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Everything posted by Zerosaber
Cazion walked up to the Paranormal Inc. building.He walked inside and was greeted by a receptionist Receptionist:What is your business here Cazion:I need to see who is in charge here Receptionist: sorry he isn't here right now Cazion:Is there any way I can reach them The reaver sends Cazion a message that something isn't right here.
Shadow jumps out of the shadows and stands next to the young man. Young man:shadow where were you Shadow: sorry doc i had to stay behind and cover you from those droids Shadow stares at Zero and X. Shadow:(sarcastically)I see we got the job done Zero:What do you mean by that Shadow: nothing Then suddenly a blast of energy hits the door.
hope i'm not to late Name: Cazion Rellion Age:19 Race:Half Reaver(see below) Half human Nationality:american Bio: Cazion was born a normal human boy. He grew up knowing the life a normal kid knows until one night 4 years ago he ran into a reaver.A reaver is a stealthy being of immense power and it inhabited cazion's being and has been inside him ever since.This is the first reaver to have inhabited a human and Cazion knows that the reaver is a part of him and has been trying to find out what it was trying to do by becoming part of him. Cazion has learned that the reaver is linked somehow to all these strange appearances of the paranormal and has gone to paranormal Inc. to find some answers.Although Cazion doesn't know it the reaver has given him special powers beyond that of a human but he doesn't know how to use them. Description:6'2 With dark hair and green eyes.Cazion seems to turn invisible at night becuse of the reaver .He also has the ability to project energy through the reaver. Weapons:Reaver Blade a blade that materializes on command.
so there is no more good positions open
OOC:Shadow is working for a new age reploid parts designer, Shadow is how shall we say "Entitled to test new product designs." Which are in the prototype stage so he has access to all new designs and like i said, the progam is limted otherwise it would over heat causing massive if not leathal damage. So please bare with me on this. ---------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Shadow standing staring at the reploid standing in front of him. With his respective weapon drawn as well.[/i] ?????: Who the hell are you and what are you doing in this vehicle? Shadow: Names Shadow I'm looking for the reploid known as Warlock. Seen him? ????: Why are you looking for him?? Shadow: That information is classified. ???: Like i give a damn. Give me answers or its eternal slumber for you. Shadow: [i]Looks at him with an ice-cold stare.[/i] listen you, now its my turn to ask questions now. Who are you? Where is Warlock? ????: My name is Fenir, and i don't know where he is and if i knew why the hell would i tell you?? [i] Shadow stared at the saber and recognized the power signature and the signature somehow reminded him of something he had seen a long time ago.[/i]
I'm dead Oh great . wait didn't i just post something saying I was in the alpha vehicle with Fenir
Shadow stood in the car wondering what his plan of action will be. He then had an idea and called the metacorp foundation Metacorp:Yes,Shadow Shadow:I was wondering if there is anything that you could do to help me with this particular situation because there are alot of strong reploids here. Metacorp:What do you mean specifically Shadow:An upgrade of some sort to help me in my mission Metacorp:We could upgrade your morph chip to a new model just recently developed it's called the fate chip Shadow:Ok do that Metacorp:But I have to tell you it is experimental Shadow: well you need a test subject Metacorp:Ok but you call us if anything goes wrong Shadow:Ok Shadow after a few seconds he felt a surge of energy inside of himself. Shadow:wow Metacorp:yes you now have become faster,stronger,tougher,and your adaptability function has become better.But it we haven't tested to see it's weaknesses so you'll have to find that out. Shadow:Ok.I'm out Shadow gets out of the car and sets his morph chip for stealth. Shadow: wow they were right the adaptation is working much better Shadow then runs to the support vehicle and looks inside and sees.......
Shadow stood inside the car.He was extremely damaged and he had no clue who just did that to him.He didn't get a clear image of the reploid who because after the damage to his shoulder he couldn't see clearly. Shadow talking on his comm:Metacorp this is shadow.I am extremely damaged and I need some help. Metacorp advisor:Okay.There is one thing we can do but it is experimental.How much power do you have left Shadow:Just a little. This reploid attacked me and I've been losing power. Metacorp advisor: Ok.Now on your backup system Shadow turned on his backup power. Metacorp advisor:now there should be a repair function in the corner of your screen activate it.Now there are two options.use the password option and type in MEDIC#34 Shadow typed it in and immediately he saw his damage ratings decreasing.He was beginning to feel much better. Metacorpadvisor:that was your morph chip's healing abilities but I wouldn't recomend using it in the next 5 hours or it will overheat. Shadow:Thanks. also alert the maverick hunters that the maverick in the sewer has been captured. Metacorpadvisor: I'll try Shadow stood in the car laying down thinking of a plan of action.
