazion:Okay Cazion throws it at it and the helicopter explodes after it hits it @Cazion:WHOAH Hydraga:There you go now you know how to do it @Cazion:I feel tired Hydraga: you should it is a side effect of the energy ball but you gotta keep fighting Cazion stares at the sky and sees another helicopter. Cazion: oh great
  9. hope i'm not to late Name: Guile Redwind Race: Hylian Character Class:Knight Gender:Male Appearance: About 5'9 He has brown hair and green eyes.He always wears his Gold pendant given to him by his killed mother. Backround: Guile grew up in a house by Kakariko with his mother(his father was an adventurer and stopped by every once in a while)and usually was at kakariko village as a child playing with his freinds until one day his mother was killed by a monster and his father tried to protect her but he was killed also. He then was alone in life and didn't know what to do until one day he searched the cabin of his childhood(he now lives in a house in the lost woods)and found a basement.Inside the basement he found a Sword and sheild that belonged to his father and some other Items. From that day on everyday he would train in the lost woods with his weapons and gradually got better. Starting location: lost woods Training grounds Primary Weapon: Sword and sheild Secondary weapon: Bow and arrow Items:Pegasus boots,healing potion,Quiver(20 arrows,Hookshot Spell:ShockBlast (weak Lightning spell)
  10. I think we need a little more people to join.
  11. Don't worry about it.Just wondering if you remebered that
  12. Jet stared at the tallgeese.It looked much different than when he got it. From the right arm there was the normal thing but instead of the hand part there was a Blade protruding from where the hand was. Also the boosters looked a little heavier.Also the legs seemed shinier Sharla:Wow what did you do Jet: I installed a blade into the arm module. I did it because I needed to upgrade the megacannon's output and the blade Increases it by 75% because it allows a faster charge from the cannon because the particles charge and release through it as well also it can be used as a weapon.Also I increased the capabilities on the boosters by adding a new fuel tank and increasing its output via the overdrive Module that i installed. Also I felt the reflexes of Tallgeese on land were a little slow so I Put some new Gundanium Knee parts to increase running and dodging capabilities on land. Sharla: gee you know your stuff Jet: sure do Zechs chose me to be his apprentice Because of my Ms piloting skills and my mechanic skills Sharla:well Zechs called he said your next mission is in california.Something about a base there.He said he'll provide Transport there but you would have to handle your next transport after that. Jet:where is the transpor Sharla:in the plane hangat i'll have tallgeese put in the cargo hold.Zechs said he will clue you in on the mission when you get there. Jet: okay Well i better get going. Thanks sharla for all your help. Sharla:your welcome now go to that mission and good luck Jet: will do Jet goes to the hangar and gets in the plane and the pilot takes off heading for California Sharla:Hope he will be okay
  13. Cazion had finished applying.He looked it over once and went to Franz. Cazion:I'm done Franz:okay let me look at it Franz looked it over for a minute
  14. Jet woke up in a bed in a mysterious room.He just sat there for a second and suddenly a lady popped in. ???:Hello Jet:Who are you and where am I ???:My name is Sharla and you are at the Secret base in India By request of commander Zex Jet:How is Tallgeese Sharla:He is fully repaired thanks to the mechanics here Jet:Did Zex tell you anything about my next mission Sharla:No but he said he would call Jet:Okay, Does this base have Ms parts Sharla:yes Jet:Awesome where is the mechanics bay Sharla:I'll show you Sharla took Jet to the mechanics bay where Tallgeese is. Sharla:So why did you want to come here Jet:I've been meaning to upgrade some parts on Tallgeese but I've never had the time Sharla:Okay just tell our mechanics what parts you need and they can help Jet:Thanks tell me when Zex calls about my mission Sharla:can do Jet goes to the mechanics and asks for the parts and starts removing tallgeeses right arm with equipment
  15. Geloog Uhh if you are from the dragon family why don't you have a dragon first name like Mirumoto Keiler or Togashi Keiler.Aslo the dragons don't have manors.They live in the mountains.Also L5r doesn't have druids.