Shadow stood in front of the maverick hunter headquarters.It was a tall building that had many floors.Shadow had no need to be stealthy around here. no one knew who he was and he walked in . He noticed a reploid at a counter. Shadow: I need to see the person in charge here. ???:you mean Signas.He is busy right now. Shadow: It's really ugent ???:Fine I'll check with him right now. The reploid talks on a comm. ???#2: state your nature of your visit here Shadow: is this the leader of the maverick hunters Signas:yes, I run the place why Shadow:I need infomation on Warlock Signas:Ok you need to come to my office to talk about that ???:His office is in the 2nd floor room 234B Shadow:ok Shadow goes to the elevator and goes to the room.Then suddenly three reploids jump out pointing guns at him.They appeared to be maverick hunters Hunter#1:Freeze, Don't move Shadow: what is the purpose of this Hunter#2:Security, there is believed to be a maverick nearby. Why are you are you at Captain Signas' office. Shadow:I'm here to discuss something with him Hunter#1:We'll see about that The hunter talks on his comm. Hunter#1: okay go on in Shadow walks in the office Signas: you are the person who needed information on Warlock correct. Shadow: yes, I need to know where he is currently Signas: we dont know where he is.He was relieved of his duties a while ago Shadow: You have no information on his Wherebabouts Signas: correct. Although. No nevermind Shadow: What. Signas:He might be roaming around the comm. tower somebody says they spotted him heading that way but our hunters are on a mission there and it isn't advised to go there. Shadow:I need to find him. Where is the comm tower. Signas:Sorry I'm not allowed to disclose that information.Like I said the hunters are on a mission there. Shadow stands there. In a flash he draws his beam sabre and puts it toward Signas' neck Shadow: you will tell me where it is if you now what is good for you Signas:Fine. It is on this disk.(he points to the disk) Shadow:Thank you Shadow picks up the disk and runs out the hallway. When a voice comes out of the intercome. Intercomm:all available personal. a maverick is in the building and he he is headed toward the exit. Lock down is preceding Shadow: damn. I have to get out of here Shadow inserts the disk inside his arm and starts running to the nearest window. He then jumps out and is followed by a rain of energy and weapons.Shadow then sets his morph chip to Speed and starts running to the nearest car.He sees a car driving along and he jumps in it throwing out the driver and drives off as fast as he can to the comm tower being followed by a trail of energy form buster rifles until he gets out of range.He drives all the way to the tower until he sees a hovercraft. He stops the car and then sets his morph chip to stealth.Then he stares at the large tower and seeing blasts inside it . Shadow:what the hell is happening in there. He dashes to the entrance when he heard someone yell STOP.
Shadow was still in the sewers. He called the metacorp foundation because he was unfamiliar with these sewers and they told him his closet exit was north.Shadow was running along hardly making a sound because his morph chip had made him more stealthy. Shadow had run into somee sentry guns so that is why he set his morph chip on stealth.Shadow was running along heading for the exit until he heard something. ???: What was our mission again ???#2:Our mission was to look for a maverick in the sewers (shadow thinking): a maverick the cameras would've already spotted a maverick ???:did commander Zero give us and information on the maverick ???#2:something about how it's name is shadow (shadow thinking):damn they must have gotten information from that reploid in the sewers. Now i've got zero and his squad on me Shadow stood there for a second thinking. Then in his hiding spot he drew his saber and jumped at the reploids hardly making a sound hitting them and knocking them out.He then looks at the weapons of the reploids. (shadow thinking): packing a lot of heat for just a maverick their after Shadow then absorbs one of the reploids voices and comm signal (shadow thinking): better make this quick i can hold this guy's voice for about thirty seconds so I have to make it quick Shadow w/ reploids voice talking on comm:Help. the maverick's at the south exit. Hurry i can't hold it for much longer Shadow then starts dashing toward the exit knowing that his trick will only hold them for a minute or two.