  16. Jet was in the cargo hold of the transport ship Jet:how much longer ???:Only a little longer.Why don't you go over your system maitenance. Jet looks at the maintenance.It reads 100% in all areas Jet:Everything is fine.So where am i headed again ???:China. You are to take out the place with extreme prejuduce. Jet:Yes I know ???:Okay I better stop talking youv'e almost landed Jet:I'll call you if i'm alive Zex Zex:Don't talk like that Jet:I'm just kidding over and out Jet turns of the transmitter.Then the spaceship hits the atmosphere and lands.Then jet heres the doors of the cargo bay open. Jet:okay here it goes Jet boosts himself out of the box he is in and dashes to the exit his Whip drawn and heating.He then sees some Scorpio Units and attacks them causing the alarm to go off Alarm:warning warning Ms in cargo bay all units go to the cargo bay. Jet: great Three Scorpios go in front of Jet ???:you there surrender now or you will be shot Jet holds still for a second then boosts himself at them slashing with his Hyper whip Annihilating them all. Then some Scorpios start shooting at them.Jet shoots at them with his particle cannon causing a big explosion. Jet:Gotta find the power core Jet then pulls up a screen of the map of the plant and starts heading at the core.Three more Scorpios starts firing at him.Jet then speeds up to the core and finds it followed by constant gunfire hitting him every so often.He then with a burst of speed boosts into the air charges his particle cannon to max and fires at the core causing an explosion and then chain explosions follow. Jet:gotta run gotta run Jet pushes his boosters to max and heads for the sky heading east. But the explosions catch up to him and propels him to the forest.Jet then goes unconcious. Jet then wakes up with something yelling in his ear Zex:JET!!!!!!!! Jet:yeah Zex:thank god your ok.Are you injured Jet:No, But tallgeese looks a little damaged. Know anywhwere I can repair him Zex:Yeah go to India I'll tell you where when you get there Jet:How am i supposed to get there Zex:I'll have some transports get you in the mean time what is your coordinates Jet 5 miles northeast from the darkring compound Zex:wow that was a big explosion Jet:yeah Zex: well the transport will be there in about a day just try and stay cool Jet:okay Jet just stays there and falls asleep.
  17. Name: Jet Gallows Age:17 Gender:Male Colony:L5 Mentor:Zechs Marquees Msname:TallgeeseIV Msweapons:Mega Cannon ( aka Charged particle cannon)Buster Sheild . A small beam rifle built in the left armand the custom Heat Rod. Character bio: Jet grew up on Colony L5.When he was 10 he found a Ms in a secret part of the colony. He piloted it for a while but he was unkowingly being watched by Zex and noticed Jet's preformance in the Gundam and decided to train him.7 years flew by where Jet practiced and practice until he finally got his first mission. To help destroy the Dark Ring. Jet is great mechanic and is able to upgrade Tallgeese's when needed and he has the parts Tallgeese IV It is bascially the Tallgeese with gundaminum armor , a speed upgrade ,and weapons fit for jets mission Plotted Landing area:He is on a Dark Ring Transport heading for the China base to take it out.
  18. You can create your own character or use an existing person it's up to you
  19. Cazion jumps as he sees this person. Cazion:geese you scared me Franz:is there any reason why you are here Cazion:yeah,I need to see the person running this place Franz:sorry he is out Hydraga:there is something strange about this person.it doesn;t look like he is emitting essence @Cazion:I thought all living things had essecnce Hydraga:Well he doesn't Franz:why do you need to see him Cazion:I was wondering if i could help you guys out with the whole paranormal thing Franz:well you need to apply Cazion:Ok, I'll get started Franz:when you get done I want to look at it personnally Cazion goes up to receptionist and asks for a apply form and starts on it Franz(thinking):there is something strange about this guy
  20. Cazion was still in the building. @Cazion:So what are we supposed to do now Hydraga:why don't you go back to that building you were going to go in @Cazion: Didn't you just see me get shot at Hydraga:oh yeah,Here I'll show you something.Focus your essence through your hand. @Cazion:essence.what is that Hydraga:Your spiritual energy.Everything living thing has it ,but because of me you now can use it. @Cazion:How can I use this essence Hydraga:Just concentrate on your hand. @Cazion:Ok Hydraga:Now you close your fist and concentrate some more @Cazion:Ok Hydraga:now think nothing.think of nothing but void Suddenly a Blade appears in Cazion's hands @Cazion:whoah what is this Hydraga:A reaverblade @Cazion: what am i suppose to do with this . Hydraga: You can defend yourself with it when the time comes @Cazion:Won't people get freaked out seeing a person with a giant sword walking down the street Hydraga: to make it go away just drop it Cazion drops it and it disappears. @Cazion; that solves my problem I guess.IS there anything else you can you do Hydraga:I'll tell you when the time comes.Like I said go to that building you were going to go in. I sensed something inside there. @Cazion:Okay whatever you say Cazion goes out of the building and goes in the paranormal Inc. building and sees.........
  21. Fine we'll do a thousand years of Darkness SIGN Up Name: Clan: Profession:Samurai, Shugenga,ninja,anything else History: Weapons:Let's try and stick to Samurai weapons But as long as your clan lets you use them you can use peasant weapons Side: Fuleng or not Fuleng that is the question Style of combat:speed,strength,spells,or tactics ============================================== Name: Hida Craisha Clan:Crab Proffession:Samurai General History:Hida Craisha is a general helping the ninja to defeat Fuleng.He has been an orphan since he was 5 when his parents where killed by a rouge Oni.He has vowed to help destroy fuleng since then.He is the leader of a small army called the Hida Batallion the remnants of the Hida Family Weapons:Katana,wakisashi,tanto,and Tetsubo Side: non fuleng Style of combat: speed ,strength ,and tactics leans to speedy sneak attacks to take out small parts of fulengs army.
  22. Hope i'm not to late. If i am just tell me Name: Jet Gallens Weapon: DarkWind ( it's a special blade that was given to him by his mentor) Wind blades(special throwing blades) Ninchicki(Large harpoon blade attached to some chain) Magic:Wind magic History:Jet grew up a lonely kid. His parents died from a from a corrupt officer of the law making an example of his parents when they did nothing wron.From that day on jet opposed all law and swore he would avenge his parents. he was found by his mentor Crazion,a leader of the Island Dainon an island of the coast of China, and trained him in the art of magic.He now is the Dainon's most feared assasain . Tell me if this is better
  23. Cazion stood outside the building of paranormal inc. Then he hears something. ???:Run Cazion Somebody then shoots something at Cazion barely missing him and Cazion starts running. ???:Go in that alley and climb the ladder into the building Cazion runs into the alley and goes in the building and hides ???:You should be safe now. Cazion:who the hell are you and why are you following me ???:I'm not following you I'm a part of you Cazion:You're the..... ???:yes the being inside of you Cazion:Your the thing . I thought you were just a dream ???:no you didn't you knew something was inside of you the day I merged with you Cazion:How did you know that ???: i can tap into your thoughts. You do know I'm talking to you telepathically so you don't have to yell Cazion:tele-what ???:telepathically. That means i'm speaking to you in your mind. No one else can hear me. Cazion; so how am i supposed to talk to you tele..pathically ???:just think about talking to me (An @ in front of the name means cazion is talking telepathically to the reaver) @Cazion:like this ???:exactly @Cazion:so what are you ???: I am a reaver. We have been here since man started. Cazion:ok then why do I not know about you ???: only those the reavers merged with know about us. @Cazion:so does the reaver have a name ???:Yes you can call Hydraga @Cazion: okay hydraga whey did you "merge" with me Hydraga:I believed you had some potential @Cazion:potential for what Hydraga: to help stop the things that are happening @Cazion: what would that be Hydraga:you may not know it but people are plotting to destroy earth as it is . Just think as me as an agent of the protection of the earth @Cazion: i knew today was gonna be weird.Why were those people chasing me Hydraga: they probably wanted something of you maybe even me. @Cazion: I knew today was gonna be a weird day
  24. we just need a couple more people and i'll post the sign up I'm a little familiar with the thousands years of darkness story but if we do start just correct me if i mess up on something.
  25. I am thinking about making a L5R rpg , But first I need to know what the people wanting to play To tell me what kind of story we want. It can be anything from the creation to now or even a thousand years of darkness , so just tell me what you want to do then I'll make the sign up part
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