Shadow is pointing his gun at the reploid ???: okay okay i'll give you what you need just don't hurt me Shadow stops charging the gun Shadow: thats better. I need to know about a reploid named Warlock ???: the guy who ordered the class13 airstrike. what would i know about him? Shadow: seems you know enough. Where is he? ???:Last I heard he was kicked out of the maverick hunters Shadow: where is the maverick hunter building ???: north of here Shadow: thanks for your cooperation Shadow dashes with his g-wings and leaves silently heading for the maverick hunter headquarters ???: (talking on his comm) maverick hunter headquarters i think there is a maverick headed your way. Might wanna tighten security and patrol the place.It's a strong one
Shadow stood in the sewer. His mission to find warlock then he would be detailed what to do then.As he was walking ,His movements becoming ever silenter as the morph chip accomidating to his body to be stealthier because of the energy guns in the sewers to protect against who knows what. He had to beat the information where warlock was out of a reploid.Alone He kept running along till he heard something . He stood still until it started coming. ????: why did i have to come down here Shadow: who are you ???:who said that shadow reveals himself ???:who the hell are you Shadow: none of your business. why are you down here? That instance the reploid fired at shadow( the reploid didn't even know shadow's capabilties.) he dodged the blast and attacked the reploid with his shadow saber hardly making a sound.The reploid went down. Hard . ???: help this maniac is attacking me Shadow: why should they help. the cameras saw you attack me first shadow knew about the cameras becasue half of the cameras belonged to metacorp his founding company Shadow: I need information ???: why should i give you anything Shadow started charging his omega buster Shadow: because these sewers are a dangerous place and lots of bad things can happen and no one would notice ???: those cameras they see you Shadow: but no one will help you Shadow aims his omega buster at the reploids head
( this is megaman from megaman legends ) Megaman wakes up and wonders where he is Megaman: Roll, Roll ,UH roll Roll: Yes Megaman Megaman: where are we Roll : i don't know it doesn't show me this dig on the map Megaman: this place looks weird Roll : i know it kinda gives me this creepy feeling (Megaman and roll don't realize this but they are in Racoon City ) Megaman : where is the ship Roll: its over there by the hill Megaman : okay what are we supposed to do now Roll: why don't you go over to that place over there it looks like a dig site. we might get some parts today after all Megaman: okay spot for me Roll : also look for some town people Megaman: I'll be on the lookout ( Megaman walks into the house and smells something werid) Megaman: something isn't right about this place Suddenly a zombie attacks megaman he dodges and falls back Megaman: Roll this thing just attacked me and I don't know what it is Roll: give me a discription Megaman: you might not beleive it but you know that vidoegame you were playing Roll: resident evil what about it megaman Megaman: This is a zombie from the game ( the zombie swipes at megaman he dodges and fires with his buster at it) Megaman: how are you suppose to kill this thing Roll: aim for the head ( Megaman fires at the things head and it falls to the ground headless and unmoving) Megaman: OK roll i got it Roll: now megaman bring me back a piece of it and come back to the ship immediately Megaman: do i have to it is so nasty Roll: I'll make you a pizza if you do. And if this place is what i think it is it might help us out here Megaman: fine ( megaman cuts off a finger of the zombie and runs back to the ship)
I think I might be a little late but here is my character Name : shadow Type : reploid Gender: male Age : 1 year Shadow's armor is a mix of dark blue and black . He has a black ponytail coming out the end of his helmet. He has deep blue eyes and is tall. He tends to be a loner doing things his own way. Shadow was developed by the metacorp company a prototype of his kind. He has the abiltity to adapt physically to the need depending on the surroundings (allowed by the new morph chip installed in him). He was built to take out larger and more powerful mavericks/reploids . Not very much else is known about him .He is also the only reploid in existence so far using this new technology called the morph chip.Also is able to absorb enemy data and use it to a degree Weapons: Shadow sabre: An energy blade with power and speed and has the ability to adapt like shadow because of the morph chip inside him and his weapons Omega buster: highly capable energy buster that uses the morph chip in him that is both in shadow and his saber. It charges and has rapid fire capabilties G-Wings :long metal wings on shadows back that uses gravity energy to propel him short distances at high speeds(dashing) and it also allows limited flight and can be used as weapons because they are very sharp. Energy sheild: sheild made up of energy that shadow deploys and if arced right can turn long range fire back on the user. NON-LETHAL EQUIPMENT Morph chip: Updates shadow's body and equipment to the need of the situation. (becoming stealthier when needed ,faster when needed) Comm:comm device that can tap into and memorize other signals from his Current siganals memorized Meta corp advisors and officials Maverick hunter signals Shadow armor #34 Shadow's custom armor affited w/ a morph chip and is lightweight
i was wondering if I could be megaman from megaman legends since megamanX is from a different world.or if not i'd like to be vincent from FF7.
Name: Shadow Race: Reploid Side: Resistance Faction Bios: Shadow was developed by the MetaCorp Foundation in an effort to help stop future threats to NeoArcadia. Shadow was recintly found in stasis because they didn't have reason to activate him till now. he is a prototype of his kind. He is very adaptive to all situations slowly gaining upgrades powers and weapons fit to the situation he is in.Also able to absorb powers from defeated enemies to a degree Weapons: Shadow Saber( like shadow slowly adapts to the situation or need aka if in an area needed for stealth it slowly becomes quiter and darker but still just as deadly) Omega Buster: Buster gun that charges to extreme power Gravity wings: not originally meant for combat propels himself with gravity for limited flight and are extremely sharp able to do damage Energy sheild: sheild composed of energy if arced right can deflect long range attacks back to the shooter.